Another mechanism to manage flow-control is to increase the size of the In-Memory Buffers of topics and of subscribers with the Publisher slowdown algorithm option enabled. This will delay the initialization of publisher slowdown algorithm and increase the overall throughput. When the subscriber receives messages slowly, increasing the buffer size may lead to the Publisher slowdown algorithm not initializing. This depends on the rate at which the messages are being published on the server. This is configurable using BasicAllowedSize parameter through the Fiorano Admin Studio in offline mode. The default value of this variable is 128KB. The default value can be increased to a higher value depending on the scenario.
Following steps enable you to configure this parameter:
- OpenFiorano Admin Studio.
- Select Tools > Configure Profile from the menu bar. Select the FioranoMQ folder, and click the Open button. FioranoMQ is now in offline mode.
- Navigate to FioranoMQ -> Fiorano -> mq -> pubsub -> TopicSubSystem in the Profile Manager pane. The properties of the PubSub Manager are displayed in the Properties pane.
- Select the ellipsis against the parameter BasicAllowedSize. Type in the new value in the BasicAllowedSize dialog box and click OK.
- Right-click on FioranoMQ domain in the Profile Manager pane and select the Save option from the shortcut menu.