
Contains MBeans related to Dispatcher Server.

10.1 Operations of Dispatcher

(a) void addServerToCluster(String userName, String passwd, String ACF, String conns, int maxCon, String url, String backupUrl, String transportProtocol, String securityProtocol, String securityManager)
Description: adds the specified server to the cluster
Return Type: void

  • name="User name" type="String" description="Username of the server to be added"
  • name="Password" type="String" description="password for the user with UserName"
  • name="Admin Connection Factory" type="String" description="name of the Admin Connection Factory on the target server"
  • name="Connections" type="String" description="A comma separated list of protocols supported by this server"
  • name="Maximum Connections" type="int" description="Maximum connections allowed on the server"
  • name="URL" type="String" description=" Url of the target server"
  • name="Backup URL" type="String" description="backup url of the target server"
  • name="Transport Protocol" type="String" description="transport protocol of the target server "
  • name="Security Protocol" type="String" description="security protocol of the target server."
  • name="Security Manager" type="String" description="security manager used to connect to the target server"

(b) void addServerToCluster(ServerMetaData disServer, String loginName, String passwd, String adminConnectionFactory)
Description: adds the specified server to the cluster.
Return type: void

  • Name="ServerMetaData" type="" description= "Object containing metadata of the Target Server"
  • Name="User Name" type="String" description=" username of the server to be added"
  • Name="Password" type="String" description="password for the user"
  • Name="Admin Connection Factory" type="String" description="name of admin connection factory on the target server name"

(c) void removeServerFromCluster(URL server)
Description: removes the server corresponding to the Url from the Dispatcher cluster
Return type: void
Name="URL" type="String" description="URL of server you want to remove from the cluster"
(d) void makePrefferedServer(String url)
Description: sets the server corresponding to the Url as a preferred server of the cluster.
Return type: void
Name="URL" type="String" description="URL of server you want to make as preferred from the cluster"
(e) void makePrefferedServer(ServerMetaData disServer, String loginName, String passwd, String adminConnectionFactory)
Description: sets the server corresponding to the server meta data as a preferred server of the cluster.
Return type: void

  • Name="ServerMetaData" type="" description= "Object containing metadata of the Target Server"
  • Name="User Name" type="String" description=" username of the server to be added"
  • Name="Password" type="String" description="password for the user"
  • Name="Admin Connection Factory" type="String" description="name of admin connection factory on the target server name"

(f) Vector listAllServersInCluster()
Description: returns a vector of all the servers present in the Cluster.
Return type: Vector
Parameters: none
(g) Vector listActiveServersInCluster()
Description: returns a vector of all the active servers present in the Cluster.
Return type: void
Parameter: none
(h) Vector listActiveServersUrl()
Description: returns a vector of all the active server URLs present in the Cluster.
Return type: void
Name="URL" type="String" description="URL of server you want to remove from the cluster"
(info) void setMaximumClientConnections(String serverUrl, int count)
Description: sets the maximum client connections allowed for the server.
Return type: void

  • Name="URL" type="String" description="URL of server you want to set the maximum conenctions"
  • Name="count" type="int" description="Maximum Client Connections alowed"

(j) String findPreferredServer()
Description: "Gets the URL of preferred Server in the cluster"
Return type: String
Parameters: none

10.2 Attributes of Dispatcher Config

(e) Name
Description: Name of the Dispatcher Server.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: fioranoMQDisaptcher
(f) PingTimeoutAttribute
Description: Time Out after which the connection to the Server is pinged.
Type: Long
Access: RW
Default Value: 30000
(g) InitialTimeoutAttribute
Description: Initial TimeOut for connecting with a server in cluster
Type: Long
Access: RW
Default Value: 2000

10.3 Attributes of Server in Dispatcher Config

(a) LoginName
Description: login name for the Server.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: admin
(b) Password
Description: login password for the Server.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: passwd
(c) Name
Description: Name of the Server.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: Server_localhost_1956
(d) Admin ConnectionFactory
Description: Admin connection Factory on the Server that is to be used.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: primaryACF
(e) Maximum Connections
Description: Maximum client connections allowed to the Server.
Type: Integer
Access: RW
Default Value: 100
(f) URL
Description: URL of the Server
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: http://localhost:1856
(g) Backup URL
Description: backup URL for the Server.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: http://localhost:1956

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