  • Client level transactions do not span across servers in the Enterprise Server when running on the Shared mode. Transacted sessions involving Receivers are rolled back in the event that the Primary Server crashes. The messages delivered in that transaction are redelivered to the Receivers once connected to the Backup Server.
  • Distributed transactions that are in execution during the transition phase become in doubt transactions. These transactions are rolled back and can be recovered after the client connects to the Secondary Server.
  • JMS Topic Requestor cannot receive its intended reply if a failover occurs after a request is sent. This occurs because the JMS Topic Requestor creates a non-durable subscriber, which can miss a message during failover. However, if a topic requestor creates a durable subscriber to listen to replies, then it functions successfully even during a failover.
  • If both HA Servers (primary as well as backup) go down, the requestor receives a duplicate reply (with redelivered Flag = true) for the request made immediately after a failover.* Since each server has its own configuration, which includes independent Dispatcher cluster information, configuration of the dispatcher in HA is allowed only when all the member server information is provided in offline mode for each Dispatcher-enabled server in the HA pair. Since the information of member servers added to the cluster in online mode will be persisted only in the Active Server and will not be available to the Passive Server, no new nodes should be added to the cluster after the servers are started. Please note that the configuration changes are done in the Active Server and will not be replicated to the Stand-by Server, even in normal Replicated HA mode servers.
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