  1. Different kinds of logs related to the FioranoMQ Management Server and the FioranoMQ Messaging Server are:

Logs related to the FioranoMQ Management Server:

cluster.log: It is created in the dbPath of the FioranoMQ Management Server. All the logs for each operation on the Apache Directory Service are redirected to this log file.

profile-monitor.log: All the propagational changes on 'profile edit' are directed to this log.

Log related to the FioranoMQ Messaging Server:

dsbroker.log: Logs for DS related operations are directed to this log. This log is present in PROFILES_HOME.

2. If the apache directory services do not start along with the FioranoMQ Management Server then to debug:

All the error messages are redirected to cluster.log.

3. Different kind of exceptions in DS logs and their meaning:

Different kinds Exceptions in DS logs are:

    • "fiorano.jms.common.FioranoException: Error :: Profile is not found. :: Failed to find the profile"

Indicates that the Server is trying to fetch a non-existent profile.

    • " Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub"

Indicates a network problem or that the management Server is not running when a profile is requested.

    • "java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication Failed :: null"

Occurs when the wrong username/password combinations for a RMI connection to the management Server is provided.

    • "fiorano.jms.common.UnsuccessfulOperationException"

Indicates that some operation has failed.

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