
The parameters set for the destinations (Queues/Topics) in FioranoMQ can be configured in two ways:

  • Subsystem Level Configuration
  • Destination Level Configuration

By default, in any FioranoMQ profile, the parameters are fetched from the Subsystem level only. However, if some parameters are changed for a particular destination in the FioranoMQ profile at the destination level, then higher priority is given to this and this value is reflected on the destination instead of the value set at Subsystem level. To understand this clearly, please refer to the following example:

Consider the parameter InMemoryBufferSize that can be set for a Queue. The default value for this parameter is 1048576 and this parameter takes long values as input. If FioranoMQ Server is started with the default profile, then this default value gets assigned to all the queues.

If the value of this parameter is changed for the Queue PRIMARYQUEUE to, for example, 10485760, then the value of this parameter for this queue will be the changed value, but for all the other queues it will remain default value, 1048576.


Any change in the values for any parameters in the Subsystem level will be reflected in all destinations. The same rule follows in the case of Topics and Topic Subsystem as well.

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