  • DurableSubscriber creation is disabled on a Topic on which Last-value caching is enabled. This is to ensure that when the Subscriber is started, it will only get the latest snapshot from the Topic and any incoming updates to it from that time onwards.
  • Sometimes it might be necessary to compact the file storage used for the Topic's last-value cache because of its size. Generally, when the message is deleted from the FMQ database files, it is only marked as 'deleted' temporarily but it is actually removed from the hard storage when all the messages in the same file are marked as deleted. When the compaction is done, the file storage will only have the readily deliverable and will not have any messages that are already marked as deleted. For this, a JMX-based operation is provided on Topic Runtime Mbean, which can be invoked from Fiorano Studio or Web Management Console.
  • No changes are required for Subscriber applications to accommodate Last-value caching changes.
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