
In FioranoMQ Hierarchical Topics support, the user can create a subtopic in a hierarchy on a server that is running. For dynamic topic creation support, Events should be turned when the server is running.

15.5.1 Events to be turned on for dynamic topic creation support

If a topic is created on a running server instance and its name matches any subscription expressions (if they exist) then this topic becomes a member of the maintained hierarchy for subscription on Hierarchical topics.


  • Subscription expression: ABC.*
  • Topics existing on the system: ABC, ABC.1, ABC.2, ABC.1.1

A subscriber looks up a topic with the expression ABC.* and receives messages from matching topics. At runtime a new topic named 'ABC.3' (which does not exist in the created hierarchy) is created. This new topic becomes part of the hierarchy and published messages on ABC.3 are also received by the Subscriber created on ABC.*.

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