
To add the dispatcher component to a profile follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to FioranoMQ > Fiorano > Dispatcher and right-click on it. From the drop-down, select Add. Select either the preferred server tab or the server tab. Selecting the preferred server tab creates an entry under Dispatcher for the preferred server in the dispatcher cluster. Selecting the server tab creates an entry under Dispatcher for another server in the dispatcher cluster. Multiple servers may be configured by adding them to the dispatcher cluster.
  2. Navigate to FioranoMQ > Fiorano > Dispatcher > Server, and fill in the appropriate details for that particular server. Follow the same procedure to configure all the servers (including the preferred server) in the dispatcher cluster.

The specific details of a particular server are as follows:




Represents the name of the Server


Specifies the backup url in case the Server given in Url parameter is down.


Represents the login name used by the dispatcher to connect to the Member MQ server. The login should have admin privileges.


Represents the password used by the dispatcher to connect to the Member MQ server.


Specifies the Admin Connection Factory used by the dispatcher to connect to the Member MQ server.


Specifies the weight associated with a member server of a cluster. A member server with MaxClientConnections set to 2 allows twice the number of connections that can be created by member server with weight of '1'.


Specifies the URL of the server in the cluster (Format: http://hostname:port).

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