
The Fiorano DB Migration Tool is used to migrate the database of FioranoMQ Server file from an older version to the newer version.


The typical structure of the FioranoMQ database is explained in the Working with the DB Recovery Tool section. Please refer to it to understand the structure.

Following are the steps to use the DB Migration tool:


FioranoMQ needs to be shut down in order to use the migration tool.

Open the Migration script file

To use the DB Migration tool, go to:





List of Files

Following are the files present in the Migration folder:

  • migrate.bat ( for Unix):
    This script is used for migrating from older versions such as FioranoMQ2007,etc. to FioranoMQ11XX.
    This file has the script to convert the database of an older version e.g.FioranoMQ2007 installation into a FioranoMQ11XX compatible format. The input parameters that are required by this script file are the build no of the older version e.g. FioranoMQ2007 installation, the install path of the older version e.g. FioranoMQ2007, the profile name and the location of its database. 


    After converting from DB prior to FMQ2008(Build:4507) e.g., FioranoMQ2007SP3 to the latest version, the SDB will be changed in such a way that password of all the users will be reset to "passwd". So the user has to manually change the password through WMT console before starting the application.

  • README.txt
    This file has the steps to migrate from the older version (similar to what we have in this section)

Set the required input parameters

Input parameters need to be provided in the bat file; parameters that are used to run the 'migrate.bat' (or '') script file are listed below.


Avoid giving space between '=' and the values assigned. Do not end the path with '\' slash ('/' for Unix).


This denotes the build number of the OLD_DB_PATH installation from which migration is taking place.


This denotes the home directory of the FIORANOMQ2007(older) installation.


Windows: If the directory structure is C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoMQ2007SP2, then the home directory is entered as:


Without the slash at the end and make sure the file path does not contain any whitespace.
If whitespace exists, that must be truncated appropriately, for example, Program Files becomes Progra~1

Linux: If the directory structure is /home/Fiorano/FioranoMQ2007SP2/fmq/bin, then the home directory is entered as:


Without the '/' slash at the end

This denotes the profile whose DB is being migrated from FioranoMQ2007 to FioranoMQ11.
This denotes the location of the old database.


Windows: If the database is located at C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoMQ2007SP2\fmq\profiles\FioranoMQ\run, then enter the following value


Without the slash at the end and make sure the file path does not contain any whitespace.
If whitespace exists, that must be truncated appropriately, for example, Program Files becomes Progra~1

Linux: If the database is located at /home/Fiorano/FioranoMQ2007SP2/fmq/profile/FioranoMQ/run, then enter the following value:


Without the '/' slash at the end

This denotes the home directory of the new installation.


Windows: If the database is located at C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoMQ11, then the home directory is entered as:


Without the slash at the end and make sure the file path does not contain any whitespace.
If whitespace exists, that must be truncated appropriately, for example, Program Files becomes Progra~1

Linux: If the database is located at /home/Fiorano/FioranoMQ11/fmq/bin, then the home directory is entered as:


Without the '/' slash at the end

Execute the Migration Script

After initializing the listed values in the migrate.bat file, run the migration script using the command:


Use the new database

Identifying the new DB

Upon running the script, the new database will be created at %NEW_FIORANO_HOME%\fmq\profiles\%PROFILE%\ with the name "new_run".


If the NEW_FIORANO_HOME is C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoMQ11XX and the PROFILE is FioranoMQ, then the new database would be available in the new_run folder at C:\Program Files\Fiorano\FioranoMQ11XX\fmq\profiles\FioranoMQ.


If the NEW_FIORANO_HOME is /home/Fiorano/FioranoMQ11XX and the PROFILE is FioranoMQ, then the new database would be available in the new_run folder at /home/Fiorano/FioranoMQ11XX/fmq/profiles/FioranoMQ/new_run.

Running the Server

To use the new DB, perform one of the following actions while running the server:

    1. Use the new_run DB with the -dbPath argument while starting the server
    2. Rename the DB to "run" to start the server without the -dbPath argument
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