
Snooper is a FioranoMQ feature that allows an application or an individual to view incoming messages. This feature is to facilitate debugging of JMS applications.

Snooper functionality can be used through Fiorano eStudio (Customized GUI tool). This tool allows the administrator to enable/disable the snooping function and can also show the contents of a "snooped" message in a tabular manner in the GUI. A console-based application can also be written in order to snoop messages. This application can receive the published messages as well as inspect them.

Points to Remember


Important points that a user should remember:

  • "Snooped" messages are a copy of original messages. Making changes in snooped messages would not affect the actual message.
  • "Snooped" messages are always delivered as "Non Persistent" even if the original incoming message was persistent.
  • Snooping on system topics is not permitted.
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