
Contains MBeans related to security namely Principal Manager, ACL Manager and Realm manager MBeans.


Attributes of FileDBManager,Name=FileDBManager2,type=config

(a) Path
Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW

(b) DeletedThresholdPercent
Description:Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

(c) DeletedThresholdCount
Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

(d) DbTableNamePrefix
Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: #

Attributes of NativeFilePrincipalManager,Impl=FILE,Name=NativeFilePrincipalManager,type=config

(a) MaxPasswdLength
Description: Maximum allowable password length.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

(b) MaxMemberCount
Description: Maximum number of members a principal/Group can have starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

(c) PasswordExpiryDuration
Description: Returns the duration in milliseconds after which a user's password will expire. -1 indicates that a password will never expire.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: -1

(d) PasswordHistoryCheckEnabled
Description: boolean indicating if the change password operation should check if the new password is the same as one of the three previously used passwords.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false


Attributes of FileDBManager,Name=FileDBManager3,type=config

(a) Path
Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: SDB/REALM.ACL

(b) DeletedThresholdPercent
Description: Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

(c) DeletedThresholdCount
Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

(d) DbTableNamePrefix
Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: #

Attributes of NativeFileBasedAclManager,Impl=FILE,Name=NativeFileBasedAclManager,type=config

(a) MaxAcePerAcl
Description: Maximum number of Access control entries per ACL.
Type: int
Access: RO
Default Value: 100


Operations of SecuritySubSystem,Name=SecuritySubSystem

(a) boolean setACL(String context, String aclName, String permName)
Description: Set the ACL to the required Context (principal)
Return Type: boolean (indicating whether the operation was successful)

  • name="context" type="String" description="principal name for which permissions are changed"
  • name="aclName" type="String" description="aclName for which permissions are changed"
  • name="permName" type="String" description="permission name"

Valid Values for "permName" are:

(b) Principal findDefaultAclOwner()
Description: Gets the default ACL owner
Return Type:

(c) Principal findUser(String name)
Description: Gets User with the specified Name
Return Type:

  • name="name" type="String"

(d) boolean authunticateUser(String username, String passwd)
Description: authenticates given user
Return Type: boolean

  • name="UserName" type="String"
  • name="Password" type="String"

(e) Principal createUser(String userName, String password)
Description: Creates User
Return Type:

  • name="UserName" type="String"
  • name="Password" type="String"

(f) Principal createUser(String userName, String password, boolean encrypt)
Description: Creates User
Return Type:

  • name="UserName" type="String"
  • name="Password" type="String"
  • name="encrypt" type="boolean" description="Use Password encryption"

(g) Group createGroup(String grpName)
Description: Creates Group
Return Type:

  • name="grpName" type="String" description="Group Name"

(h) boolean deleteUser(String userName)
Description: Deletes User.
Return Type: boolean (indicating whether the operation was successful)

  • name="UserName" type="String" description="User Name"

(i) boolean deleteGroup(String grpName)
Description: Deletes Group
Return Type: boolean (indicating whether the operation was successful)

  • name="grpName" type="String" description="Group Name"

(j) boolean addMember(String grpName, String userName)
Description: Adds user to given group
Return Type: boolean

  • name="grpName" type="String" description="Group Name"
  • name="userName" type="String" description="User Name"

(k) Hashtable listMembers(String grpName)
Description: List members present in given group
Return Type: java.util.Hashtable (Contains String representation of all groups and users who are the members of this group)

  • name="grpName" type="String" description="Group Name"

(l) Hashtable listAllGroups()
Description: List all groups
Return Type: java.util.Hashtable (Contains String representation of all groups)

(m) Hashtable listAllUsers()
Description: List all Users
Return Type: java.util.Hashtable (Contains String representation of all users)

(n) Enumeration getUserNames()
Description: Get the Enumeration of UserNames
Return Type: Enumeration
Parameters: None

(o) Enumeration getGroupNames ()
Description: Get the Enumeration of GroupNames
Return Type: Enumeration
Parameters: None

(p) boolean changePasswd(String usrName, String oldPasswd, String newPasswd)
Description: Change the password of a user
Return Type: boolean

  • name="UserName" type="String"
  • name="oldPassword" type="String"
  • name="newPassword" type="String"
  • name="Encrypt" type="boolean" description="Whether to encrypt password"

(q) getLockedOutUserNames ()
Description: gets the locked out usernames
Return Type: java.util.List
Parameters: None

(r) isUserLocked ()
Description: specifies if the given username is locked out or not
Return Type: boolean (indicating if the given username is locked out or not)
Parameters: name="username" type="java.lang.String" description="UserName"

Attributes of SecuritySubSystem (Config)

(a) EnableUserLockout
Description: Returns whether user lockout for failed login is enabled
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

(b) NumberOfFailedLoginAllowed
Description: Returns the number of failed login attempts allowed for users.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 5

(c) UserBlockingTime
Description: Returns time in millis for account block duration
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 86400000

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