
This chapter explains the configurable parameters related to the FioranoMQ Security module (Principal and ACL Managers) in the server. These parameters can be configured in the default profile at the node FioranoMQ->Fiorano->security->AclManager->* and FioranoMQ->Fiorano->security->PrincipalManager->* through Offline configuration using eStudio.

For information on how to configure the FioranoMQ Server in Offline mode, refer to the Offline Profile Management section and for information on FioranoMQ Security, refer to the Security section. 


Presented below are the details of the parameters in FioranoMQ->Fiorano->Security->SecuritySubSystem


Specifies whether to use externally plugged authentication modules when authenticating a user.

Default value:            false

Valid values: true, false


Specifies the JAAS configuration name for loading externally plugged authentication modules to be used for authenticating a user. As a login configuration file may contain many configurations that can be used by different applications, this parameter is used for loading the specific configuration to be used by this FioranoMQ server.

Default value: SampleAuthenticator

Valid values: A valid configuration name present in the configuration file.


Specifies the JAAS configuration file name which has the necessary information about the LoginModule(s) for loading externally plugged authentication modules to be used for authenticating a user. This file should follow the syntax and semantics of JAAS Login Configuration File.

Default value: ../Utilities/ExternalAuthnModule/src/sample_authn.config

Valid values: Any valid file location


Presented below are the details of the parameters in FioranoMQ->Fiorano->Security->AclManager->NativeFileBasedAclManager.


The MaxAcePerAcl parameter provides the ability to limit the maximum number of access control entries for each ACL.

Valid value:

Any string

The default value of this parameter is integer greater than 0.


Following are the parameters present in FioranoMQ->Fiorano->Security->AclManager ->LdapBasedAclManager.


This parameter denotes the LDAP Server's URL. For correct URL format, please refer to your LDAP Server's documentation. This value along with LdapProviderDn, later on while initializing the LDAP context, is passed in the environment with key as ‘java.naming.provider.url’.

Valid value: The value of the property should contain a URL string (e.g. "ldap://somehost:389").

Default value is ldap://


This parameter points to the base domain on LDAP Server, under which FMQ would create its repository. This value along with LdapProviderUrl, later on while initializing the LDAP context, is passed in the environment with key as ‘java.naming.provider.url’.

Valid value: The value should be a distinguished name of an LDAP entry which uniquely identifies the entry.

Default value is “o=fiorano,c=us”.


This parameter takes input the LDAP User Name. This is the user name which would be used to connect to the LDAP Server. This is provided as “” (caller authentication to LDAP service is done using this) when creating the to the LDAP provider for performing operations on it. This is LDAP-provider specific.

Valid value: This parameter takes any valid user name in String representation.

Default value is “cn=FMQRoot,o=fiorano,c=US”.


This parameter takes input the LDAP Server Login Password. This is provided as “” (caller authentication to LDAP service is done using this) when creating the to the LDAP provider for performing operations on it.

Valid value: This parameter takes any valid password in String representation.

Default value is “secret”.


This parameter takes input the class name for LDAP Server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context. This is provided as “java.naming.factory.initial” when creating the to the LDAP provider for performing operations on it.

Valid value: The value of the property should be the fully qualified class name of the factory class that will create an initial context.

Default value is “com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory”.


This parameter points to the location at which ACLs would be stored. This parameter takes a String value which denotes the name of the tree-node under which different ACLs are to be created.

Valid value: The value should be a relative distinguished name of an LDAP entry under the main entry (provided in LdapProviderDn) which uniquely identifies the entry.

Default value is “cn=ACL”.


The parameter value provided with LdapSecurityAuthentication is supplied as “” in the environment while creating the InitialDirContext to the LDAP provider. Possible values are none, simple, strong. “none” for no authentication, “simple” for clear-text username-password authentication and “strong” for user-binding using strong authentication mechanisms via SASL.

Valid value: This parameter takes input "none" or "simple" or "strong".

Default value is “simple”.


This parameter denotes the interval (in milliseconds) after which the LDAP Server Connection is polled. Negative Value disables polling.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any integral value.

Default value is “-1”.


This parameter denotes the number of reconnect attempts LDAP primary server makes in case the LDAP server connection polling is unsuccessful.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any integral value.

Default value is “5”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP server provider URL, which is tried when the primary LDAP Server becomes unavailable. See LdapProviderUrl.

Valid value: See LdapProviderUrl.

Default value is “”.


This parameter points to the base domain on Backup LDAP Server, under which FMQ would create its repository. See LdapProviderDn.

Valid value: See LdapProviderDn.

Default value is “”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP Server's user name. This is the user name which would be used to connect to the Backup LDAP Server. See Principal.

Valid value: See Principal.

Default value is “cn=FMQRoot,o=fiorano,c=US”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP Server's login password. See Credentials.

Valid value: See Credentials.

Default value is “secret”.


This parameter denotes the class name for LDAP Server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context. See LdapInitialCtxFactory.

Valid value: See LdapInitialCtxFactory.

Default value is “”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP server’s security authentication protocol. See LdapSecurityAuthentication.

Valid value: See LdapSecurityAuthentication.

Default value is “none”.


Comma separated object class names for an ACL entry in the LDAP provider. For storing ACL’s in an LDAP provider, the LDAP-provider should be made configurable to store the java objects as per RFC 2713 Schema for representing Java objects in LDAP.

Valid value: Comma-separated strings which denote object class names of an LDAP-provider.

Default value is “top,javaContainer,javaObject”.


Following are the parameters present in Fiorano->security->AclManager->XMLFileBasedAclManager


String value of path where the XML file containing the persisted ACLs is created

Default Value:  realm/acl


Name of the file in String format that stores the persisted ACL information

Default Value: acl.xml - The default xml filename


Number of Maximum Access control entries per ACL in integer format

Valid values: Integer greater than zero

Default value: 100


Following are the parameters present in Fiorano->security->AclManager->RdbmsBasedAclManager


Number of Maximum Access control entries per ACL in integer format

Valid value : Integer greater than zero

Default value: 100


URL for RDBMS Server in String format

Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL for oracle server


String value of password for RDBMS User - Used for connecting to the RDBMS Server


String value of database User Name - Used for connecting to the RDBMS Server.

Default Value: sa


JdbcDriver used for RDBMS based data storage in String format

Default Value: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver - The default database driver class name


Integer value of database connection open timeout

Default Value: 10000 - The time in milliseconds for connection timeout

Valid Value: Non negative Integer with value zero representing wait forever


Integer value of time interval (in msec) between two reconnect attempts in disconnected state.

Default Value: 10000 – The time in milliseconds taken by Acl Manager between reconnect attempts

Valid Value: Non negative Integer


Boolean value that specifies if Acl Manager has to try to reconnect to database server in case of a connection breakup

Valid Values:

  • True - Enables reconnect attempts to database server when the connection is down.
  • False - Disables reconnect attempts to database server when the connection is down.

Default Value: True - Enables reconnect attempts to database server when the connection is down.


String that represents name of the properties file that is used to define name-value properties specific to a particular database.

Default Value: - The default properties used which is located at %FIORANO_HOME%/fmq/profiles/%YOUR_PROFILE%/conf


String representing error message to be posted in case of lost connection

Allows the user to set the custom messages to be displayed when connection to the RDBMS server is lost

Default Value: DB_CONNECTION_LOST - The default connection lost message.


Boolean value to enable/disable initialization of the underlying Database by creating necessary tables on startup if required

Valid values:

•   True- Enables initializing the DB

•   False - Disables initializing the DB

Default Value: True - Enables initializing the DB.


Presented below are the details of all the parameters in FioranoMQ->Fiorano->Security->AclManager->FileDBManager->FileDBManager3.


The security configuration, the ACL, is stored in the file based data storage in the path specified by the Path parameter.

Valid values:

The default values are SDB/REALM.ACL

The path specified is relative to the run directory of each FioranoMQ profile.


A cache stores and manages the list of all the tables pertaining to group based information in the file-storage based ACL. After repeated modification of the ACL, old entries in the table are marked as deleted. This value provides a threshold percentage of deleted entries after which the Cache Compaction Process is started. At the end of the Cache Compaction Process the table will not have any deleted entries. Since cache compaction involves CPU intensive File Operations, this flag is to be used along with DeletedThresholdCount to ensure it is not invoked too often.

Valid values:

The default value of this parameter is 50. This indicates that if the ratio of deleted entries to total entries is equal to or greater than 0.5 then the Cache Compaction Process will be invoked.

The range of integer values in java that are considered valid by the DeletedThresholdPercent parameter are -2^32 to 2^32 -1.

All values less than or equal to zero provide the same result. All values greater than or equal to 100 provide the same result.


Use the example of the ratio of deleted entries/total entries in the table. If there a chance that many entries will be marked deleted often, a higher number should be entered as the parameter value.


A cache stores and manages the list of all tables pertaining to group based information in the file-storage based ACL. After repeated modification of the ACL, old entries in the table are marked as deleted. This value provides a threshold count of deleted Entries for starting the Cache Compaction Process. At the end of the Cache CompactionProcess the table will not have any deleted entries. Since cache compaction involves CPU intensive File Operations, this flag is to be used along with DeletedThresholdPercent to ensure it is not invoked too often.

Valid values:

The default value of this parameter is 10.

The range of integer values in java that are considered valid by the DeletedThresholdCount parameter are -2^32 to 2^32 -1.

All values less than or equal to zero provide the same result.


Although the DeleteThresholdPercent provides a ratio based method of ensuring that the Cache Compaction Process does not occur too often, it does not provide an absolute lower limit of the number of deleted entries needed to trigger a Cache Compaction. It is best to choose a value that is high so as to enable triggering a Cache Compaction.


The database table names are usually prefixed with a string that can be modified by the DbTableNamePrefix parameter.

Valid value:

The default value of the DbTableNamePrefix is #

Any String value is a valid parameter.


If  the database table is to be saved in its current state and the the current state is to be saved to be used in the future, modify the prefix to another relevant string and change it back to the original string when the saved state of the database table is to be used.


Presented below are the details of the parameters in FioranoMQ->Fiorano->Security->PrincipalManager->NativeFilePrincipalManager.


Each principal is allotted a password and the MaxPasswordLength parameter enables the  configuration of the maximum allowable password length.

Valid value:

The default value of the MaxWordLength is 50.

The range of integer values in java that are considered valid by the MaxPasswordLength parameter are -2^32 to 2^32 -1.

All values less than or equal to zero provide the same result.


The MaxMemberCOunt parameter defines the maximum number of members a group may have.

Valid value:

The default value of this parameter is 50.

The range of integer values in java that are considered valid by the MaxMemberCount parameter are -2^32 to 2^32 -1.

All values less than or equal to zero provide the same result.


Following are the parameters present under the FioranoMQ->Fiorano->Security->PrincipalManager->LdapPrincipalManager.


This parameter denotes the LDAP Server's URL. For correct URL format, please refer to your LDAP Server's documentation. This value along with LdapProviderDn, later on while initializing the LDAP context, is passed in the environment with key as ‘java.naming.provider.url’.

Valid value: The value of the property should contain a URL string (e.g. "ldap://somehost:389").

Default value is ldap://


This parameter points to the base domain on LDAP Server, under which FMQ would create its repository of users and groups. This value along with LdapProviderUrl, later on while initializing the LDAP context, is passed in the environment with key as ‘java.naming.provider.url’.

Valid value: The value should be a distinguished name of an LDAP entry which uniquely identifies the entry.

Default value is “o=fiorano,c=us”.


This parameter takes input the LDAP User Name. This is the user name which would be used to connect to the LDAP Server. This is provided as “” (caller authentication to LDAP service is done using this) when creating the to the LDAP provider for performing operations on it. This is LDAP-provider specific.

Valid value: This parameter takes any valid user name in String representation.

Default value is “cn=FMQRoot,o=fiorano,c=US”.


This parameter takes input the LDAP Server Login Password. This is provided as “” (caller authentication to LDAP service is done using this) when creating the to the LDAP provider for performing operations on it.

Valid value: This parameter takes any valid password in String representation.

Default value is “secret”.


This parameter takes input the class name for LDAP Server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context. This is provided as “java.naming.factory.initial” when creating the to the LDAP provider for performing operations on it.

Valid value: The value of the property should be the fully qualified class name of the factory class that will create an initial context.

Default value is “com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory”.


The parameter value provided with LdapSecurityAuthentication is supplied as “” in the environment while creating the InitialDirContext to the LDAP provider. Possible values are none, simple, strong. “none” for no authentication, “simple” for clear-text username-password authentication and “strong” for user-binding using strong authentication mechanisms via SASL.

Valid value: This parameter takes input "none" or "simple" or "strong".

Default value is “simple”.


This parameter denotes the interval (in milliseconds) after which the LDAP Server Connection is polled. Negative Value disables polling.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any integral value.

Default value is “-1”.


This parameter denotes the number of reconnect attempts LDAP primary server makes in case the LDAP server connection polling is unsuccessful.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any integral value.

Default value is “5”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP server provider URL, which is tried when the primary LDAP Server becomes unavailable. See LdapProviderUrl.

Valid value: See LdapProviderUrl.

Default value is “”.


This parameter points to the base domain on Backup LDAP Server, under which FMQ would create its repository. See LdapProviderDn.

Valid value: See LdapProviderDn.

Default value is “”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP Server's user name. This is the user name which would be used to connect to the Backup LDAP Server. See Principal.

Valid value: See Principal.

Default value is “cn=FMQRoot,o=fiorano,c=US”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP Server's login password. See Credentials.

Valid value: See Credentials.

Default value is “secret”.


This parameter denotes the class name for LDAP Server's Initial Context Factory to be supplied to Initial Context. See LdapInitialCtxFactory.

Valid value: See LdapInitialCtxFactory.

Default value is “”.


This parameter denotes the backup LDAP server’s security authentication protocol. See LdapSecurityAuthentication.

Valid value: See LdapSecurityAuthentication.

Default value is “simple”.



UserClassInetOrgPerson store the four object classes used to assign various attributes to any user information stored in an LDAP-provider. These objectClasses are used to assign almost any attributes of the user and are defined by default in the schema of the LDAP-provider. Please note that - When creating a new LDAP entry, you must always specify all of the object classes to which the new entry belongs. Because many directories do not support object class subclassing, you also should always include all of the superclasses of the entry. For example, for an "organizationalPerson" object, you should list in its object classes the "organizationalPerson", "person", and "top" classes.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any valid object class name.

Default value is “top”.


See LdapUserClassTop.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any valid object class name.

Default value is “Person”.


See LdapUserClassTop.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any valid object class name.

Default value is “OrganizationalPerson”.


See LdapUserClassTop.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any valid object class name.

Default value is “inetOrgPerson”.


LdapGroupClassTop and LdapGroupClassUniqueNames store the two object classes used to assign various attributes to a Group that are defined in the schema of the LDAP-provider. When creating a new LDAP entry, you must always specify all of the object classes to which the new entry belongs. Because many directories do not support object class subclassing, you also should always include all of the superclasses of the entry. For example, for an "organizationalPerson" object, you should list in its object classes the "organizationalPerson", "person", and "top" classes.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any valid object class name.

Default value is “top”.


See LdapGroupClassTop.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any valid object class name.

Default value is “groupofuniquenames”.


This value is used to initialize the attribute “uniquemember”, of a Group entry, which is used when adding new users to the Group or querying for the members of a group. Suppose it can take the value : cn=something,o=fiorano,c=us. Generally, we assign the value of “LdapProviderDn” which is o=fiorano,c=us by default, for this.

Valid value: LdapGroupClassUniqueMember can take any valid value which can be given as a proper Relative Distinguished Name (RDN).

Default value is “o=fiorano,c=US”.


The value of this field can be the common name of an LDAP user (cn), but usually it is an abbreviated string, such as User ID (uid) since we are storing the unique user-identities in LDAP-provider. In that case, the full Distinguished name (DN) for an entry in LDAP structure will be uid=admin,cn=FioranoMQUsers,o=fiorano,c=US.

Valid value: This parameter takes input provider specific valid common name.

Default value is “uid”.


Attribute ID for the password attribute for the FioranoMQ user stored as a LDAP named object.

Valid value: This parameter takes input provider specific valid common name.

Default value is “userpassword”.


Attribute ID for the group name attribute for the FioranoMQ group stored as a LDAP named object.

Valid value: This parameter takes input provider specific valid common name.

Default value is “cn”.


Attribute ID for the user name attribute stored in a group which is stored as a LDAP named object.

Valid value: This parameter takes input provider specific valid common name.

Default value is “uniquemember”.


Relative distinguished name of an LDAP entry, under the entry specified by the parameter ‘LdapProviderDn’, under which the FioranoMQ users’ information is stored.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any RDN of an existing LDAP entry under LdapProviderDn.

Default value is “cn=FioranoMQUsers”.


Relative distinguished name of an LDAP entry, under the entry specified by the parameter ‘LdapProviderDn’, under which the FioranoMQ groups’ information is stored.

Valid value: This parameter takes input any RDN of an existing LDAP entry under LdapProviderDn.

Default value is “cn=FioranoMQGroups”.


Following are the parameters present in Fiorano->security->PrincipalManager->XMLFilePrincipalManager


String representing directory path where user information will be stored in XML format.

Default Value:  realm/principal


XML File name that contains user information in String format

Default Value: user.xml - The default xml filename


XML File name that contains Group information in String format

Default Value: group.xml – The default xml file name


Following are the parameters present in Fiorano->security->PrincipalManager->PrincipalManager.RDBMS


String representing database URL where user/group information will be store.

Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL for oracle server


Password for RDBMS User in String format- Used for connecting to the RDBMS Server


Database User Name in String format- Used for connecting to the RDBMS Server.

Default Value: sa


String value of JdbcDriver used for RDBMS based datastorage.

Default Value: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver - The default database driver class name


Integer representing database connection open timeout

Default Value: 10000 - The time in milliseconds for connection timeout

Valid Value: Non negative Integer with value zero representing wait forever


Integer representing Time interval (in msec) between two reconnect attempts in disconnected state.

Default Value: 10000 – The time in milliseconds taken by Principal Manager between reconnect attempts

Valid Value: Non negative Integer


Boolean value which specifies if Principal Manager has to try to reconnect to database server in case of a connection breakup

Valid Values:

•   True - Enables reconnect attempts to database server when the connection is down.

•   False - Disables reconnect attempts to database server when the connection is down.

Default Value: True - Enables reconnect attempts to database server when the connection is down.


String representing Sql statement file which contains the SQLs used by PrincipalManager for Database operations.

Default Value: - The default properties used which is located at %FIORANO_HOME%/fmq/profiles/%YOUR_PROFILE%/conf


String representing Error message to be posted in case of lost connection

Allows the user to set the custom messages to be displayed when connection to the RDBMS server is lost

Default Value: DB_CONNECTION_LOST - The default connection lost message.


Boolean value to enable/disable the initialization of the underlying Database by creating necessary tables on startup if required

Valid values:

•   True- Enables initializing the DB

•   False - Disables initializing the DB

Default Value: True - Enables initializing the DB.


Presented below are the details of the parameters in FioranoMQ->Fiorano->Security->PrincipalManager->FileDBManager->FileDBManager2.


The security configuration for the principal is stored in the file based data storage specified by the Path parameter.

Valid value:

The default value of the Path parameter is SDB/REALM.PRINCIPAL

The path specified is relative to the run directory of each FioranoMQ profile.


A cache stores and manages the list of all tables pertaining to principal as well as all related information in the file-storage table. After repeated modification of the table, old entries in the table are marked as deleted. This value provides a threshold percentage of deleted entries after which the Cache Compaction Process is invoked. At the end of the Cache Compact Process the table will not have any deleted entries. Since cache compaction involves CPU intensive File Operations, this flag is to be used along with DeletedThresholdCount to ensure it is not invoked too often.

Valid value:

The default value of the DeletedThresholdPercent is 50.  This indicates that if the ratio of deleted entries to total entries is equal to or greater than 0.5 the Cache compaction process is invoked.


  • The range of integer values in java considered valid by the DeletedThresholdPercentage value are -2^32 to 2^32 -1.
  • All values less than or equal to zero provide the same result.
  • All values greater than or equal to 100 provide the same result.


Use an example ratio of deleted entries/total entries in the table. If there is good chance that many entries will be marked as deleted then it is best to choose a higher number.


A cache stores and manages the list of all tables pertaining to the principal as well as all related information in the file-storage table. After repeated modification of the table, old entries in the table are marked as deleted. This value provides a threshold count of deleted entries for starting the Cache Compaction Process. At the end of the Cache Compact Process the table will not have any deleted entries. Since cache compaction involves CPU intensive File Operations, this flag is to be used along with DeletedThresholdPercent to ensure it is not invoked too often.

Valid value:

The default value of the DeletedThresholdCount is 10.

The range of integer values considered valid for the DeletedThresholdCount parameter in java are -2^32 to 2^32 -1.

All values less than or equal to zero provide the same result.


Although the DeleteThresholdPercent provides a ratio based method of ensuring that the Cache Compaction Process does not occur too often, it does not provide an absolute lower limit of the number of deleted entries needed to trigger a Cache Compaction. A value high enough to trigger a Cache Compaction should be chosen.


The database table names prefixed with a string can be modified by the DbTableNamePrefic parameter.

Valid value:

The default value of the DbTableNamePrefix is #.

Any String value is a valid parameter.


If  the database table is to be saved in its current state and the the current state is to be saved to be used in the future, modify the prefix to another relevant string and change it back to the original string when the saved state of the database table is to be used.


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