
Contains MBeans related messaging Sub System which includes PubSub Sub System, Topics, Ptp Sub System, Queues & Connection Consumers.


Attributes of FileDBManager, Name=FileDBManager5,type=config

Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: CONN_CONSUMER

Description: Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: #


Attributes of PubSub-Databases (FileDBManager4),Name=FileDBManager4,type=config

Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: PUBSUB

Description: Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: #

Attributes of PubSub-Databases (FileDBManager7),Name=FileDBManager7,type=config

Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: PSQ

Description: Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: #

Attributes of PubSub-Databases (FileDBManager8),Name=FileDBManager8,type=config

Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: LVC/Topics

Description: Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: #

Attributes of PubSub-Databases (FileDBManager9),Name=FileDBManager9,type=config

Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: LVC/Subscribers

Description: Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: #

Attributes of PubSub-Databases (TgmsManager),Name=TgmsManager

Description: Specifies the current message buffer size in bytes
Type: int
Access: RO
Default Value: 0,Name=TgmsManager,type=config

Description: Specifies maximum buffer size for in memory message caching
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 524288

Attributes of PubSub – Topics,Name="PRIMARYTOPIC"


It's a runtime MBean. Other Topic runtime MBeans could be accessed by assigning corresponding topic-name to the property "name" of ObjectName.

Declaring the ObjectNames by setting Topic values to a variable


Description: Number of active consumers on this destination
Type: int
Access: RO

Description: Number of active producers on this destination
Type: int
Access: RO

Description: Number of passive durable consumers on this destination
Type: int
Access: RO

Operations of PubSub - Topics

Declaring the ObjectNames by setting Topic values to a variable:


  • getNumberOfMessagesInBound
  • getRateOfMessagesInBound

To perform the above operations when the MessageMonitoring is enabled. Follow the following steps:

  1. Set the enableMessageMonitoring flag to 'true'.
  2. Set the filepath of the SubSystem to 'null'.


  • compactLastValueCacheStore
  • resetLastValueCache

To perform the above operations, the LastValueCache is to be set to 'true'. Set the EnableLastValueCache attribute to 'true' to perform the operation.

boolean isSnooperEnabled()
Description: Finds whether Snooper is enabled for this Topic
Return Type: boolean

Vector listDurableSubscribers()
Description: Gets durable subscriber for this topic
Return Type: java.util.Vector
Each element contains single string of format "ClientId=<CLIENT ID>, SubscriberId=<SUBSCRIBER ID>".
For example, if CLIENT ID is "DS_CLI1" & SUBSCRIBER ID is "DS_1" then the corresponding String would be "ClientId=DS_CLI1,SubscriberId=DS_1".

void enableSnooper(String enableSnooper)
Description: possible values are TRUE,FALSE,DEFAULT
Parameters: name="enableSnooper" type="String"

Vector listNonDurableSubscribers()
Description: Gets all non-durable subscribers for this Topic
Return Type: java.util.Vector
Each element contains single string of format "SubscriberId=<FIORANO_CONSUMERID>, ConnectionClientId=<CONNECTION_CLIENT_ID>, ConnectionHashCode=<CONNECTION_HASH_CODE>".

String getNumberOfMessagesInBound()
Description: Returns the number of messages pushed in the topic. Applies only when 'EnableMessageMonitoring' is set to true in the Topic Subsystem.
Return Type: java.lang.String

String getRateOfMessagesInBound()
Description: Returns the rate at which messages are pushed in the topic. Applies only when 'EnableMessageMonitoring' is set to true in the Topic Subsystem.
Return Type: java.lang.String

ArrayList getMessageMonitoringData()
Description: Returns the MessageMonitoring Data in tabular format
Return Type: java.util.ArrayList.
Structure of the elements of array list is: Time,IncomingMsgs(Value-firstValue),RateOfIncomingMsgs (Value-firstValue)

Vector listSubscribers()
Description: Gets all Subscribers for this Topic.
Return Type: java.util.Vector

Vector listPublishers()
Description: This will return the list of publishers created on that particular topic.
Return Type: java.util.Vector

TopicMetaData getMetaData()
Description: TopicMetaData object related to this object
Return Type: Topic Metadata Object

Description: Compacts the LV-Cache data store for the underlying topic.
Return Type: boolean

Description: Resets the LV-Cache on the underlying topic. Clears the data store and in-memory buffers used for LastValue Caching.
Return Type: boolean

Description: Lists shared consumers on the topic.
Parameters: name=”durable”   type=”boolean”   description=”Durable property”

Description: Returns the number of messages pushed into the topic since the server start.

Description: This operation shuts down the topic.
Parameters: name="reason" type="java.lang.String"

Description: This operation shuts down the topic and restarts it.
Parameters: name="reason" type="java.lang.String"

Attributes of PubSub – Topics ( Config ),Name="PRIMARYTOPIC",type=config

Declaring the ObjectNames by setting Topic values to a variable

Description: Number of persistent messages after which purging is to be done.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 100

Description: Specifies whether Journaling Service is enabled on this Topic.
Type: boolean
Access: RO
Default Value: false

Description: This is the maximum time for which a Publisher will wait while trying to push the messages to the PSQ after it has reached 95% of its max limit.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 120000

Description: Threshold on PSQ size for backoff algo to kick-in. Once the threshold is reached then flow-control will start the Publishers will be made to wait/block for the buffers to clear. The value indicates the factor after which Publisher needs to slowdown. Calculates as,  PSQ size > factor* MaxPersistentSize
Type: double
Access: RW
Default Value: 0.6


Description: Minimum Wait time before RTL sends next publish call, in case of slow down. The actual time is calculated by a backoff algo depending on the current size of the PSQ and PublishBackoffThreshold value.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Singular wait parameter for flow control algo. Whenever the PSQ size reaches 95% then the publisher is made to wait repeatedly until the size drop downs to 85%. The MaxWaitTime is distributed into chunks after which it again checks the size of the PSQ. 


This flag may be used when there are a certain number of slow subscribers in use.

Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 8

Description: Whether slowdown the publisher when message is stored in disk after session buffer overflows due to slow subscriber and the PSQ size has reached its threshold value. Setting this parameter to false may lead to message loss for slow subscribers.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: Store message to disk when session buffer overflows due to slow subscriber. The messages will be stored in the PSQ only when this is set to true. In case it is set to false then the messages will be directly added to the ConnectionBuffer which will lead to extreme slowdown of publishers and message loss in extreme cases.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: Maximum size of the persistent queue in disk. It will be ignored if set to -1, that is, Infinite. If EnablePublisherSlowDown is enabled then this limit will never be reached, and in case that is disabled then any NP messages coming in after the limit has exceeded will be dropped. In case IgnorePSQSizeForPersistentMessages is also disabled at the same time then even Persistent Messages will be dropped after the limit has reached. This buffer is popularly known as PSQ and applies to each Session of a slow subscriber.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 1073741824

Description: Flag indicating whether oldest message should be dropped or the latest message should be dropped after persistent storage size(PSQ) crosses the maximum value and all the server buffers are filled. Generally this situation comes only when PublisherSlowDown is disabled on the server and slow subscribers are active.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: Whether to persist persistent messages in PSQ even through the PSQ is full. If set to 'true', then even if the PSQ size exceeds the MaxPersistentStoreSize, still the messages will be stored to disk.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: Allow forcefully killing of Durable Subscriber. If set to true, then if a new Durable Subscriber is getting registered with the server whose Subscription ID is already present as active with the server then the Former Durable Subscriber will be forcefully killed and the later will be successfully registered with the server.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Minimum Number of persistent messages after which purging can be done.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Boolean determining if deletion of Subtopics is allowed
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: This is the maximum time for which a Publisher will wait while trying to push the messages to a connection level buffer when it is full. It mainly applies to NP messages as for Persistent Messages the wait never ends until buffer reaches 85% again.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 120000

Description: specifies whether Snooper Service is enabled on this topic
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: "DEFAULT"

Description: This parameter determines whether to enable LV-Caching on the corresponding JMS Topic.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: This parameter determines the property name used to define the LV-Cache Key, in the JMS Message, using which the message is stored in the Topic's LV-Cache.
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: "LVCacheKey"

Description: This parameter determines the property name used to define whether the JMS Message should be considered to be stored in the Topic's LV-Cache.
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: "IsLVCache"

Description: This parameter determines whether to enable parallel consumption of LV-Cache messages from Subscriber's copy. If set to false, the consumption of messages will start only after the Subscriber completely copies the Topic's LV-Cache copy.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Parameter specifying a number of redelivery tries when RuntimeException is thrown in a Message Listener.
This is used in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode only. The redelivered message is discarded once this value is reached. This applies to all the subscribers
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 2

Description: Parameter specifying the delay in Message redelivery when RuntimeException is thrown in a Message Listener.
This is used in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode only. The redelivered message is discarded once max redeliver tries value is reached
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: -1, which means there is no delay

Description: Specifies whether DB Corruption is enabled on this topic.
Default Value: Default
Possible Values: Default, True, False.

Operations of PubSub – TopicConnections,Name=<ClientID>


  • getNumberOfMessagesInBound
  • getRateOfMessagesInBound

To perform the above operations when the MessageMonitoring is enabled. Follow the following steps:

  1. Set the enableMessageMonitoring flag to 'true'.
  2. Set the filepath of the SubSystem to 'null'.

Returns the number of producers for the client connection
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the number of consumers for the client connection
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the number of browsers for the client connection
Type: int
Access: RO

int getBufferSize()
Description: Pending data size for this Handle in bytes
Type: int
Access: RO

int getSize()
Description: Pending message count
Type: int
Access: RO

int getUpperBuffSizeThreshold()
Description: Upper threshold for message buffer. Flow control algo comes into act as soon as this limit reaches
Type: int
Access: RO

String getClientId()
Description: Client ID assigned to the connection
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO

InetAddress getClientInetAddress()
Description: Inet Address of the client associated with this connection
Access: RO


String getClientVersionInfo()
Description: This operation returns the Build number and the version number of that particular client.
Return Type: java.lang.String
Parameters: No parameters required 

String getConnectionCreateTime()
Description: Timestamp when the connection was created
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO

String getUserName()
Description: Username associated with this connection
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO

Hashtable listAllSessionsWithStates()
Description: List all Sessions in this connection and state of each
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO

long countMessagesInConnectionQueue()
Description: Returns the number of pending messages in the connection queue buffer
Type: long
Access: RO

void close()
Description: Closes this connection
Type: void
Access: RO


void closeOnDemand(String reason)
Description: Closes this connection on demand.
Type: void
Access: RO


Map<String, Map> listAllSessionsInfo
Description: This operation returns a list of all Topic sessions along with their PSQ metrics.
Return Type: java.util.Map

Parameters: No parameters required.
Key: Session token
Value: Info such as PSQ size, PSQ available message count, and state.


SessionID_3{SessionState=PAUSED, PSQMessageCount=190188, PSQSize=20640118}

{SessionState=PAUSED, PSQMessageCount=44787, PSQSize=4836809}


Operations of PubSub – Topic Connections – FioranoSession,Name=<ClientId>,session=FioranoSession

Returns the number of producers for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the number of consumers for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the number of browsers for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the acknowledgement mode for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO

long getPersistentQueueSize()
Description: Returns the current size of the PSQ.
Return Type: long
Parameters: No parameters required. 

long getPSQAvailableMessageCount()
Description: Returns the number of messages lying in PSQ.
Return Type: long
Parameters: No parameters required.

void close()
Description: Closes this Session
Type: void

Operations of PubSub – Topic Connections – FioranoSession – FioranoConsumer ( FioranoProducer ),Name=<ClientId>,session=FioranoSession,subscriber=FioranoConsumer



All the operations which are for the Monitoring purpose, the Message Monitoring flag needs to be set to 'true', that is, set EnableMessageMonitoring to 'true'.

Note 2


If Durable Subscriber is Active for the corresponding clientID then the value of subscriber need to be the Subscription-Name of Durable-Subscriber.

Use Object name:,Name=<ClientId>,session=FioranoSession,subscriber=SUBID

instead of:,Name=<ClientId>,session=FioranoSession,subscriber=FioranoConsumer

Description: Returns the message selector with which the consumer has been created.

Type: java.util.Enumeration
Access: RO

int getCountOfDroppedMessages

Description: Returns the number of messages dropped for the subscriber. This counter is enabled if EnableMessageMonitoring is enabled. Some scenarios where the message for a Subscriber is dropped -

  • When StoreMessageToDisk is set to FALSE, and the Server-side connection level buffers have become full, which means that the PSQ flow-control is disabled for the subscribers.
  • When the PSQ is enabled for the subscribers and the PSQ size exceeds the maximum limit. In this case, one message is dropped based on the value of the DropOldestMessage parameter.
  • When the server-side connection level buffers are full and the incoming message is a "DISCARDABLE" Non_Persistent message.

Return Type: int
Access: Read-only

int getNumSubscribedMsgs()
Description: Returns the number of messages subscribed by the subscriber in the specified time
Type: int
Access: RO

void close()
Description: Closes the Subscriber/Publisher
Type: void
Access: RO

int getNumPublishedMsgs()
Description: Returns the number of messages published by this publisher in the specified time
Type: int
Access: RO

Attributes of PubSub – Topic Subsystem,Name=TopicSubSystem


Operations of PubSub – Topic Subsystem,Name=TopicSubSystem

boolean getEnableSnooperOnAllTopics()
Description: get SnoopingStatus for all Topics
Return Type: boolean

void setEnableSnooperOnAllTopics(boolean enableSnooper)
Description: Set SnoopingStatus for all Topics
Return Type: void
Parameters: name="enableSnooper" type="boolean"

Vector listClientIDs()
Description: Gets a vector of all the clientIDs
Return Type: java.util.Vector
Each element will have String representation of clientID.

long findNumberOfDeliverableMessages(String clientID, String subscriberID)
Description: Gets the number of messages deliverable (undelivered+redeliverable) for a durable subscription
Return Type: long

  • name="clientID" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="subscriberID" type="java.lang.String"

Vector listSubscriberIDs(String clientID)
Description: Gets the list of subscriberIds for given clientId
Return Type: java.util.Vector
Each element will have String representation of SubscriberID.
Parameters: name="clientID" type="java.lang.String"

String findSubscriptionTopicName(String clientID, String subscriberID)
Description: Gets the topicName on which this subscription is created
Return Type: java.lang.String

  • name="clientID" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="subscriberID" type="java.lang.String" 


String getClientID(TopicSessionToken)
Description: Returns the clientID associated with the topic session token
Return Type: String
Parameters: name="TopicSessionToken" type="int"

void createTopic(String adminObjectName, TopicMetaData metaData)
Description: Creates Topic using given meta data info

  • name="adminObjectName" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="metaData" type=""

void createTopic(TopicMetaData metaData)

Description: Creates Topic using given meta data info
Parameters: name="metaData" type=""

void createTopicConnectionFactory(String adminObjectName, TopicConnectionFactoryMetaData metaData)
Description: Create a new Topic Connection Factory

  • name="adminObjectName" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="metaData" type=""

void createTopicConnectionFactory(TopicConnectionFactoryMetaData metaData)

Description: Create a new Topic Connection Factory
Parameters: name="metaData" type=""

void createTopicConnectionFactory(String name, String url)
Description: Operation for TCF creation

  • description = "TCFName" name="name" type="java.lang.String"
  • description = "lookupURL" name="url" type="java.lang.String"

void unsubscribe(String clientID, String subscriberID)

Description: unsubscribes the durable subscription identified by the pair [clientID, subscriberID]

  • name="clientID" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="subscriberID" type="java.lang.String"

void deleteTopicConnectionFactory(String tcf)

Description: Deletes a topic connection factory
Parameters: description = "TCFName" name="name" type="java.lang.String"

void createTopic(String topicName, byte type)
Description: Creates Topic with given name of type 0 - File, 1 - Rdbms

  • name="topicName" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="type" type="byte"

void deleteTopic(String topicName)

Description: Delete the given topic
Parameters: name="topicName" type="java.lang.String"

HashMap listAllTopics (boolean includeTemporaryTopics)
Description: Returns a HashMap with key as name of the topic and value as metadata of the topic.
Return Type: HashMap
Parameters: name="includeTemporaryTopics" type="boolean" description="Whether to include temporary topics in the result".

HashMap listAllTopicConnectionFactories()
Description: List all Topics Connection Factories
Return Type: java.util.HashMap
Each element will be a key-value pair where key will be String depicting ConnectionFactory name and value will be corresponding Connection Factory Meta Data.

HashMap listAllXATopicConnectionFactories()
Description: List all XA Topics Connection Factories
Return Type: java.util.HashMap
Each element will be a key-value pair where key will be String depicting XAConnectionFactory name and value will be corresponding XA Connection Factory Meta Data.

void purgeSubscriptionMessages(String clientID, String subscriberID)
Description: deletes all the pending messages for this durable subscription identified by clientID and subscriberID.

  • name="clientID" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="subscriberID" type="java.lang.String"

void createXATopicConnectionFactory(String name, String url)
Description: Operation for XATCF creation

  • description = "TCFName" name="name" type="java.lang.String"
  • description = "lookupURL" name="url" type="java.lang.String"

void createXATopicConnectionFactory(XATopicConnectionFactoryMetaData metaData)
Description: Create a new XATopic Connection Factory
Parameters: name="XATopicConnectionFactoryMetaData" type=""

void deleteXATopicConnectionFactory(String name)
Description: Delete the given xaTopic connection factory
Parameters: name="tcfName" type="java.lang.String"

ArrayList listTopicConsumers()
Description: Lists all Topic Consumers
Return Type: java.lang.ArrayList
Each element of this list will have a format:
[TopicName :: <TOPIC_NAME>, Type: : <Durable/NonDurable>, UserName :: <USER_NAME>, ClientID :: <CLIENT_ID>, SubscriberID :: <SUBSCRIBER_ID>] (Subscriber ID will only exist for Durable Subscribers.)

ArrayList listTopicProducers()
Description: Lists all Topic Producers
Return Type: java.lang.ArrayList
Each element of this list will have a format:
[TopicName :: <TOPIC_NAME>, UserName :: <USER_NAME>, ClientID :: <CLIENT_ID>]

void setEnableJournalingOnTopic(String topicName, boolean enableJournaling)
Description: Set Journaling Status on the Topic. By default, on Snooper Topics such as SYSTEM_MESSAGESNOOPER_TOPIC and SYSTEM_MESSAGESNOOPER_QUEUE and Events topic EVENTS_TOPIC, Journaling is disabled.

  • topicName = "Name of the topic" type = "java.lang.String"
  • enableJournaling = "true/false denoting Journaling status is enabled/disabled" type = boolean

boolean getJournalingStatusOnTopic(String topicName)
Description: Get Journaling Status on the Topic.
Return Type: boolean true if Journaling is enabled on the topic, otherwise, false.
Parameters: topicName = "Name of the Topic" type = "java.lang.String"

ArrayList listActivePassiveSubscriberInfo()
Description: Gets the list of subscriberIds active/passive along with thier clientID and states
Return Type: java.util.ArrayList
Each element of this ArrayList will be of format

Description: Creates the journaling topic corresponding to each topic based on the journaling status.
Return Type: java.lang.Boolean 
True - If the operation is successful and the journaling topics are created, otherwise false.
Parameters: No parameters


Description: Restarts the specified Topics

  • name="reason" type="java.lang.String" description="Reason to restart."
  • name="topicNames" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="ArrayList of all the topics that need to be restarted."

Description: Shuts down the spcecified Queues.

  • name="reason" type="java.lang.String" description="Reason to shutdown."

  • name="topicNames" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="ArrayList of all the topics that need to be shutdown."

Description: Lists shared consumers on the topic

  • name=”topicName” type=”java.lang.String” description= Name of the Topic

  • name=”durable” type=”boolean” description=”Durable property”

Description: Returns the list of Corrupted topics.
Return Type: Returns Hash map of corrupted topics.

Description: Recovers the list of corrupted topics.
Parameters: name=”topicNames”  type=”java.util.ArrayList”  description=”ArrayList of all the topics to be recovered”

deleteTopicCorruptionInstances(topicName, timeStamps)
Description: Deletes the specified corrupted topic instances

  • name=”topicName” type=”java.lang.String” description=”Name of the topic”
  • name=”timeStamps” type=”java.util.ArrayList” description=”List of all the topic instances”

recoverSelectedTopicInstances(topicName, topicInstances)
Description: Recovers the specified topic instances
Return Type: Returns the List of all the failed instances that are not recovered.

  • name="topicName" type="java.lang.String" description="Name of the topic"
  • name="topicInstances" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="List of all the topic instances"

Description: Replays the messages from topic.
Parameters: name="topicNames" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="ArrayList of all the topics that need to be recovered."

replayMessagesFromTopic(topicName, topicInstances)
Description: Replays the messages from topic instances

  • name="topicName" type="java.lang.String" description="Name of the topic"
  • name="topicInstances" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="List of all the topic instances

Description: This operation shuts down the topic.
Parameters: name="reason" type="java.lang.String"

Description: This operation shuts down the topic and restarts it.
Parameters: name="reason"  type="java.lang.String"

Attributes of PubSub – Topic Subsystem Config,Name=TopicSubSystem,type=config


Description: Batch size for DUPS_OK Ack mode
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 20

Description: Parameter specifying a number of redelivery tries when Runtime Exception is thrown in Message Listener. This is used in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode only. The redelivered message is discarded once this value is reached.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 2

Description: Minimum Wait time before RTL sends next publish call, in case of slow down. The actual time is calculated by a backoff algo depending on the current size of the PSQ and PublishBackoffThreshold value.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 5

Description: Maximum no. of Topics that can be created, by default its -1, i.e. infinite. (It also includes Temporary Topics)
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: -1

Description: Enable/disable slowdown of the publisher when message is stored in disk after session buffer overflows due to slow subscriber and the PSQ size has reached its threshold value. Setting this parameter to false may lead to message loss for slow subscribers.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: flag indicating whether oldest message should be dropped or the latest message should be dropped after persistent storage size crosses the predefined threshold value
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: Get the default storage types for Topics
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: file

Description: Store message to disk when session buffer overflows due to slow subscriber
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: specifies whether Snooper Service is enabled on all topics
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Specifies the Name of the Topic on which Events are published and processed
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO
Default Value: Events_Topic

Description: Allow forcefully killing of Durable Subscriber
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: maximum size of the persistent queue in the disk.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 1073741824

Description: Maximum number of messages that can be received in one call
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 128

Description: Connection level upper limit for message buffer size in bytes.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 131072


Please note that this attribute is deprecated since FioranoMQ 10.3.0.

Use the 'MaxConnectionBufferSize' attribute and corresponding values as mentioned below in place of the 'BasicAllowedSize' attribute.


Description: Maximum size (in bytes) for a connection buffer to hold messages that need to be delivered to subscriptions created under the connection. When the limit is reached, every push in the connection buffer waits for MessagePublishTimeout or until some space gets created. In general, this buffer limit will not exceed, as the flow control logic between the server and the RTL session layer manages the limit.
Type: int
Access: RW
DefaultValue: 2097152

Description: Use optimized TCP Receive is enabled.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: Enables the message monitoring and stores the data
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: The file path set to store server message monitoring data
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW

Description: The time interval between which the rate needs to be calculated or the time duration in 'seconds' to monitor message flow. 
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 3600

Description: Parameter specifying number of redelivery tries when Runtime Exception is thrown in Message Listener. This is used in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode only. The redelivered message is discarded once this value is reached. This applies to all the subscribers
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 2

Description: Parameter specifying the delay in Message redelivery when Runtime Exception is thrown in Message Listener. This is used in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode only. The redelivered message is discarded once max redeliver tries value is reached.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: -1

Description: Singular wait parameter for flow control algorithm used when there are slow subscribers in use. Whenever the PSQ size reaches 95% then the publisher is made to wait repeatedly until the size drop downs to 85%. The MaxWaitTime is distributed into chunks after which it again checks the size of the PSQ. This applies to all the publishers.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 8

Description: Number of persistent messages after which purging is to be done if OPTIMIZED TCP RECEIVE is false. This applies to all the Topics.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 100

Description: Threshold on PSQ size for backoff algo to kick-in. Once the threshold is reached then flow-control will start the Publishers will be made to wait/block for the buffers to clear. The value indicates the factor after which Publisher needs to slowdown. Calculates as,  PSQ size > factor * MaxPersistentSize
Type: double
Access: RW
Default Value: 0.6

Description: Whether to persist persistent messages in PSQ even through the PSQ is full. If set to 'true, then even if the PSQ size exceeds the MaxPersistentStoreSize, still the messages will be stored to disk. This applies to all the Publishers.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Prefix used for Journaling Topic Name. For example, if the prefix is \'JOURNAL_\' then for PRIMARYTOPIC the Journaling Topic Name will be \'JOURNAL_PRIMARYTOPIC\'. The journaling topic will be created only when Journaling is enabled on the Topic. Also, this prefix can't be null or an empty String.
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: JOURNAL_

Description: Minimum Number of persistent messages after which purging can be done. Generally purging is done in batches in the server and this is the minimum number of delete request which the server will accumulate before actually deleting the messages. This applies to all the Topics.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Boolean determining if deletion of Subtopics is allowed. If set to true then deleting a Topic will automatically delete the SubTopics. This applies to all the topics.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: This is the maximum time for which a Publisher will wait while trying to push the messages to a connection level buffer when it is full. It mainly applies to NP messages as for Persistent Messages the wait never ends until buffer reaches 85% again. This applies to all the publishers.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 120000

Description: This is the maximum time for which a Publisher will wait while trying to push the messages to the PSQ after it has reached 95% of its max limit. This applies to all the publishers.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 120000

Description: This parameter determines whether to load the LV-Cache indices at the time when the message is first sent to the JMS Topic. If set to true, the LV-Cache indices are loaded at the time of Topic lookup.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: This parameter determines whether to ignore the message sent to a JMS Topic on which LV-Caching is enabled with cache-key property not set. If set to false, an exception is thrown if the message has no cache-key set.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: This parameter determines whether to clean-up LVC data stores at the time of start-up of the FioranoMQ Server.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Specifies whether DB corruption handling is enabled for topics.
Default Value: false
Possible Value: false, true

Description: Maximum number of topic sessions that can be created under a topic connection
Default Value: -1 


-1 represents infinite.


Description: Maximum number of publishers that can be created under a topic connection.
Default Value: -1


-1 represents infinite.


Description: Maximum number of subscribers that can be created under a topic connection.
Default Value: -1


-1 represents infinite.


Description: Maximum number of temporary topics that can be created under a topic connection.
Default Value: -1


-1 represents infinite.


Description: This parameter defines whether to raise notifications related to the topic session's state changes corresponding to slow subscribers. That is, whenever the underlying subscriber undergoes state changes- becomes slow or normal – a notification is raised to all event listeners.
Default Value: no
Default Value: no, yes

Description: This parameter is used in case of shared subscriptions; when clientID is unset for the JMS connection.
Default Value: no
Default Value: no, yes 

Operations of PubSub – Topic Subsystem Config



Attributes of PTP – Queues,Name="PRIMARYQUEUE"


It's a runtime MBean. Other Queue runtime MBeans could be accessed by assigning corresponding queue-name to the property "name" of ObjectName.

Declaring the ObjectNames by setting Queue values to a variable

Description: Number of active consumers on this destination
Type: int
Access: RO

Description: Number of active producers on this destination
Type: int
Access: RO

Description: Gets the number of deliverable messages on this destination.
Type: long
Access: RO

Description: Gets the number of undeleted messages on this destination.
Type: long
Access: RO

Description: Gets the number of undeleted persistent messages. 

Description: Gets the number of undeleted non-persistent messages. 

Description: Gets the number of deliverable persistent messages. 

Description: Gets the number of deliverable non-persistent messages. 

Description: Returns the status of the destination whether shutdown/alive.

Description: It represents different states of a queue.
Possible Values: "Stopped", "Stopping", "Starting", "Started", "Failed","Destroyed", "Created", "Unregistered", "Registered", "Not Used" 

Operations of PTP – Queues,Name="PRIMARYQUEUE"

Declaring the ObjectNames by setting Queue values to a variable


  • getNumberOfMessagesInBound
  • getRateOfMessagesInBound
  • getNumberOfMessagesOutBound
  • getNumberOfMessagesOutBound

To perform the above operations, follow the steps below:

  1. Set the enableMessageMonitoring flag to 'true'
  2. Set the filepath of the SubSystem to 'null'

IExpiryMessageListener getRegisteredExpiryListener()
Description: Get the all RegisteredListeners for Destination
Return Type:

boolean isDMQEnabled()
Description: Finds whether DMQ is enabled for this Queue.
Return Type: boolean

boolean isSnooperEnabled()
Description: Finds whether Snooper is enabled for this Queue.
Return Type: boolean

void enableDMQ(String enableSnooper)
Description: possible values are TRUE,FALSE,DEFAULT
name="enableDMQ" type="String"

void enableSnooper(String enableSnooper)
Description: possible values are TRUE,FALSE,DEFAULT
name="enableSnooper" type="String"

String getNumberOfMessagesInBound()
Description: Returns the number of messages pushed in the queue
Return Type: java.lang.String

String getRateOfMessagesInBound()
Description: Returns the rate at which messages are pushed in the queue
Return Type: java.lang.String

String getNumberOfMessagesOutBound()
Description: Returns the number of messages popped from the queue
Return Type: java.lang.String

String getRateOfMessagesOutBound()
Description: Returns the rate at which messages are popped from the queue
Return Type: java.lang.String

ArrayList getMessageMonitoringData()
Description: Returns the MessageMonitoring Data in tabular format
Return Type: java.util.ArrayList.
Structure of the elements of array list is: Time,IncomingMsgs(Value-firstValue),RateOfIncomingMsgs (Value-firstValue)

String countPendingMessages()
Description: Returns the number of message present in the queue
Return Type: java.lang.String

void deleteExpiredMessages()
Description: Delete all the expired messages.

void purgeMessagesWithActiveClients()
Description: Purge all the messages for this queue with ActiveClients.

void purgeMessages(boolean forcefully)
Description: Purge all the messages for this queue
Parameters: name="forcefully" type="boolean"

void listReceivers()
Description: This will return the list of receivers created on that particular queue.
Return Type: java.util.Vector
Each element of this Vector will have the format:

  • ReceiverName=<CONSUMER_NAME>, ConnectionClientId=<CLIENT_ID>, ConnectionHashCode=<CONNECTION_HASHCODE>

Parameters: No Parameters

void listSenders()
Description: This will return the list of senders created on that particular queue.
Return Type: java.util.Vector
Each element of this Vector will have the format:

  • SenderName=<PRODUCER_NAME>, ConnectionClientId=<CLIENT_ID>, ConnectionHashCode=<CONNECTION_HASHCODE>

Parameters: No Parameters

double getPersistentQueueBufferFactor()
Description: Returns how much persistent buffer is filled with messages
Return Type: double
Parameters: No parameters

double getNonPersistentQueueBufferFactor()
Description: Returns how much non_persistent buffer is filled with messages
Return Type: double
Parameters: No parameters

Description: Returns the number of messages added to the queue since the server start. 

Description: Returns the number of messages popped from the queue since the server start.


Description: This operation shuts down the queue.
Parameter: name="reason" type="java.lang.String"

Description: This operation shuts down the queue and restarts it.
Parameter: name="reason" type="java.lang.String".

Attributes of PTP – Queues (Config),Name="PRIMARYQUEUE",type=config

Declaring the ObjectNames by setting Queue values to a variable

Description: Loads inMemory message index status BitSet on startup.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Status Cache for Messages.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: Specifies the interval after which QueueCleaner utility cleans the messages from the Queue.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 60000

Description: specifies whether Queue Cleaner utility is enabled or not, Default this utility is disable.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: specifies whether Snooper Service is enabled on this queue
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: DEFAULT

Description: specifies whether DMQ Service is enabled on this queue
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: DEFAULT

Description: Boolean specifies whether RunTimeGMS Config MBean should be exposed or not
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Blocking interval
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Specifies the buffer size of the In-Memory Cache for PERSISTENT messages
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 524288

Description: Specifies the buffer size of the In-Memory Cache for NONPERSISTENT messages
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 1048576

Description: Maximum number of attempts for pushing in in-memory buffer
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 64

Description: Wait time between attempts
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 16

Description: This will enable depth (pending message count) monitoring at queue level. If this flag is enabled, pending message count can be retrieved at any moment in the server. To enable depth monitoring at queue level, depth monitoring must be enabled at server level.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: boolean controlling the optimization that was added for flying broom that allows the code to jump over files if there are a number of indices that are deleted
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: FALSE

Description: Specifies whether Journaling Service is enabled on this Queue.
Type: boolean
Access: RO
Default Value: false

Description: Time in milliseconds after which any stored message in Dead Message Queue is deleted
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 0

Description: Enabling the Notification on DeadMessage
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Jmx notifications will be fired, whenever pending message count crosses one of these depth values. All depths should be specified positive values with each of them separated by comma, for example '10,20,30'. If this value is not specified, then its value will be taken from queuing subsystem.
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: null

Description: Determines the Queue behavior for the incoming messages when the size of the in-memory buffer used for the storing NON-PERSISTENT messages reaches its maximum limit. 
Default Value: DEFAULT.
Possible Values: DropOldestMessage, Exception, WriteToDisk


Description: Determines the Queue behavior for MessageGrouping. If enabled, messages belonging to the same group identified by the property JMSXGroupID will be sent to the same consumer.
Return Type: Returns a Boolean TRUE if MessageGrouping is enabled on this queue.

Description: Determines the minimum number of consumers on the queue before the message groups are distributed between them.

Description: Determines the maximum wait time before the message groups are distributed among the existing consumers on a queue. 
Default Value: 10000 

Description: Determines the wait interval time in case of Message Grouping, after which the minimum number of consumers or maximum wait time is checked until one of the condition is satisfied.
Default Value: 10000  


Description: Determines the Queue behavior for Exclusive Consumer functionality. If enabled, all messages in the queue will be sent to the same consumer until its down.
Default Value: False

Description: Parameter specifying whether Message Group IDs used are re-assignable or unique.
Default Value: Default.
Possible Value: True, False. 

Operations of PTP – Queues (Config)


Operations of PTP – QueueConnections,Name=<ClientID>

Returns the number of producers for the client connection
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the number of consumers for the client connection
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the number of browsers for the client connection
Type: int
Access: RO

String getClientId()
Description: Client ID assigned to the connection
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO

InetAddress getClientInetAddress()
Description: Inet Address of the client associated with this connection
Access: RO

String getClientVersionInfo()
Description: This operation returns the Build number and the version number of that particular client.
Return Type: java.lang.String
Parameters: No parameters required 

String getConnectionCreateTime()
Description: Timestamp when the connection was created
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO

String getUserName()
Description: Username associated with this connection
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RO

Vector listAllSessions()
Description: List all Sessions in this connection and state of each
Type: Vector
Access: RO

long countMessagesInConnectionQueue()
Description: Returns the number of pending messages in the connection queue buffer
Type: long
Access: RO

void close()
Description: Closes this connection
Type: void
Access: RO

void closeOnDemand(String reason)
Description: Closes this connection on demand.
Type: void
Access: RO

bollean isStarted()
Description: Returns true if connection is started.
Type: Bollean
Access: RO

Operations of PTP – Queue Connections – FioranoSession,Name=<ClientId>,session=FioranoSession

Returns the number of producers for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the number of consumers for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO


Returns the number of browsers for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO

Returns the acknowledgement mode for the client session
Type: int
Access: RO

void close()
Description: Closes this Session
Type: void
Access: RO

Operations of PTP – Queue Connections – FioranoSession – FioranoConsumer ( FioranoProducer ),Name=<ClientId>,session=FioranoSession,receiver=FioranoConsumer


For the operations which are for the Monitoring purpose, the Message Monitoring flag needs to be enabled, that is, Set EnableMessageMonitoring to 'true'.

Description: Returns the message selector with which the consumer has been created.

Type: java.util.Enumeration
Access: RO

int getNumReceivedMsgs()
Description: Returns the number of messages sent by this Sender in the specified time
Type: int
Access: RO

void close()
Description: Closes the Receiver/Sender
Type: void
Access: RO

int getNumSendMsgs ()
Description: Returns the number of messages sent by this Sender in the specified time
Type: int
Access: RO

Attributes of PTP – Queue Subsystem Config,Name=QueuingSubSystem,type=config

Description: Buffer size of receiver queue for unpacked messages.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10485760

Description: Parameter specifying number of redelivery tries when RuntimeException is thrown in Message Listener. This is used in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode only. The redelivered message is discarded once this value is reached.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 2

Description: Maximum no. of queues that can be created, by default its -1, i.e. infinite.(It also includes Temporary Queues)
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: -1

Description: Enabling the cleanup of DeadMessageQueue at server startup.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: specifies whether Snooper Service is enabled on all queues
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: specifies whether DMQ Service is enabled on all queues
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Get the default storage types for Queues
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: file

Description: Specifes the prefetch Count for single receive call. Prefetch Count is the number of messages fetched in single receive call.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 3

Description: PrefetchThreshold count used for single receive call
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 1

Description: Specifies the maximum prefetched size of fetched messages in one receive call.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 262144

Description: In over flow of NonPersistent messages, specifies whether messages should be dropped from the bottom of queue
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Time in milliseconds after which any stored message in Dead Message Queue is deleted.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 0

Description: Enabling the Notification on DeadMessage.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Specifies the interval after which QueueCleaner utility cleans the messages from the Queue.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 60000

Description: Enables the message monitoring and stores the data
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: the file path set to store server message monitoring data
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW

Description: the time duration in 'seconds' to monitor message flow. This value should be more than 5 seconds.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 3600

Description: This will turn on or off depth (pending message count) monitoring at server level. If this flag is set to true then depth monitoring will be enabled at server level. Based on the depth monitoring flag at queue level, depth monitoring work for a particular queue. If this flag is set to false then depth monitoring won't work for any queue irrespective of this flag at queue level.
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description:  Parameter specifying the delay in Message redelivery when RuntimeException is thrown in Message Listener. This is used in AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode only. The redelivered message is discarded once max redeliver tries value is reached.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: -1

Description: Blocking interval to push a message into QueueBuffer if queue is full.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Specifies the buffer size of the In-Memory Cache
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 1048576

Description: Specifies the buffer size of the In-Memory Cache for persistent messages.
Type: long
Access: RW
Default Value: 524288

Description: Maximum number of attempts for pushing it in-memory buffer
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 64

Description: Specifies the wait time between attempts to push a message into the queue.
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 16

Description: Specifies whether Queue Cleaner utility is enabled or not, Default is this utility is disabled.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: "FALSE"

Description: Status Cache for Messages
Type: boolean
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Loads inMemory message index status BitSet on startup
Type: java.lang.String
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Boolean indicates about the exposing QueueAttributes at Runtime on GMS
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Boolean indicates about the sharing of cache Tables.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: true

Description: boolean controlling the optimization that was added for flying broom that allows the code to jump over files if there are a number of indices that are deleted
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: false

Description: Prefix used for Journaling Queue Name. For eg., if the prefix is \'JOURNAL_\' then for PRIMARYQUEUE the Journaling Queue Name will be \'JOURNAL_PRIMARYQUEUE\'. The journaling queue will be created only when Journaling is enabled on the Queue. Also, this prefix can't be null or an empty String.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: JOURNAL_

Description: Jmx notifications will be fired, whenever pending message count crosses one of these depth values. All thresholds should be specified as positive values with each of them separated by comma, for example '10,20,30'. This value will be taken for all destinations, unless specified explicitly for a particular destination.
Type: String
Access: RW
Default Value: null

Description: Enabling the DB corruption on all queues.
Default Value: null
Possible Values: no, yes

Description: Name of the poisonous queue. 


Description: Enabling poisonous message handling.
Default Value: No.
Possible Values: True, False

Description: Maximum number of sessions that can be created under a queue connection. -1 represents infinite.
Default Value: -1

Description: Maximum number of senders that can be created under a queue connection. -1 represents infinite. 
Default Value: -1 

Description: Maximum number of receivers that can be created under a queue connection. -1 represents infinite.
Default Value: -1  


Description: Maximum number of temporary queues that can be created under a queue connection. -1 represents infinite.
Default Value: -1

Description: Determines the Queue behavior for the incoming messages when the size of the in-memory buffer used for storing NON_PERSISTENT messages reaches its maximum limits.
Default Value: DropOldestMessage.
Possible Value: DropOldestMessage, Exception, WriteToDisk. 

Operations of PTP – Queue Subsystem Config


Attributes of PTP – Queue Subsystem


Operations of PTP – Queue Subsystem,Name=QueuingSubSystem

void createQueue(QueueMetaData metaData)
Description: Creates Queue
Parameters:  name="metaData" type=""

void createQueue(String adminObjectName, QueueMetaData metaData)
Description: Creates Queue

  • name="adminObjectName" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="metaData" type=""

void createQueue(String queueName, byte type)
Description: Creates queue with given name of type 0 - File, 1 - Rdbms

  • name="queueName" type="String"
  • name="type" type="byte"

void createQueueConnectionFactory(QueueConnectionFactoryMetaDatametaData)
Description: Create a new Queue Connection Factory
Parameters:  name="QueueConnectionFactoryMetaData" type=""

void createQueueConnectionFactory(String adminObjectName,QueueConnectionFactoryMetaData metaData)
Description: Create a new Queue Connection Factory

  • name="adminObjectName" type="java.lang.String"
  • name="QueueConnectionFactoryMetaData" type=""

void createQueueConnectionFactory(String name, String url)
Description: Create a new Queue Connection Factory

  • description = "TCFName" name="name" type="String"
  • description = "lookupURL" name="url" type="String"

void createXAQueueConnectionFactory(String name, String url)
Description: Operation for XAQCF creation

  • description = "QCFName" name="name" type="String"
  • description = "lookupURL" name="url" type="String"

void deleteQueue(String queueName)
Description: Delete the given queue
Parameters:  name="queueName" type="String"

void deleteQueueConnectionFactory(String qcfName)
Description: Deletes the given queue connection factory
Parameters:  name="qcfName" type="String"

void deleteXAQueueConnectionFactory(String name)
Description: Deletes the given xaQueue connection factory
Parameters:  name="qcfName" type="String"

boolean getEnableSnooperOnAllQueues()
Description: get SnoopingStatus for all Queues
Return Type: boolean

HashMap listAllQueues (boolean includeTemporaryQueues)
Description: Returns a HashMap with key as name of the queue and value as metadata of the queue.
Return Type: HashMap
Parameters: name="includeTemporaryQueues" type="boolean" description="Whether to include temporary queues in the result".

HashMap listAllQueueConnectionFactories()
Description: List all Queue Connection Factories
Return Type: java.util.HashMap
Each element will be a key-value pair where key will be String depicting ConnectionFactory name and value will be corresponding Connection Factory Meta Data.

HashMap listAllXAQueueConnectionFactories()
Description: List all XA Queue Connection Factories
Return Type: java.util.HashMap
Each element will be a key-value pair where key will be String depicting XAConnectionFactory name and value will be corresponding XA Connection Factory Meta Data.

void purgeQueueMessages(String queueName, boolean forcefully)
Description: purge all the messages of the queue if there are no active consumers on the queue.

  • name="queueName" type="String"
  • name="forcefully" type="boolean"

void setEnableSnooperOnAllQueues(boolean enableSnooper)
Description: Enable Snooper on all queues
Parameters: name="enableSnooper" type="boolean"

boolean getJournalingStatusOnQueue(String queueName)
Description: Get Journaling Status on the Queue.
Parameters: queueName - "Name of the Queue" type – java.lang.String
Return Type: boolean, true if Journaling is enabled otherwise false.

void setEnableJournalingOnQueue(String queueName, boolean enableJournaling)
Description: Set Journaling Status on the Queue.

  • queueName - "Name of the Queue" type – java.lang.String
  • enableJournaling - "Journaling status enabled/disabled" type – boolean

Return Type: void

ArrayList listPtpSenders()
Description: List all Queue Senders
Parameters: None
Return Type: java.util.ArrayList
Each element will have a format : [ QueueName :: <QUEUE_NAME>, UserName :: <USER_NAME>, ClientID :: <CLIENT_ID>]

ArrayList listPtpReceivers()
Description: List all Queue Receivers
Parameters: None
Return Type: java.util.ArrayList
Each element will have a format : [ QueueName :: <QUEUE_NAME>, ReceiverID :: <RECEIVER_ID>, Hashcode :: <CONNECTION_HASHCODE>]

Long getPendingMessageCount (String queueName)
Description: Returns the pending message count of a queue with the given queueName.
Parameters: queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
Return Type: java.lang.Long


HashMap getPendingMessageCounts ()
Description: This will return pending message counts of all queues for which depth monitoring is enabled.
Parameters: None
Return Type: java.util.HashMap
Map of all Queue names and corresponding depths.

boolean isDepthMonitoringEnabled ()
Description: Returns whether depth monitoring is enabled or not.
Parameters: None
Return Type: boolean, true if DepthMonitoring is enabled otherwise false.

boolean isDepthMonitoringEnabled (String queueName)
Description: Returns whether depth monitoring is enabled or not for the passed queue.
Parameters: queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
Return Type: boolean, true if DepthMonitoring is enabled for this Queue otherwise false.


void setDepthMonitoringEnabled (boolean enable)
Description: Enables or disables Depth monitoring.
Parameters: enable – "Enabled/Disabled" type – boolean
Return Type: void


void setDepthMonitoringEnabled (String queueName, boolean enabled)
Description: Turns on or turns off queue depth monitoring at queue level.

  • queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
  • enabled - "Enabled/Disabled" type – boolean

Return Type: void

Collection<Long> getDepthMonitoringLevels ()
Description: Returns a set of levels at which jmx notifications(alerts) have to be sent. A Sorted Set is used to store the levels.
Parameters: None
Return Type: java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long>

Collection<Long> getDepthMonitoringLevels (String queueName)
Description: Returns a set of levels at which jmx notifications(alerts) have to be sent. A SortedSet is used to store the levels.
Parameters: queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
Return Type: java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long>


void setDepthMonitoringLevels (Collection<Long> levels)
Description: Sets the levels at which jmx notifications(alerts) have to be sent when pending message count of a particular queue crossed these levels. The collection passed to this api will not be used, instead the data is transferred to a sorted set held internally.
Parameters: levels - "Levels" type - "java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long>"
Return Type: void


void setDepthMonitoringLevels (String queueName, Collection<Long> levels)
Description: Sets the Threshold levels for the destination passed.

  • queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
  • levels - "Levels" type - "java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long>"

Return Type: void

boolean addDepthMonitoringLevel (Long level)
Description: A method to add an additional level to the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.
Parameters: level - "Level that should be added for notification" type - "java.lang.Long"
Return Type: boolean, true if the level represented by level is not already configured positive value and false otherwise.


boolean addDepthMonitoringLevel (Long level, Object source)
Description: A method to add an additional level to the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.

  • level - "Level that should be added for notification" type - "java.lang.Long"
  • source – "Callback object which will be sent along with the notification whenever pending message count of the queue crosses the level value. User can define his own actions to be taken in source.

Return Type: boolean, true if the level represented by level is not already configured positive value and false otherwise.

boolean addDepthMonitoringLevel (String queueName, Long level)
Description: This will add an additional level to the destination to the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.

  • queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
  • level - "Level that should be added for notification" type - "java.lang.Long"

Return Type: boolean, true if the level represented by level is not already configured positive value and false otherwise.

boolean addDepthMonitoringLevel (String queueName, Long level, Object source)
Description: This will add an additional level to the destination to the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.

  • queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
  • level - "Level that should be added for notification" type - "java.lang.Long"
  • source – "Callback object which will be sent along with the notification whenever pending message count of the queue crosses the level value. User can define his own actions to be taken in source.

Return Type: boolean, true if the level represented by level is not already configured positive value and false otherwise.

boolean removeDepthMonitoringLevel (Long level)
Description: A method to remove level from the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.
Parameters: level - "Level that should be removed from collection of levels for which notification is sent" type - "java.lang.Long"
Return Type: boolean, true if level is previously present and removed. False, otherwise

boolean removeDepthMonitoringLevel (Long level, Object source)

Description: A method to remove level from the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.

  • level - "Level that should be removed from collection of levels for which notification is sent" type - "java.lang.Long"
  • source – "Callback object which will be sent along with the notification whenever pending message count of the queue crosses the level value. User can define his own actions to be taken in source.

Return Type: boolean, true if level is previously present and removed. False, otherwise

boolean removeDepthMonitoringLevel (String queueName, Long level)
Description: A method to remove level from the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.

  • queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
  • level - "Level that should be removed from collection of levels for which notification is sent" type - "java.lang.Long"

Return Type: boolean, true if level is previously present and removed. False, otherwise

boolean removeDepthMonitoringLevel (String queueName, Long level, Object source)
Description: A method to remove level from the collection of levels for which notifications will be sent.

  • queueName - "Name of the Queue" type - "java.lang.String"
  • level - "Level that should be removed from collection of levels for which notification is sent" type - "java.lang.Long"
  • source – "Callback object which will be sent along with the notification whenever pending message count of the queue crosses the level value. User can define his own actions to be taken in source.

Return Type: boolean, true if level is previously present and removed. False, otherwise

Description: Creates the journaling queue corresponding to each queue based on the journaling status.
Return Type: java.lang.Boolean 
True - If the operation is successful and the journaling queues are created, otherwise false.
Parameters: No parameters

Description: Recovers the list of corrupted queues.
Parameters: name="queueNames" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="ArrayList of all the queues that need to be recovered."

Description: Replays the messages from queue.
Parameters: name=”queueNames”   type=”java.util.ArrayList”    description="List of all the queue instances"

Description: Replays the messages from queue instances.

  • name="queueName" type="java.lang.String" description="Name of the queue"

  • name="queueInstances" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="List of all the queue instances"

deleteQueueCorruptionInstances(queueName, queueInstances)
Description: Deletes the specified corrupted queue instances.

  • name="queueName" type="java.lang.String" description="Name of the queue"

  • name="timeStamps" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="List of all the queue instances"

Description: get DB Corruption handling for all Queues.
Return Type: boolean

Description: To get the list of Corrupted Queues.
Return Type: Returns Hash map of Corrupted Queues

restart(reason, queueNames)
Description: Restarts the specified Queues.

  • name="reason" type="java.lang.String" description="Reason to restart."

  • name="queueNames" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="ArrayList of all the queues that need to be restarted."

Description: Shuts down the spcecified Queues.

  • name="reason" type="java.lang.String" description="Reason to shutdown."

  • name="queueNames" type="java.util.ArrayList" description="ArrayList of all the queues that need to be shutdown."

Description: Restarts all queues..
Parameters: name="reason" type="java.lang.String"

Description: Shuts down all queues.
Parameters: name="reason" type="java.lang.String"

Attributes of PTP – FileDBManager6 Config,Name=FileDBManager6,type=config

Description: Path for Initialization of FileBased dataStorage
Type: "java.lang.String"
Access: RW
Default Value: null

Description: Threshold percentage of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 50

Description: Threshold count of deleted Entries for starting Cache Compaction Process
Type: int
Access: RW
Default Value: 10

Description: Prefix of file based DB table names
Type: "java.lang.String"
Access: RW
Default Value: #


int getBufferSize()
Description: Pending data size for this Handle in bytes
Type: int
Access: RO

Adaptavist ThemeBuilder EngineAtlassian Confluence