
This chapter explains the various parameters that can be configured for connectors used in the FioranoMQ Server (JMX & RMI) for handling remote connection requests to access/modify server configurations at runtime. These are the various parameters that are configured under the FioranoMQàFioranoàjmxàconnectoràJMSBasedJMXConnector2 and FioranoMQàFioranoàjmxàconnectoràRMIBasedJMXConnector tree nodes in Offline configuration through eStudio.

For more information on JMX Connectors, refer Chapter 3 Connection Management of FioranoMQ Concepts Guide.

JMS Based Connector Configuration

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in JMX->Connector->JMSBasedJMXConnector.


The InceptorClassName parameter is the Class Name that is used to intercept all jmx calls. When JMX calls arrive at the container, this parameter is used to intercept and process these calls.

Default Value:

fiorano.jmx.connector.FioranoJMXInterceptor - The name of the class used to intercept all jmx calls.


The SecurityProtocol is the secure protocol used if the Connector Server the Server is connected to is running on a secure protocol. Example: SUN_SSL, NO_SECURITY.

Valid values:

  • NO_SECURITY - No Security protocol is used.
  • SUN_SSL - Sun_SSL is the security protocol that is used.

Default Value:

  • NO_SECURITY - No security protocol is used by default.


The Protocol parameter is the transport protocol used to connect to the JMS Server. This parameter allows the user to choose between available protocols such as LPC, TCP, and HTTP.

Valid values:

  • TCP - TCP is the transport protocol that is used.
  • HTTP - HTTP is the transport protocol that is used.
  • LPC - LPC is the transport protocol that is used.

Default value:

LPC - LPC is the default protocol used to connect to the JMS Server.


The SecurityManagerClass parameter is the Security Manager class implementats IFMQSecurityManager.

Valid values:

NO_SECURITY - No Security Manager class is being used. - The Security Manager class name for Sun_SSL.

Default value:

NO_SECURITY – If the  No Security Protocol is used, no the SecurityManagerClass will be used by default. However if a SecurityProtocol is used, say SUN_SSL, then the corresponding SecurityManagerClass, such as must be used.




The QueueConnectionFactory parameter is used by the Connector Server. It can be either LPC enabled or normal. LPC Enabled connectionfactory is used when Connector Server connects to the local server.

Default value:

primaryLQCF - The name of the default QueueConnectionFactory being used.


The ServerPort is the port of the JMS Server to which the ConnectorServer connects.

The ServerPort allows the User to configure the server to run on different ports. When a User has to run two or more servers on the same machine, changing the ServerPort value is mandatory since two servers cannot run from the same port.

Default value:

1856 - The default port number of the JMS server.


The ServerAddress parameter is the IP of the FioranoMQ Server to which the ConnectorServer connects.

Note: ServerAddress should be localhost/LocalIP/MachineName when the LPC QueueConnectionFactory is being used.

Default Value:

localhost - The default ServerAddress of the JMS Server.


The UserName parameter is the User Name that is used to connect to the JMS Server.

Default Value:

Admin – Default username.


Password is the parameter that serves as the password used to connect to the JMS Server.


The ConnectQueueName parameter is the Connect Queue Name on which the Connector Server listens for connection requests.



The RequestQueueName parameter is the Request Queue Name on which the Connector Server listens for jmx queries



The NotifQueueName parameter is the Notification Queue Name on which the Connector Server sends notifications.


RMI Based Connector Configuration

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in JMX->Connector->RMIBasedJMXConnector.


The RMIServerPort parameter is the port on which the Mx4J RMIConnector Server connects.

This parameter allows the User to configure the RMI port of the Server. When a User runs two or more Servers on the same machine, changing the RMIServerPort value is mandatory as two Servers cannot run on the same RMI port.

Default Value: 1858 - The default RMI port of the Server.


The InterceptClassName parameter is the class Name that is used to intercept all jmx calls

Default Value: fiorano.jmx.connector.FioranoJMXInterceptor - The name of the class used to intercept all jmx calls.


Port on which Rmi Registry will export the Mx4J RMIConnector stubs. If set to 0, stubs will be exported at a random port at runtime.

Default Value: 0


Specifies host name on which the registry would export objects. The system property 'java.rmi.server.hostname' is set to this value before starting the rmi registry.

Note: It can take comma separated values too.Example:,

Default Value: null


This parameter denotes the name of server socket factory class to be used by rmi runtime. This class implements ‘java.rmi.server. RMIServerSocketFactory’ interface.

Default Value: fiorano.rmi.serverfac.def.FioranoRMIServerSocketFactory


This parameter denotes the name of client socket factory class to be used by rmi runtime. This class implements ‘java.rmi.server. RMIClientSocketFactory’ interface.

Default Value: fiorano.rmi.clientfac.def.FioranoRMIClientSocketFactory

JMX Engine Configuration

Presented below are the details for the parameters present in Fiorano->jmx->engine->JMXEngine->ClientJMXEngine.


The SecurityProtocol is the secure protocol used if the Connector Server the Server is connected to is running on a secure protocol. Example: SUN_SSL,NO_SECURITY.

Valid values:

  • NO_SECURITY - No Security protocol is used.
  • SUN_SSL - Sun_SSL is the security protocol that is used.

Default Value:

NO_SECURITY - No security protocol is used by default.


The Protocol parameter is the transport protocol used to connect to the JMS Server. This parameter allows the user to choose between available protocols such as LPC, TCP, and HTTP.

Valid values:

  • TCP - TCP is the transport protocol that is used.
  • HTTP - HTTP is the transport protocol that is used.
  • LPC - LPC is the transport protocol that is used.

Default value:

LPC - LPC is the default protocol used to connect to the JMS Server.


The SecurityManagerClass parameter is the Security Manager class implements IFMQSecurityManager.

Valid values:

NO_SECURITY - No Security Manager class is being used. - The Security Manager class name for Sun_SSL.

Default value:

NO_SECURITY – If the No Security Protocol is used, no the SecurityManagerClass will be used by default. However if a SecurityProtocol is used, say SUN_SSL, then the corresponding SecurityManagerClass, such as must be used.




The QueueConnectionFactory parameter is used by the Connector Server. It can be either LPC enabled or normal. LPC Enabled connectionfactory is used when Connector Server connects to the local server.

Default value:

primaryLQCF - The name of the default QueueConnectionFactory being used.


Port of JMS Server to which this ConnectorServer connects.

Allows the user to configure the server to run on different ports (when two or more instances of FioranoMQ Server need to be run on the same box).

Default value:

1856 - This is the default server port.


The ServerAddress parameter is the IP of the FioranoMQ Server to which the ConnectorServer connects.

Note: ServerAddress should be localhost/LocalIP/MachineName when the LPC QueueConnectionFactory is being used.

Default Value:

localhost - The default ServerAddress of the JMS Server.


The UserName parameter is the User Name that is used to connect to the JMS Server.

Default Value:

Admin – Default username.


Password is the parameter that serves as the password used to connect to the JMS Server.


The ConnectQueueName parameter is the Connect Queue Name on which the Connector Server listens for connection requests.



The RequestQueueName parameter is the Request Queue Name on which the Connector Server listens for jmx queries



The NotifQueueName parameter is the Notification Queue Name on which the Connector Server sends notifications.


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