
The FioranoMQ Bridge provides communication services between FioranoMQ and other messaging servers. As shown in Figure above, the Bridges create a relationship between a remote messaging server and FioranoMQ queues in order to send and receive messages.

This relationship is based on the use of two Bridges-specific entities, referred to as the Source Queue (SQ) and Target Queue (TQ):

Source Queue (SQ): An application always sends to an SQ, which is defined in the source messaging system. Messages received on an SQ are read by the Bridge and forwarded to the associated TQ. An SQ can either be a FioranoMQ queue or a queue on another messaging server ("subject" if Tibrv).

Target Queue (TQ): This is the final target queue for sending a message. This queue is defined by the remote messaging system. A Bridge sends messages (retrieved from the associated SQ) to this queue for subsequent processing by the target application. A TQ can be either a FioranoMQ queue or a queue on another messaging server ("subject" if Tibrv). The Figure below shows how the Bridge forwards a message from a FioranoMQ SQ to its associated Remote TQ.

For example, Application A is an ATM application that uses FioranoMQ for message exchange. It is designed to receive requests for account inquiries, send these requests to Application B, and return account information to bank customers. Application B is an account lookup application that uses IBM WebSphereMQ for message exchange.

Application A places an account inquiry message on Queue_1, a FioranoMQ queue. The part of FioranoMQ - WebSphereMQ Bridge reads the message on Queue_1. It maps the message header data into IBM WebSphereMQ format and forwards the message to Queue_2, an IBM WebSphereMQ queue. Application B reads the message on Queue_2, looks up the requested account information, and places the account information in a reply message. The message is placed on Queue_3, an IBM WebSphereMQ queue. The FioranoMQ Bridge reads the message on Queue_3. It maps the message header data into Fiorano MessageQ format and forwards the message to Queue_4, a FioranoMQ queue. Application A reads the message on Queue_4 and displays the account information to the customer.

Bridge Features

  • XML based: The FioranoMQ administrator can configure the FioranoMQ Bridge using an XML config file. FioranoMQ Bridge gives the enterprise administrator complete power to configure message queuing servers on any network topology. The administrator can set up queues that need to be mapped between target and source servers. Configuring the Bridges is simple and is based on XML.
  • Robustness and Network Failures: The Bridge has a built in feature to reconnect automatically with configured messaging servers. If a network connection or a messaging server goes down, the Bridge automatically tries to reconnect to the "down" servers after "configurable" periods of time. This pinging operation continues until a connection is re-established (or when the "down" server finally comes up again).
  • Avoiding Loopback in Bridges: Cyclic links have been enabled in bridges. A FioranoMQ to FioranoMQ Bridge can result in an infinite loop being set up because of the Bridge configuration. A check has been added in the bridge which prevents an infinite loop. This check is enforced only if a particular configuration flag is turned on via Fiorano eStudio.
  • Logging and Tracing Options: The FioranoMQ Bridge provides comprehensive logging facilities. Logs can be redirected to files or to the console. The administrator can install "customized" logging mechanisms. Trace levels for the Bridge components can be set via Fiorano eStudio.

Bridge Configuration

Configuring the Bridge consists of adding links and channels to the Bridge and specifying queue information to allow bi-directional communication across messaging servers.
When in offline mode, the administrator can easily add links to the bridge and configure source and target servers for message replication. Cluster administrators are provided with a template configuration file. FioranoMQ installation provides a default ConfigswithBridges.xml file in the default FioranoMQ profile (fmq\server\profiles\FioranoMQ 9\conf directory of MQ installation). This provides the default Bridge configuration, adding two links to link the source and the target servers bi-directionally. This file needs to be renamed as configs.xml prior to starting Fiorano eStudio in the offline mode. The Fiorano eStudio tool displays the Bridge with the default links that can be configured through the offline mode.
The following table lists configurable Bridge Manager properties:

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