
This chapter explains the parameters that can be configured for the Dashboard, used as the Monitoring and Administration tool for the FioranoMQ Server. These parameters can be configured in the default profile at the node FioranoMQ->Fiorano->etc->JettyServer through Offline configuration using eStudio.

For information on how to configure the FioranoMQ Server in Offline mode, refer to the Offline Profile Management section and for information on the Web Management Console, refer to the Angular Web Management Tool section.


The parameters present in Fiorano->etc->JettyServer are explained in this chapter.


MaxThreads are the maximum number of threads that can be created for the Jetty Server that is running.

The MaxThreads parameter allows the User to configure the maximum number of threads the dashboard may have active at any time. This value can be decreased if the User does not expect that much traffic will be directed towards the Jetty Server.

Default Value:

The Jetty Server thread pool has a default limit of 250 threads.


EnableStart is a boolean value describing whether the Jetty Server should be activated along with FioranoMQ Server.

If the User does not wish the Jetty Server to be setting the Jetty Server  to false will prevent the  Server from running.

Valid Values:

  • Yes (in eStudio)/True - The Jetty Server is started along with the FioranoMQ Server.
  • No (in eStudio)/False - The Jetty Server is not started along with the FioranoMQ Server.

Default Value:

Yes (In eStudio)/True - The Jetty Server is started along with the FioranoMQ Server.


The MinThreads parameter is the minimum number of threads that are created in the dashboard that is running.

The MinTreads parameter allows the User to configure the minimum number of threads that should be present in the dashboard thread pool. This value can be increased if the user expects high traffic directed towards the dashboard.

Default Value:

There should be a minimum of 10 threads by default in the Jetty Server thread pool.



The LowThreads parameter allows the User to set the low threads threshold for the thread pool of the Jetty Server. A low resource state detects a threshold or a limit set on the number of threads that the Jetty Serverthread pool may have. The limit set on the number of threads is specified by this parameter.

Default Value:

When a low resource is detected, the Jetty Serverthread pool threshold, by default, is set to 25.


The MaxIdleTime parameter sets the maximum idle time for a connection. The maximum idle time is applied while:

  • Waiting for a new request to be received on a connection.
  • Reading the headers and content of a request.
  • Writing the headers and content of a response.

Default Value:

The maximum time, by default, that the Jetty Server may remain idle is 30000 milliseconds.




The LowResourceMaxIdleTime is the value specified to reduce the maximum idling time of a connection when a ‘low resource’ status is detected.

Default Value:

The default value of the MaxIdleTime when there is a low resource state is 5000.




PortNumber is the value that allows the User to configure the Jetty Server to run on different ports. When the User wants to start two or more instances of the FioranoMQ server on the same box, the jetty server port for each of these Server instances must be different as all of them cannot be bound to the same port.

Default Value: The default port for the jetty server is 1790.

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