Setting up
- Open the profile for off-line editing through the Profile Manager
Modify ACL Manager implementation and Principal Manager to RDBMS
- Configure these components as per the desired database. Sample configuration for some common databases is provided in later sections.
- RDMS-based ACL manager depends on Timer Service. Specify the instance of TimerService as specified in the figure below:
Figure 1:Instance property under TimeService for RDBMS Realm - Right-click on the FES/FPS node and select Save from the pop-up menu.
Additional Configuration
The database driver has to be added to the Container classpath. To force the Fiorano FES/FPS servers to create default destinations and users again over the newly configured RDBMS Server even if the server has already been started using any other configuration option, clear the existing database (run folder of profile) and then restart the server.
Sample Configurations
The list below provides sample configuration for various databases. These parameters can be specified for both ACLManager as well as PrincipalManager.
Database | URL | Database Driver | Username | Password |
Oracle | jdbc:oracle:thin:@ | oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver | scott | tiger |
MySQL | jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql | com.mysql.jdbc.Driver | <user name> | <password> |
HSQL | jdbc:hsqldb:d:\FMQDB | org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver | sa | <password> |
MSSQL | jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://qalab01:1433 | | sa | <password> |
DB2 | jdbc:db2://localhost:7777/sample | | user | passwd |
The PropertiesFile parameter should point to principalsqlstatements properties when configuring PrincipalManager and aclsqlstatements properties when configuring ACLManager. These files can be found in the conf folder of the desired profile.
Use any Query tool provided by your database vendor, such as SQLWorksheet for Oracle, and verify the creation of the following tables with default values:
Principal Manager
TableName - users (stores all users related information)
TableName - group members (stores all Group related information)
ACL Manager
TableName - acl entries (stores ACL Entries for all users)
The following is a sample SQL query executed on SQLWorksheet:
- SQLWKS> select * from users;
- SQLWKS> select * from acl entries;