How to Migrate from the older Fiorano version?


To understand how to upgrade your current Fiorano environment to Fiorano 13, please refer to the sections below:

The following sections list new and changed features, resolved issues, and known issues and limitations pertaining to the Fiorano13 version:

What's New

API Management

  • Policies:
    • JWT and JWS (Verify JSON Web Token and Verify JSON Web Signature): Option to revoke JSON Web keys (JWK).
    • XML to JSON: Option to skip root element during payload transformation
    • OAuth: Policy to verify the OAuth access token issued by a third party IAM service.
    • Monetization: Custom attribute as the rating parameter in API Monetization.
  • Option to add custom request filter class and response headers to every request at the API gateway level.
  • Swagger: Option to set content type in request body configuration.

API Dashboard

  • Option to group client subscriptions based on client ID.

Developer Portal

  • Developer Portal is upgraded to use Drupal 9 framework to include all the latest security and functional fixes available.
  • Option to invoke SSL-enabled APIs from OpenAPI/Swagger documentation using HTTPS scheme.
  • Option to create multiple developers under one client.

New Microservices

  • Fiorano ISO 20022 Accelerator:
    • Fiorano has provided translations from MT to MX and vice versa based on the usage guidelines provided by SWIFT CBPR+ (September 2020).

Complex issues involved in bi-directional mapping between MT and MX formats are solved with the help of these translations and migration to ISO20022 has been made easier.

  • ISO20022Validator: Support to validate ISO20022 messages based on SWIFT CBPRPlus specifications.
  • ExcelReader Microservice:
    • Supports reading data directly from Excel file formats. Excel binary workbook formats can also be read directly using this microservice.

Features in Microservices

  • FTP Put/Get:
    • Option to move a file to Processed Directory if monitoring is not enabled.
    • Support for elliptic curve cipher suite algorithms while using SFTP and FTPS protocols.
  • REST Consumer:
    • Support for Token-based (JWT/OAuth) authentication.
    • Support for application/PDF mediatype to download documents.
    • Support File parameter for Multipart/Form data type.
  • REST Stub:
    • Support for PATCH method.
    • Support parameter parsing for Multipart/Form data type.
  • Encryption/Decryption:
    • Added support for password-based encryption in AES, RC2, DES and TripleDES algorithms.
    • Support to get Private Key Password from input for RSA algorithm.
  • Websocket:
    • Option to take connection URL and parameters from an input message.
    • Option to close and recreate tunnel based on input message parameters.
  • HL72XML: Option to generate empty element nodes for empty or null values in HL7.
  • MT2XML/XML2MT: Named configuration support for Message Schema directory configuration.
  • T24Outbound:
    • Support to use connection details from input.
    • Option to create a new connection soon after Idle Timeout without waiting for the next request.
  • JMS Requestor: New error destination port to handle messages to error destination.
  • JMS Replier: Option to ignore ReplyTo header in incoming messages.
  • HTTP Adapter: Option to enable HTTP transport layer level logs.
  • B2B: Support to configure scheduling interval in runtime argument of microservices.
  • XMLVerification: Support for XSD 1.1 specification
  • Feeder/Timer: Option to provide application context


  • Option to create extended services which run entirely inside a single JVM on peer server or peer server group.
  • Option to auto deploy services, part of a server group, on a newly added peer server.
  • Option to mask sensitive data before storing it in the document tracking database.
  • Option to import an event process in a zip file as an extended service.
  • Provided REST APIs for all ESB operations. This helps in monitoring and managing Servers and Applications by invoking REST APIs.
  • Option to send callout error messages to an error queue after a configurable number of retries.
  • Addition of periodic health events to monitor memory and CPU usage, and overall downtime.
  • Pagination support while fetching logs of service instances.
  • Option to display multiple user-defined document IDs in the SBW workflows panel.
  • Option to set secure headers in the HTTP response.
  • Configurable option to enable or disable batching in the connection factories used by microservices.
  • Option to store API Keys in a central Cassandra/Scylla database.


  • Option to open extended service editor in multiple peer deployment views.


ESB Dashboard

  • A revamped ESB dashboard using REST APIs to communicate with the Fiorano ESB Server to assist in maintaining event processes and extended services.
  • The revamped dashboard, which is built on the Angular framework, is more user-friendly, intuitive and helps in configuring and maintaining ESB artifacts.

What's Changed

API Management

  • Analytics: Updating PROXY_RESOURCE_PATH to PROXY_RESOURCE_BASE_PATH while inserting in analytics DB.
  • Policies: Complete stacktrace is logged for exceptions in OAuth policies for an effective diagnosis of issues.
  • Option to set cookies httpOnly and secure for response from the API gateway server.
  • Product, client, subscriptions and organization names are made case insensitive.


  • Aggregator: Added new message property AGG_CLOSE_EVENT in the output to identify the first and last message when grouping is used and multiple messages are sent on the output port.
  • JMS In 4.0/5.04: Acknowledgement mode option which are used only for receiving messages is removed from the configuration.
  • HTTPReceive: Port number range extended from 1-9999 to 1-49151.


  • Upgraded log4j version to 2.17.1
  • Advanced Features in GIT integration such as cloning, pushing, and fetching revision history.
  • Option to add secure headers to HTTP responses at both peer server and API gateway server.
  • Configurable option to enable/disable batching in the connection factories used by microservices.

Resolved Issues

API Management

  • Enable Debug - Throwing error when SSL is enabled.
  • Unable to delete partners from ESB.
  • HTTPS scheme not visible in swagger project.


  • Message Logging API policy: Configuration not retrieving correctly from AMS .
  • The variable prefix feature not working when multiple Service Callout policies are added.
  • Parameters set in the Build message policy appended with null string.
  • Time to live option in Populate Cache policy not working as expected.
  • Proper error not thrown for JSON Threat Protection policy.

Developer Portal

  • Resource URLs shown in OpenAPI/Swagger documentation of API projects should be based on the selected server group.


  • WebServiceConsumer:
    • Few requests not processed when JMS transport is enabled during high load.
    • Runs out of memory while configuring for some recursive element definitions.
    • Not getting output when a microservice gets launched in a group process where WSSecurity is used.
  • HttpReceive/HttpStub: Pre/Post processing XSL configuration not working.
  • HttpReceive: HTTP Receive creates single session for a context irrespective of input port configuration.
  • XSLT: Issue when application-context contains white spaces


  • RESTStub:
    • Header parameter request getting enclosed with []
    • Allow configurations when service name has underscore characters.
  • RestConsumer:
    • If there are any bytes data generated as part of previous microservices like SocketAdapter, then RestConsumer does not work properly and tries to invoke application/Octet-Stream irrespective of the representation type configured.
    • SSL configuration not working with IBM java.
    • Issue with Load WADL when SSL configuration is used.
  • DB: Processing output as CDATA does not work.
  • WSStub: Unsecured (HTTP) requests getting blocked even when 'Default Connector' is enabled in the SSL mode.
  • LDAPLookup:
    • Change password returns false positive result.
    • Issues in Modify and Bind operations performed on Microsoft Active Directory.
  • MSMQSender/MSMQReceiver/EventLogwriter: Service details missing in message properties.
  • HL7Sender: Few messages remain unreceived when multiple sessions are used.
  • HL72XML: Blank repeating fields missing in the response XML.
  • EBMSAdapter: Not getting launched when the execution type is set to In Memory.
  • ExcelWriter: Issues in launching when the execution type is set to In Memory.
  • KafkaConnector: By default, all options are disabled in Error Handling configuration.
  • Websocket: Empty message sent upon connection creation.
  • Decryption: Validation error 'Transformation value cannot be empty' thrown in CPS when decryption algorithm name is set to 'PGP_RFC4880'.
  • Group Process: Unable to start multiple instances of a microservice in the same event process.


  • Continuous defragmentation of admin.dat resulting in slow performance of server.
  • Analytics adding data to AMS even after disabling Analytics.
  • Application Documents failing to load in a specific case when Oracle 19c is used as the database.
  • Extended service logs not getting cleared.
  • Improper behavior when ES launched with 'Service launch order' for multiple peer deployment.
  • Issue with SBW DB creation when FES is configured for MSSQL in a specific case.
  • Unable to remove breakpoint when SUN_SSL protocol is enabled for JMS in FES and FPS servers.
  • Route creation taking more time when FES secondary is active.
  • Service instance details not tracked in source context if it is already present.
  • Slowness of Dashboard when more users are added to either ESB or API.
  • Peer server failing to start if any property is added to a handshake message.
  • SBW records getting lost if there is an issue while inserting messages to an intermediate queue.
  • Messages not reaching the subsequent breakpoints after reapplying the breakpoint.

ESB Dashboard

  • Document tracking not working when SBW is configured with Oracle19c.


  • Unable to login to Enterprise server when RDBMS-based security is used.
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