Components under this category enable you to collaborate across different platforms by communicating through conversations.
The Collaboration category comprises of the components:
chat component is a Java-based component which demonstrates sending messages from one chat window to another through input and output ports. The font and color of the messages can be configured in the Configuration Property Sheet (CPS) of the component.
csChat is a native Csharp-based component. CS Chat uses the .Net framework for its GUI (chat window). The CS Chat component uses the Csharp runtime which is a wrapper on C++ native runtime for running the application.
Vbchat is built upon JNI-based CPP client library which uses fmq-cpp-client-msg-adapter.lib for running the component. Vbchat uses Microsoft ActiveX controls for its GUI (chat window).
vcChat is a native C++ based component. VC Chat uses the MFC library for its GUI (chat window). VC Chat uses the c++ native runtime library for running the application.