Setting up
- Open the desired profile for off-line editing through the Profile Manager using Studio
Modify the Implementation property of Principal Manager and ACL Manager to XML.
- Configure Principal Manager and ACL Manager.
- Right-click the FES/FPS node and select Save from the pop-up menu.
Configuring Principal Manager
UserFileName: The name and path of the XML file containing user information. The default is user.xml.
GroupFileName: The name and path of the XML file containing group information. The default is group.xml.
Path: The absolute or relative path where the user and group files are stored. On specifying an absolute path, user and group files are saved to that location, while specifying a relative path saves user and group files to [FIORANO_DB_PATH]
[relative path entered], which in default cases for FES are %FIORANO_HOME%\runtimedata%selectedProfile%\FES\run\realm\principal.
Configuring ACL Manager
FileName: The name and path of the XML file containing user information. The default is acl.xml.
MaxAcePerACL: Maximum number of entries that an ACL can store. Default is 100.
Path: The absolute or relative path where the XML files are stored. On specifying an absolute path, user and group files are saved to that location, while specifying a relative path saves user and group files to [FIORANO_DB_PATH]
[relative path entered], which in default cases are %FIORANO_HOME%\runtimedata%selectedProfile%\FES\run\realm\principal.
Sample XML files
- <UserManager> Root element of the UserManager.
- <User> The UserManager may consist of one or more users.
- <Name> The name of the user. This is used to identify the user entry and is used in the ACLS and Groups.
- <Password> The password of the user. This is stored in encrypted form. Hence, it cannot be specified from outside the system.
- <GroupManager> Root element of the GroupManager.
- <Group> The GroupManager may consist of one or more groups.
- <Name> The name of the group. This is used to identify the group entry and is used in the ACL table.
- <Member> A group can consist of one or more members. These members must exist in the user table.
- <AclManager> Root element of the ACL dtd.
- <ACL> The AclManager consists of one or more ACLs, which consists of all the information about ACL.
- <Name> It specifies the name of the ACL.
- <AclEntry> An ACL consists of one or more AclEntry, which can be negative (NEG) or positive (POS).
- <Principal> An AclEntry consists of a Principal, which can be a user or a group.
- <Permission> An AclEntry consists of 0 or 1 permission to perform certain tasks