Remote Profile Manager

Remote Profile Manager (RPM) is used to edit Server Profiles from eStudio which is running on a different machine.

Figure 1: Remote Profiles node in the Profile Management perspective

Working with the Remote Profile Manager

To modify the Server Profiles of a remote system, start the RMI Server on the remote machine and access the profiles remotely from the client machine. Sections below illustrate the same.

On Remote (server) Machine

  1. Set hostname or IP Address in the file at <FioranoHome>/framework/remoteProfileManager/bin.
  2. Start the RMI server on the remote machine where the profiles are present:
  3. Start the Remote Profile Manager:
    • Windows: Double-click the remoteProfileManager.bat file or open the terminal and input the command remoteprofilemanager.bat.
    • Linux: Double-click the file or open the terminal and input the command ./

    To change the Port Number, set the required Port Number in the file.

On client (eStudio) machine

  1. Start eStudio on the client machine and open the Profile Management perspective.
  2. In the Profile Manager window, right-click the Remote Profiles node and click the Connect option.

    Figure 2: Right-click menu to connect to the Remote Profile

  3. Provide the following details in the Remote Profile Connection dialog box and click the OK button:
    1. Host IP Address: IP address of the remote machine where the RMI Server is started (default IP address is "localhost").
    2. Port Number: Port number of the Remote Server (default port number is 5011).
    3. Ping Time (in sec): The time interval at which the remote machine will be pinged to check wheather it is alive or not. If not alive, the local system will disconnect from the remote system (default value is 4).

      Figure 3: Right-click menu to connect to the Remote Profile

  4. Select the suitable profile from the list of profiles, modify, and then save the changes.
    Changes made will be reflected in the remote machine.
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