To install Fiorano Platform, perform the steps below:

  1. Download the latest Fiorano installer from
  2. Once the file is downloaded, open the terminal at the location where the file fioranoX.X.X_bXXXX_linux.bin is located.
  3. Give executable permissions to the file by using the command:

  4. Execute the bin file using the command below, which opens up an Installation Wizard where the installation details can be provided:


    In case of any error during the above process, check the integrity of the downloaded Installer file by following the steps in the Verifying Installer Integrity section.

  5. Follow Steps 3 to 10 mentioned in the Installing on Windows section to complete the installation.


  • The bin installer might fail if openjdk is set as JAVA_HOME in some systems. Please use Oracle's Java and set the JAVA_HOME variable appropriately.
  • In the event of an error saying "Initializing InstallShield Wizard" while installing, refer to the Troubleshooting section for the resolution.

Post Installation Reference

  • To migrate from an older Fiorano version to the new one, follow the steps mentioned in the Migration Across Releases section.
  • For details on how to start and use the Fiorano ESB Servers, please refer to the Developing section.
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