The states of the primary and secondary servers can be determined by running the sample present in $FIORANO_HOME/esb/samples/HAStatus.
The sample needs two parameters to run:

  • IP Address of either Primary or the Secondary Server.
  • RMI Port of the server whose IP Address is provided.

If the sample fails to connect to a server, it could mean that the server is either Dead or not reachable. In such a case, try giving the IP Address of the other server. If this fails too, this could mean that both servers are Dead or unreachable in the network.

The value of the RMI Port can be found in the profile of the server. It is referred to as the RmiServerPort parameter. For more information on configuring profile, please refer the Configuring the FES HA Profile section.


This sample can be used to determine the states of the servers running in replicated mode only.

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