Fiorano Microservices can be configured and launched using different modes as per requirement, which can be referred in the Configuring Execution Type section.
When end-user wishes to control the launch and stop of the components in a Fiorano application, specific components can be set to launch in manual mode. When a component is set to launch in the manual mode, the Fiorano Peer Server does not try to launch the component. The end-user can use the Fiorano scriptgen tool present in <fiorano_install_dir>/esb/tools/scriptgen as illustrated in Figure 1 to generate a script that launches the component. Alternatively, the end-user can use the Fiorano Enterprise Server API to launch this component from another application.
To change a component's Launch Mode, click the component first and then change the Execution Type to 'Manual' in the Execution tab of the Properties window.
Figure 1: Choosing 'Manual' Execution Type
Manual launch is a mode in which the Fiorano peer server does not control the launch and stop of components.
Scriptgen Tool
Manual launch can be achieved via a launch script that can be generated via Fiorano Studio. The scriptgen tool is present at the location <fiorano_install_dir>/esb/tools/scriptgen
To generate a Manual Launch Script from the Fiorano Studio
Right-click the component, go to the Execution option, select the Save Manual Launch Script option and save the script in the component_properties folder that is automatically created.
Figure 3: Menu to save the manual launch script using Fiorano Studio
After saving the generated script, a dialog box is displayed with instruction to run the manual script. Click OK.
Figure 4: Dialog box showing the steps to execute a component using the scriptgen tool
Executing the scriptgen.bat file (on Windows platform) or file (UNIX platform) sets the environment variables. In UNIX, type the command
and press Enter to start the Launch Configuration UI (Figure 5) to configure the launch script saved above. Perform the following actions in the Launch Configuration dialog box:Click the ellipsis
button present under the Properties File text box and choose the properties file saved previously (Step 1); the path gets displayed in the text box.
Click the Load button to set the appropriate properties. Vvalues saved in the properties file get displayed in the Launch Configuration window.
Click OK to launch the component.
Figure 5: Launch Configuration UI to load the component properties for manual launch
The console shows the progress of the component launch with log statements.
Figure 6: Console displaying the details of the launch of the componentSubsequently, the component gets launched, which can be further used in the flow.