

This sample shows how to write a JMXBased property sheet where all the configuration parameters are defined using JMX attributes.

Default Behavior

By default, there is no business logic or send logic implemented in the component's code. So it does not send out any message to the output port.

Changes required to use a different CPS

  1. A class which holds the configuration should be created

  2. This class contains the CPS properties described as JMX attributes.
  3.  Add the following lines In etc\ServiceDescriptor.xml under "execution" element after "separate-process" element

  4. Under "servicerefs" element, make the following service reference changes:

  5. Add 'cpsClass' and 'cpsMandatory' (if the configuration is mandatory) attributes in service-export ant task (present in the target "deploy") in common.xmlas shown below:

  6. Make the following changes to the elements below:

    Changes Required
    ILookupConfiguration.javaAdd method String getConfigurationLookupName();
    RuntimeArguments.javaAdd and implement method String getConfigurationLookupName();

    Add field String configurationLookupName and initialize in constructor

    Add and implement method Object lookupSerializedConfiguration() throws NamingException

    Add field DefaultCPSPM configuration
    Initialize field configuration in void start(String[] args) and change the throws list accordingly

    Provide getter for configuration.

    DefaultCPSMessageListener.javaChange constructor to take CustomCPSPM instead of RuntimeArguments
    JMSObjects.javaChange DefaultCPSMessageListener constructor in create() method to pass configuration object instead of runtime arguments object
  • To check the functionality of this component, it should be registered with the server.
  • The steps to register the samples is specified in the Sample Templates section.
Adaptavist ThemeBuilder EngineAtlassian Confluence