
The XML2Text component transforms data from XML format to flat file format. This component accepts data in XML format and transforms it to the required Text (delimited, positional or both) format.


The TFL file, used in the configuration of the XML2Text component, which describes the conversion rules, may be created or modified using the Fiorano Studio tool.

Configuration and Testing

Managed Connection Factory

Figure 1: Managed Configuration Properties


For information about the below attributes, please refer to the respective sections mentioned below:

Interaction Configuration

Figure 2: Interaction Configurations Panel


Prefix namespace for only root element

The schema generated will have elementformdefault as unqualified and the child elements will belong to the namespace of root element, otherwise each element will have its own namespace prefix.

  • For the Expert Properties such as Validate Input, Cleanup resources (excluding connection) after each document and Elements to Decrypt, refer respective sections in Common Configurations page.
  • For Target Namespace and Monitoring configuration properties too, refer the respective section in the above-mentioned page.

Scheduler Configurations

Please refer the respective section in Common Configurations page.

Transport Configurations

Please refer the respective section in Common Configurations page.


Transport Configurations panel will be available only if scheduling is enabled in Scheduler Configurations panel.

Error Handling

Please refer the sections Request Processing Error, Connection Error and Invalid Request Error in the Error Handling section of Common Configurations page for details.



Sample CSV file format schema is as below.

Figure 3: Sample CSV Schema Format

The structure of the schema is shown the below figure. Sample schema contains Employee records and each record contains EmployeeName, EmployeeID and EmployeeAge fields. This sample schema has Record Delimiter as CRLF and Filed delimiter as comma(,).

Figure 4: Structure for the Sample CSV SchemaFormat

Sample Input

The input XML structure is same as that of the sample CSV file format schema which is shown in Figure 4.

Sample input is shown in the below figure. It contains multiple Employee elements under EmployeeSchema element. Each Employee element contains EmployeeName, EmployeeAge and EmployeeID elements.

Figure 5: Sample Input

Sample Output

Sample output contains CSV formated Employee Records, which are separated by new line character (CRLF) and the fields are separated by a comma (,).

Figure 6: Sample Output

Functional Demonstration

Scenario 1

This scenario demonstrates the transformation of XML into comma-separated values (CSV).

Configure the XML2Text component as described in the Testing section and use Feeder and Display components to send sample input and check the response respectively. CSV File Schema is used in this scenario.

Figure 7: Demonstrating Scenario 1 with sample input and output.

Useful Tips

Please refer Flat File Schema Editor section for the documentation related to creating the Text Format Layout (TFL) files.

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