
The TextSplitter microservice splits the incoming messages and then groups those messages based on the Sort keys values provided to generate the output in aTEXT/XML format. This microservice is used specifically to handle a huge volume of files.

Configuration and Testing

Component Configuration

Figure 1 below illustrates the Component Properties Sheet (CPS) properties.


File Path

Path of the input file to be chosen.

The microservice runs on the peer server and therefore the file paths and directories mentioned in the CPS should be valid on the machine where the peer server is running. If the microservice fails over to another peer server, ensure that the machine on which the secondary peer server is running carries the same path.

Is Header Included?

if enabled,the headers are picked from the first NON-empty line of the input file.

Sort Keys

The sort keys are used to sort the file.These should be provided as a comma-separated list. They must be sub-fields of headers group. The order in which they are provided reflects on the output .

Field Names

if  Is Header Included property is disabled, then the user needs to provide all the headers in comma-separated list present in the input file. This property is hidden when Is Header Included property is enabled.

Field Delimiter

Field Delimiter to separate the fields in a record. If the user wants to give a delimiter consisting spaces, it should be wrapped in double quotes. For example,a single-spaced delimiter should be given as " ", although tab could be given as \t

Record Delimiter

Delimiter used to separate the Records,by default it is set to \n.

Throttling Interval(ms)

The minimum interval between two consecutive messages that are sent to the output port.

Output Format

Choose the Format of the message from the options available:

  • XML
  • Text

The following two properties appear only when this property is chosen as "XML".

Root Name

Provide the Root name for the XMLOutput messages.

Target NameSpace

Provide the Target NameSpace for the generated XMLOutput.

OutputFile Directory

The directory contains the sorted file as per the given keys with Timestamp appended to it.If this property is left empty,a temporary directory from runtime data is chosen.The file created shall be deleted after the execution of the request

Functional Demonstration

The following flow shows the TextSplitter taking an input from a CSV file and giving an XML output.


The headers are read from the input. LocationID,CheckID are given as Sort Keys, with throttling message =1 ms

The temporary outputFile gets created in the Output folder which will be deleted after the execution of the request


The messages that match the LocationID and CheckId are grouped and sent to output port.


Adaptavist ThemeBuilder EngineAtlassian Confluence