
To understand how to upgrade your current Fiorano environment to Fiorano 10.3.3, please refer the Migration Across Releases section or refer the document named 'FioranoPlatformMigrationGuide' present at the location FIORANO_HOME/esb/FioranoMigration.

This document contains important information about the Fiorano Platform 10.3.3 release. The following sections list new/changed features, resolved issues, and known issues and limitations pertaining to this release.

What's New

New Microservices

  • S3 Upload: New microservice to upload data/files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  • XML Security Provider: New microservice to encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify signatures of an XML message.
  • JSON CBR: New component to route incoming JSON messages onto different output destinations based on the content of the messages evaluated using configured JsonPath Expressions.

New API Management Policies

  • Policy for SAML Assertion generation.
  • Policy to validate payload conformance with a JSON Schema.


  • Socket Adapter: Support to pool connections which can be reused when idle.
  • MSMQ Receiver 5.0: Support for processing requests in scheduler mode.
  • HL7 Receiver: New Replier mode to send custom response messages back to the sender.
  • DB and DBQueryOnInput: Option to suppress column header names in CSV responses.
  • HTTP Adapters 4.0: Support to write responses to a file instead of sending them to the output port.
  • HTTP Adapters 5.0: Support for SSLv3 protocol while creating secure HTTPS connections.
  • HL7 to XML and XML to HL7: Support for processing custom HL7 messages.

API Management

  • Support for Distributed Cache in all caching policies.
  • REST API for the administration of APIs, clients, subscriptions, and products.
  • Support for /(slash) in a project's context path.
  • Option to exclude version number from project deployment path.
  • Support to connect to target servers through SOCKS Proxy.
  • Option to send developer password from Administration Portal.
  • Option to edit the Resource name, Policy name and Target name. Support to disable self sign on.
  • Support for non-numerical values in version number.
  • Simplified passing of input to service call outs using Build Message policy.


  • Option to view whether document tracking is enabled for an application.
  • New policy to monitor and alert in case of low disk space.
  • Support for bulk re-injection of documents satisfying configured criteria.


  • Option to export and import Enterprise Server Configuration(s).
  • Support to attach application context for a message created in breakpoint view.
  • Option to search schemas and their locations in schema repository.
  • Option to stop and start a subscription in message subscribers.
  • Support to configure API Analytics Database.
  • eMapper: Newer version of date functions with more options for input mismatch failures.


What's Changed


  • Exception Listener: JNDI password and Admin Password too are now saved as Environment Properties, while only the corresponding User Names were saved previously.
  • Sales Force: Component has been moved from Bridges category to a new category named 'Cloud' added in the Micro Service Palette.
  • Timer: Timer microservice stops when configured for finite iterations.

API Management

  • Enhanced Analytics UI for better usability.
  • Environments are now referred as Server Groups.


  • eMapper: Transformation can be tested even when there are JMS message related funclets.


Resolved Issues


  • Http Receive: Issues with basic authentication and multiple contexts.
  • Fetching connection details from a peer server in WSStub/RESTStub/HttpStub does not work when secondary enterprise server is active.


  • Stability fixes in replicated HA
  • Peer Server sends SBW events on restart even when document tracking is disabled.
  • In-Memory components are not fetched on update even when the cache is disabled.


  • Issues with repeated conversion of XSLT to route transformation and vice versa.


Known Issues and Limitations

Known Issues

  • If multiple eStudio clients are connected to the same Enterprise Server and working on the same Event Process, the changes made by one client will not be reflected on the other clients.
  • There is a race condition which under rare circumstances leads to corruption of the Peer Server's PUBSUB database on multiple start/stop events of an Event Process accompanied by multiple failovers of a Shared HA Peer Server. The Peer Server refuses to start after this point. For exact sequence of steps that may lead to this issue, please refer to KB#3273 on the Fiorano Support Portal following the URL http://support.fiorano.com/
    • Workaround: Clear Peer Server's PUBSUB database manually. The PUBSUB database is present under: $FIORANO_HOME/runtimedata/PeerServers/<PeerProfileName>/FPS/run/PUBSUB.
  • While logging on to eStudio (server on Windows 2012), if the user is not logged in as admin, he/she could get exceptions while connecting to eStudio.The reason is that by default the NTFS file system does not provide necessary Write permissions to a Guest User. And if the default temp file location that java uses falls outside the permissible territory, it results in the aforementioned exceptions.
    • Resolution: The 'java.io.tmpdir' property should be set to some location within permissible limits (in server.conf/fes.conf) or the user should be given explicit Write permissions.
  • A Peer Server run as an NT Service under a Domain User account in Windows fails to deploy more Microservices after about 75 Microservices have already been deployed.
  • JMSIn/JMSOut/JMSRequestor Microservices running on a Linux machine cannot connect to a Weblogic server running on a remote Linux machine using the T3 (default) protocol; the HTTP protocol should be used instead.
  • SBW search does not work properly with the MSSQL database when an Event Process name has Japanese characters.
  • Simple Http Microservice fails when the length of IP and subnet are different in the system property "http.nonProxyHosts".


  • eStudio
    • Layouts will not be completely preserved when an Event Process is opened in eStudio and nStudio.
    • Customization of Error Logs and Problems View to show only eStudio-related logs is not supported.
    • Event Processes created prior to SOA 2007 SP4 cannot be imported.
  • eMapper
    • Option to import an extension is not present.
    • Validation of Types is not present while compiling funclets.
    • EDI and CSV formats are not supported.
  • Feature not supported - Cannot use overloaded java functions for scripts imported from a TMF file.
  • Applications created prior to SOA 2007 SP3 using WS Stub and Http Stub Microservices are not compatible with the latest versions.
    • Work around: After importing, reconfigure WS Stub and Http Stub instances.
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