The Fiorano eStudio tool provides facilities to export components from one Enterprise server and import them into another server.
Exporting a Microservice
To export a microservice, perform the following actions:
- Right-click the microservice to be exported from Microservice Repository panel (it lists all microservices available under their respective categories) and choose Export To Offline or Export To Local Disk option.
Figure 1: Menu to export the component from the Fiorano Studio
- In the Export Services To Local Disk dialog box, provide the location where the file needs to be saved and select the checkboxes to choose the service and also any system library dependencies that you wish to export along with this component.
Figure 2: Option to save the exported component and its libraries
- Click Finish to export the component as a zip file that is saved on the file system.
Importing a Microservice
The Import operation is similar to the export operation discussed above. An Import is typically performed by reading a .zip file, containing an exported or newly created/added component, from the file system.
- Click the Import from Offline
or Import From Local Disk
icon (as the case may be) from the Microservice Repository menu bar.
Figure 3: Menu to import a saved/exported/new microservice
- Choose the service from the list to import from the zip file. Click the Open button to import.
Figure 4: Menu to import a new component
Choose the files and dependencies as required and click Finish.
Figure 5: List of components to import
The Properties for the component can be edited by selecting Edit <ServiceName> option in the Import Services panel (see the figure above). Modify as required in the ServiceDescriptor.xml editor.
Figure 6: Properties of the imported component in ServiceDescriptor.xml