
Heap size allocated for maximum memory can be customized, as per requirement, by configuring the Heap size.

Server Configuration

The allocation of memory for the JVM is specified using -X options when starting the server. These options can be configured in server.conf file in %FIORANO_HOME%/esb/server/bin/. Open server.conf file and change the values for –Xms and –Xmx argument under <jvm.arg> tag. Save the file and restart the server.

  • Keeping the value too low can cause out of memory errors.
  • 'Out of memory' should absolutely be avoided on component and peers.
    • Fine-tune the environment to avoid 'Out of memory' crash.
    • Increase the allocated memory if it crashes frequently.
  • Memory consumption can be monitored by adding alerts.

Component Configuration

Memory used by a component can be restricted or expanded based on the requirement. This can be done by appending appropriate Maximum Heap Size (-Xms) and Initial Heap Size (-Xmx) values with JVM_PARAMS value present in Runtime Arguments tab under Properties.

  • Press Enter after making the changes to save the changes made.
  • Provide prefix "m" for the values as these are represented in MBs.

Java Home


To access Java from a different location or to access a different java version Java Home path may be changed by adding the value for JAVA_HOME property under Other Arguments section below JVM_PARAMS property.

Figure 1: Example: -DLOG_TOSTREAM=true –Xms40m –Xmx128m

Reducing the maximum allocated memory helps in deploying more components, but keeping the value too low can cause out of memory errors.

Using same JVM settings in Multiple Microservice Instances

After pressing Enter to apply the changes made in JVM_PARAMS value, as described in the previous section, clicking No in Update all Service Instances dialog box applies the settings only to the presently selected Microservice Instance(s).

To apply the same settings for multiple Microservice Instances from all the Event Processes,

  1. Select the Update service instances from all Event Processes checkbox; the Yes button gets active.
  2.  Click YesSelect Service Instance dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Service Instances to which the same JVM settings need to be applied and press OK.

Figure 2: Updating Microservice Instances

Using same JVM settings in Multiple Environments

To use a particular JVM parameter across environments, save the configuration as 'named configuration' bu performing the following actions:

  1. In Configuration Repository window, right-click Runtime Arguments folder and click Add Configuration.
  2. In the Add New Configuration dialog box, choose the preferred environment name from the Environment drop-down.
  3. Provide a name for the configuration in the Name field, choose the required environment, and click Next.

    Figure 3: Configuring Named Configuration

  4. In the Runtime Arguments Configuration panel, provide the required values and Java Home and click Finish to save the named configuration for the chosen environment

    Java Home


    To access Java from a different location or to access a different java version Java Home path may be changed by adding the value for JAVA_HOME property below the JVM_PARAMS property.


    Provide prefix "m" for the values as these are represented in MBs.

    Figure 4: Saving Named Configuration

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