
Importing from Local Disk

Event Process can be imported from the local disk and from the Server.

To import an Event Process from local disk, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the Event Process Repository node and select Import Event Process from the menu.

    Figure 1: Import Event Process from local disc

  2. Specify the location of Event Process zip file and click OK. A list of all Named Configurations used in the Event Processes referred to by this Event Process and the Named Configurations used in all these Event Processes is also provided. The user can select the Event Processes and configurations to be imported along with the Event Process in the Import Applications wizard.

    Figure 2 Import Application Wizard

Event Processes or Configurations that are already present in the repository are shown in Red and the configurations which are used in the Event Process and are not found the import ZIP file are indicated using a Red cross ( ).

Importing from Server

To import an Event Process from the Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on Import Event Process from Server icon present on Event Process Repository view tool bar.

    Figure 3 Import Event Process from Server
  2. Select a Sever dialog box appears listing all servers specified in Fiorano ESB Connection Preferences page.

    Figure4: Select Enterprise Server
  3. Select the Server from which Event Process has to be imported and click OK. The Select Event Process To Be Imported dialog box appears which lists all the Event processes deployed in the server.

    Figure 5: List of Event Process in server
  4. Select the Event Process to be imported and click OK. The Import Applications wizard (Figure 2) lists all the referred applications and configurations of all these applications. Select the Applications and configurations to be imported and click Finish.
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