Fiorano Platform raises an event for any meaningful event that occurs in the system. These System events are collected in the Enterprise Server and are processed and the state of the artifacts (Event processes, components, server status, and so on) is determined by the sequence of such Events. If the component is configured to raise the monitoring events on the various performance metrics, then these events are also stored in the event repository. The default database is configured as H2 and the database is File-Based.
Configuring Event Tracking
The Enterprise Server, by default, is configured to insert all System events into the default H2 Events database (specific database events can be configured for Event Tracking, see next section). If, at any point, the user decides to switch off event tracking, they can do so by opening the profile and navigating to Fiorano > Esb > Events > FESEventsManager (as shown in figure 1) and disabling the EnableSystemEventTracking property (clear the check box).
Figure 1: EnableSystemEventTracking property
Another property named 'ListenForUserEvents' in the same property panel decides whether or not the Enterprise Server listens to the monitoring events published by component instances. This property, by default, is disabled. If monitoring is enabled for component instances (see Creating Mappings section), this property needs to be enabled so that these user events are recorded.
Disabling Event Tracking
To disable Event Tracking globally, perform the following steps:
- Login to FES-JMX and navigate to Fiorano > Esb > Events > EventsManager > FESEventsManager > config.
- Disable EnableSystemEventTracking property.
Configuring Specific Database
The Event Tracking feature is configured as part of FES to track System and User events into the H2 database running within the Enterprise Server. This can be changed by customizing the eventsdb.cfg file present in: FIORANO_INSTALL_DIR\esb\server\profiles\<profilename>\FES\conf. This file contains all the DB-specific configurations used for event tracking. Depending on the type of database used, you might have to modify the <dbtype>_jdbc.cfg file, and this is set in the JDBC_PROPERTIES property of eventsdb.cfg file. The file <dbtype>_jdbc.cfg contains more database-specific configurations, for example, an error code used by the database to indicate whether a table is present in the database or not.
Additionally, this file also contains names of the data types that will be used by the database. These datatype names are mentioned against unique numbers. These numbers are the constants that are used to identify generic SQL types, called JDBC types (please refer to javadoc for java.sql.Types).
The default configuration shipped with the installer uses the H2 database.
For File-based databases like apache and HSQL, the default location is in the ESB_USER_DIR (which is set in fiorano_vars script). The user has to give the complete path with these variables resolved when using the JDBC URL in a third-party tool.
The default H2 DB JDBC URL is configured as ESB_DEFAULT_DB_DIR/events_db;create=true
which resolves to ESB_USER_DIR/EnterpriseServers/<profilename>/FES/events_db and further into something like C:\Program Files\Fiorano\<Fiorano 10ProductVersion>\runtimedata\EnterpriseServers\<profileName>\FES\events_db depending on the actual settings.
Database Table Structure
The exact schema of the tables varies from database to database according to the configurations provided in <dbtype>_jdbc.cfg file. An explanation of the tables and the various fields is given below:
Column Name | Type | Description |
EVENT_ID | INTEGER | Auto Generated |
EVENT_CATEGORY | VARCHAR(255) | Category of event i.e. Information, Warning or Error |
GENERATION_DATE | TIMESTAMP | Time at which the event was generated |
EVENT_SOURCE | VARCHAR(255) | Server name which generated the event |
EVENT_SCOPE | VARCHAR(255) | Scope of the event |
EVENT_MODULE | VARCHAR(255) | Module to which the event belongs |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(255) | Short description of the event |
EVENT_STATUS | VARCHAR(255) | Event constant representing the type of event |
EXPIRY_TIME | TIMESTAMP | Event expiry time |
Column Name | Type | Description |
EVENT_ID | INTEGER | Auto Generated |
EVENT_CATEGORY | VARCHAR(255) | Category of event i.e. Information, Warning or Error |
GENERATION_DATE | TIMESTAMP | Time at which the event was generated |
EVENT_SOURCE | VARCHAR(255) | Server name which generated the event |
EVENT_SCOPE | VARCHAR(255) | Scope of the event |
EVENT_MODULE | VARCHAR(255) | Module to which the event belongs |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(255) | Short description of the event |
EVENT_STATUS | VARCHAR(255) | Event constant representing the type of event |
EXPIRY_TIME | TIMESTAMP | Event expiry time |
SERVICE_GUID | VARCHAR(255) | The GUID of the service to which the event belongs |
SERVICE_VERSION | VARCHAR(255) | The service version to which the event belongs |
SERVICE_INST_NAME | VARCHAR(255) | Service Instance name |
APP_GUID | VARCHAR(255) | Application Name |
Column Name | Type | Description |
EVENT_ID | INTEGER | Auto Generated |
EVENT_CATEGORY | VARCHAR(255) | Category of event i.e. Information, Warning or Error |
GENERATION_DATE | TIMESTAMP | Time at which the event was generated |
EVENT_SOURCE | VARCHAR(255) | Server name which generated the event |
EVENT_SCOPE | VARCHAR(255) | Scope of the event |
EVENT_MODULE | VARCHAR(255) | Module to which the event belongs |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(255) | Short description of the event |
EVENT_STATUS | VARCHAR(255) | Event constant representing the type of event |
EXPIRY_TIME | TIMESTAMP | Event expiry time |
APP_GUID | VARCHAR(255) | The Event Process GUID |
APP_NAME | VARCHAR(255) | The Event Process Name |
Column Name | Type | Description |
EVENT_ID | INTEGER | Auto Generated |
EVENT_CATEGORY | VARCHAR(255) | Category of Event, that is, Information, Warning or Error |
GENERATION_DATE | TIMESTAMP | Time at which the Event was generated |
EVENT_SOURCE | VARCHAR(255) | Server name which generated the Event |
EVENT_SCOPE | VARCHAR(255) | Scope of the Event |
EVENT_MODULE | VARCHAR(255) | Module to which the Event belongs |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(255) | Short description of the Event |
EVENT_STATUS | VARCHAR(255) | Event constant representing the type of event |
EXPIRY_TIME | TIMESTAMP | Event expiry time |
USER_NAME | VARCHAR(255) | Name of the user for which the Event was generated |
Table name: USER_EVENTS
Column Name | Type | Description |
EVENT_ID | INTEGER | Auto Generated |
EVENT_CATEGORY | VARCHAR(255) | Category of event, that is, Information, Warning or Error |
GENERATION_DATE | TIMESTAMP | Time at which the Event was generated |
EVENT_SOURCE | VARCHAR(255) | Server name which generated the Event |
EVENT_SCOPE | VARCHAR(255) | Scope of the Event |
EVENT_MODULE | VARCHAR(255) | Module to which the Event belongs |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(255) | Short description of the Event |
EVENT_STATUS | VARCHAR(255) | Event constant representing the type of Event |
EXPIRY_TIME | TIMESTAMP | Event expiry time |
SERVICE_GUID | VARCHAR(255) | The service instance GUID |
TPS_NAME | VARCHAR(255) | The Peer Server name |
TEXT_DATA | VARCHAR(255) | Event Text |
BYTES_DATA | IMAGE | BLOB field representing user event data |