

Json Web Token policy generates a signed JSON Web token with a provided set of claims and header.


The properties that have to be configured to use the policy are described below.

Figure 1: Json Web Token policy configuration attributes




Specifies the encryption/signed algorithm to encrypt/sign.

Supported algorithms are HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, ES256, ES384, ES512 , NONE.

Provide any of the above-mentioned algorithm values as input to be used to generate a token.


Key ID

The Key ID value corresponding to the algorithm (specified in the Algorithm property above) as provided in the Json web keys or the keys exposed in the Keys URL (described below).

Additional Headers
This is to provide custom headers other than the above properties. Each header's value is source-configurable which means the value can be dynamically populated accordingly from the source chosen which can be Context variable/Header/Parameter/Constant.

Claims Configuration


The "sub" claim represents the subject of the JWT being issued.

This property is optional.


The "iss" (issuer) claim identifies the entity that issues the JWT.

This property is optional.


The "aud" claim identifies the intended audience/recipients of the JWT. The audience value is comprised of comma separated string.

This property is optional.

Time to Expire
The expiry time of the token is that after which the token stands invalid.

The message that needs to be displayed.

This property is optional.

Additional Claim
This is to provide custom claims other than the above properties. Each claim's value is source-configurable which means the value can be dynamically populated accordingly from the source chosen which can be Context variable/Header/Parameter/Constant.

Key Configuration

Secret Key
Provide when a symmetric algorithm like HS256 is specified. The minimum length of the string has to be 256,384,512 bits for HS256,HS384,HS512 respectively.
Json Web Keys

Provide when an asymmetric algorithm like RS256 or ES256 is specified.

 The Key ID and other parameters of each algorithm can be grouped into a JSON. Click here to see a sample...

For the JWK structure as in the sample above, refer to the link:


Alternatively, the Json Web Keys can be provided in the following ways:

Load Keys From URL

If Json Web Keys are exposed in a specific URL, then enable this property.

Keys URL

Specify the URL in which Json Web Keys are exposed.


If it's a secured URL (Eg:, the certificate of the corresponding server has to be added to the Truststore located at installer\esb\server\profiles\certs\jssecacerts. Password of this Truststore is "passphrase".

Sample Keytool command for importing certificate into truststore with an optional entry name(alias) as is given below.

With this command, "samplecert1.cer" certificate can be added to the truststore "jssecacerts" with an entry name "samplealias".

Creating a JWT policy

Generate token using postman.

CURL request to generate Json Web Token:

The generated JWT along with prefix "Bearer " is populated into context variables under the name "target.request.header.Authorization".

Figure 2: Json web token generated along with prefix "Bearer " populated into context variables

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