

Password can be changed in the Users section in the Administration panel. However, after changing the password in the dashboard, it needs to be updated in the eStudio Profile Management AMS/AGS profile. So, editing Admin password involves two steps:

Editing Admin Password in API Management Administration section

To change the Admin password, log on to the Fiorano API Web Console and perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the Administration page and click the Users  icon on the left side of the screen.

    Figure 1: Fiorano API Web Console landing page

  2. In the Users section, click the ADMIN user node.

  3. Click the Edit  icon and provide the old password and the new password in the Change Password dialog box.


    Default admin user password is "passwd"

    Figure 2: Changing the Admin password

  4. Click the Save  icon to save the changes.


Changing the Admin password requires profile changes and server restart as explained in the section below.

Applying the Admin Password Change in AMS/AGS Profile

Administrator user credentials are used for authenticating MQ connections. So, if the Admin password is changed from the User Account as explained in the section above, the same needs to be edited in the AMS/AGS profile.

Sections below illustrate the configuration steps.


These steps must also be performed while migrating from an earlier version that consists of modified user accounts such as changing the password for admin and deleting an anonymous user.


Changes to the AMS profile

  1. Load AMS profile in the eStudio Profile Management perspective.
  2. Stop the AMS server.
  3. Navigate to Fiorano > Esb > Transport > FESTransportManager > MQProvider
  4. Change the password corresponding to the admin user.

    Figure 3: Changes to reflect password change for Admin user

  5. Save the profiles, start the AMS server and login to Fiorano eStudio with the new password.

Changes to the AGS profile

  1. Load AGS profile in the eStudio Profile Management perspective.
  2. Stop the AGS server.
  3. Navigate to FioranoEsb > Peer > Transport > FPSTransportManager > EnterpriseServer
  4. Change the username and password to use admin user credentials replacing the anonymous user credentials which are present by default.

    Figure 4: Changes corresponding to anonymous user deletion in Peer Profile
  5. Save the profiles, start AGS and login to Fiorano eStudio with the new password.
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