

The AMS can be stopped by using the API dashboard, the REST API or through the shutdown-server script:

Using API dashboard

  1. In the API dashboard, go to the Administration page.
  2. Click the Server Status  icon on the left side of the page.
  3. In the Management Server tab, click the Stop Active Server button.

    Figure 1: Stopping AMS from the dashboard


  1. Use the default SwaggerUI: http://localhost:1981/swaggerui/
  2. Navigate to Servers Resource.
  3. Look for the API "/servers/shutdown-restart" with the description "Perform action (RESTART, SHUTDOWN)".
  4. Provide the API Access Key and action as "shutdown" in the Action object.

    Figure 2: Stopping AMS using the REST API

This API can be executed from any other client as well and execute the URL: http://localhost:1981/api/ams/servers/shutdown-restart


For this POST method,

  • api_key is passed as a header parameter
  • in the body, provide the json:

Using Script

The AMS can be shut down using the shutdown-server script present in the <fiorano_installation_dir>/esb/server/bin folder.

This makes use of an RMI connection to the AMS to initiate the shutdown.

  • -connectorType: Connection type to server. Pass RMI for shutting down servers using RMI connection.
  • -address: IP Address of server.
  • -rmiPort: RMI port of server.


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