

The AMS can be stopped by using the API dashboard, the REST API or through the shutdown-server script:

Using API dashboard

  1. Login to the API dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Admin > Server Status.
  3. Click the Management Server tab and click the Stop Active Server button.

    Figure 1: Stopping AMS from the dashboard


  1. Use the default SwaggerUI: http://localhost:1981/swaggerui/
  2. Navigate to Servers Resource.
  3. Look for API "/servers/shutdown-restart" with the description "Perform action (RESTART, SHUTDOWN)".
  4. Provide the API Access Key and action as "shutdown" in the Action object.

    Figure 2: Stopping AMS using the REST API

This API can be executed from any other client as well and execute the URL: http://localhost:1981/api/ams/servers/shutdown-restart


For this POST method,

  • api_key is passed as a header parameter
  • in the body, provide the json:

Using Script

The AMS can be shut down using the shutdown-server script present in the <fiorano_installation_dir>/esb/server/bin folder.

This makes use of an RMI connection to the AMS to initiate the shutdown.

  • -connectorType: Connection type to server. Pass RMI for shutting down servers using RMI connection.
  • -address: IP Address of server
  • -rmiPort: RMI port of server


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