

Group By option

After selecting the Metrics to Analyze from the Analyze drop-down list, it is possible to deepen the analysis by using the group by option present (next to the Analyze option).

The default value of the group by option is 'none' with the options below available in the drop-down list:

  • Project
  • Product
  • Server
  • Client
  • Client Subscription
  • Client IP
  • Client Host
  • Project Version
  • Resource
  • Proxy Request Verb
  • Proxy Response Code
  • Target Request Verb
  • Target Response Code
  • Target URL
  • User-defined Dimension

Figure 1: Analytics page with 'group by' drop-down list expanded

'is' option

After selecting an option to group by, "is" option appears to further choose the category of the item that is grouped. For example, if grouped by 'Server', it is possible to narrow down to a particular server to analyze the data related to that server.

Figure 2: Group by option selected as 'SERVER' and further narrowed down selecting a particular server - APIGATEWAY

Further Conditions

After choosing an option in the group by drop-down, when a specific 'group by' element is selected from the is drop-down, notice that the drop-down name 'group by' changes to 'where' (compare Figure 1 and Figure 2). In addition, another group by drop-down list appears next to the is drop-down. These steps may be repeated to further narrow down the criteria. If another option is selected from the second is drop-down that appears, the name of the drop-down 'group by' changes to 'and' option representing a conditional statement.

Figure 3: Line chart displayed for conditional criteria

In the above figure, the statement reads as "Analyze TRAFFIC where SERVER is APIGATEWAY and PROJECT is LoadBalancing".


Filter using more options to build elaborate conditional criteria depending on the depth of analysis.

Adaptavist ThemeBuilder EngineAtlassian Confluence