

The files describing the RESTful API in accordance with the Swagger specification are represented as JSON objects and conform to the JSON standards. YAML, being a superset of JSON, can be used as well to represent a Swagger specification file.

Swagger projects are used to create APIs from a Swagger file.


For more information about Swagger file format, refer the link:

Adding the Project

Figure 1: Navigating to create project from RIM file

Providing Basic Attributes

Provide values for the properties in the New API Project dialog box.

Figure 2: Swagger Project properties

Display NameA name to act as Project ID to identify the Swagger project.
VersionRevision number of the project, for example, 1.0 for a project being newly added and 1.1 or 2.0 for the next revision.
Proxy Context Path

A text used to combine with the version number to act as an identifier to map with a particular deployed project. The proxy resolves context path mappings prior to applying any matching policies (explained in subsequent topics).

  • Proxy Context Path combined with version number must be unique for every project.
  • Different versions of the same project (same project name with different version number) can have the same Context Path.
Target Base Path

Target server URL where the app needs to use the service.

Load .json/.yamlClick Choose File button to browse and choose the Swagger file with .json or .yaml extension.

After clicking next from here, you may perform API Customization and Product Mapping in the subsequent screens. Refer the respective sections in From REST or HTTP Service section.

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