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Xylo relies on FioranoMQ® for their Fundamental Messaging Infrastructure

"FioranoMQ does not require a relational database engine to function, as that would have complicated our configuration and introduced potential failure points in our architecture. FioranoMQ has shown that a modern, highly file-based data store provides performance that is an order of magnitude better than messaging middleware that uses an RDBMS."
Geoff Fowler, Technical Operations Manager,
Xylo, Inc.

Customer Profile

Xylo, Inc. builds Web-based work/life solutions for Fortune 500 and other thought-leading companies to help increase employee retention and build corporate morale. Xylo's solution is a highly customizable work/life platform with timesaving, communication and community-building applications that let employees better manage life outside of work while connecting more at work.

Business Problem

Xylo was developing a Four-tiered application, following standard J2EE patterns, with business facade hiding the implementation details. Xylo needed a messaging infrastructure that could support this application. Xylo builds comprehensive programs that give employees the resources, tools and information they need to successfully balance their work and home lives. Xylo provides resources to help an employee find products, services and information quickly–saving them time, as well as money.

Xylo provides resources to help an employee find products, services and information quickly. For this, Xylo was developing a web-based work/life solution for which they needed a highly reliable messaging infrastructure. The application that Xylo was to develop was a Four-tiered application, following standard J2EE patterns, with business facade hiding the implementation details. In addition to reliability, Xylo was looking for a solution that could also provide error logging and discrete event logging. Xylo realized that they could offer greater benefits to customers only if their underlying messaging infrastructure provided the benefits of Speed, Reliability, Scalability and a low cost of administration.


FioranoMQ provided precisely the kind of messaging solution that Xylo needed. Fiorano's file-based data store delivers guaranteed messages significantly faster than any other JMS implementation, which was a key component of Xylo's messaging infrastructure. In addition, Fiorano's highly configurable, multi-level security system adds Java REALMS support to improve security management by centralizing and combining user authentication sources. Features like dynamic load balancing and failover protection make FioranoMQ a highly available system and allows unlimited scalability in terms of the number of concurrent client connections that can be serviced.

Just two and one-half months after implementation began, the NCL-Amadeus messaging platform went into its pilot test with travel agents, experiencing exceptional results from the start. Since Amadeus is especially strong in Europe, NCL began seeing increased business from that region within a short period of time. Rollout to all Amadeus agents began three months later.


FioranoMQ is architected for providing high application availability and implements dual layers of failover protection; at the Message Server and data store layers. FioranoMQ ensures clients are always connected to the message server by automatically reconnecting clients to another server in the cluster in case the primary server goes down. Furthermore, FioranoMQ takes extra steps to guarantee that messages are not lost due to database unavailability. FioranoMQ provides real-time replication between a primary and backup data stores. Failover protection at this level ensures the message server communication is automatically switched to the backup persistent data store if the primary persistent data store fails.

"With FioranoMQ as our fundamental messaging infrastructure, we never needed to worry about essential message-based information being lost due to hardware or software failure. We found that we had no problem configuring a fully redundant solution, with high availability and no unplanned downtime. It was furthermore a tremendous benefit to us that FioranoMQ does not require a relational database engine to function, as that would have complicated our configuration and introduced potential failure points in our architecture," said Geoff Fowler, Technical Operations Manager at Xylo, Inc. "FioranoMQ has shown that a modern, highly file-based data store provides performance that is an order of magnitude better than messaging middleware that uses an RDBMS."

About Fiorano Software

Fiorano Software ( is a leading provider of enterprise class business process integration and messaging infrastructure technology. Fiorano's network-centric solutions set a new paradigm in ROI, performance, interoperability and scalability. Global leaders including Fortune 500 companies such as Boeing, British Telecom, Credit Agricole Titres, Lockheed Martin, NASA, POSCO, Qwest Communications, Schlumberger and Vodafone among others have used Fiorano technology to deploy their enterprise nervous systems.

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