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Table of Contents

Ways of Optimization

Although Fiorano ESB architecture scales very well in a distributed environment, Fiorano users and developers are encouraged to adopt the strategies mentioned the sections below.

JVM Parameters

Tune the JVM Parameters according to memory consumption within your environment. The most important parameters are:


The default maximum JVM heap size is 64 MB. The Fiorano tools leave the JVM parameters as the default parameter, that is, 64 MB heap memory for each of the components. This JVM parameter can be fine tuned to reduce the memory footprint of individual microservice instances. The amount of memory allocated per JVM can and should be reduced for smaller components ( such as flow-control components ) or increased for memory-heavy components (such as, XSLT, such as XSLT and Database Adapter, and so on).

The default heap size for server (Enterprise and Peer) can be set in the following files (that is, the file applicable based on the script being used to run the server):


Figure 1: JVM_PARAMS Properties Screen


Although Fiorano ESB architecture scales very well in a distributed environment, Fiorano users and developers are encouraged to adopt the strategies mentioned the sections below.

Separate Machines for Servers

Run the Enterprise Server and Peer Servers on different machines. This helps in getting additional available memory for components.



Distribute the Microservices

Distribute the flows across all the peers. Group the components inside flows logically so that a single unit of work is done using just one peer.


  1. Click the output port of the last microservice in EventProcess1; the port turn turns blue in colour.
  2. In Properties panel, select the following values in the JMS Destination tab:
    • Destination Type: Topic
    • Custom Destination: Yes
    • Destination Name: Click the button present on the right side of the property and select 'EVENTS_TOPIC' (choose as per preference).
  3. Similarly, configure the same settings with the same destination on the input port of the first microservice present in EventProcess2.


  • Please note that the above technique works even when the flow executes across distributed machines. The technique is to store large binary attachments in one location (essentially a file somewhere on the network), pass just a reference around the flow and then on the appropriate step to access the (large) binary as needed. Also, the binary attachment in most cases is not parsed at every step of the event process. As such, it is not needed at each step of the process and a simple reference will do.
  • Not all messages can be split. Splitting works only when each of the final messages become a standalone document after the split. For this reason, the XMLSplitter cannot be used for all large messages.


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