Versions Compared


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  1. In the Managed Connection Factory page, click Next to move to the Interaction Configurations Page.

    Figure 6: Interaction Configurations panel in FTPGet CPS
  2. Select the Monitor Directory checkbox to enable Monitoring on the SFTP server. Three options appear as below:
    1. Monitor Directory Configuration
    2. Monitor Time Configuration
    3. Use File not FoundException in Monitoring

    Figure 7: Selecting Monitor Directory option
  3. Click the Monitor Directory Configuration Ellipsis button to open the FtpMonitoringConfiguration window.

    Figure 8: Navigating to Monitor Directory Configuration
  4. In the FtpMonitoringConfiguration window, provide the following details:
    1. Enter the folder path on the server where the files need to be monitored. Enter paths for Working directory,Processed directory and Error directory also and all of these paths should be different from each other.
    2. Select Move to working directory checkbox, if the files which are processed need to be moved to Processed directory after the transfer is complete. Also, files will move to error directory in case of any unexpected error during the transfer. If the checkbox is cleared, then files will remain in the source folder even after the processing is complete.
    3. Provide value for File name patterns to filter specific file types that needs to be monitored in the source folder. In this example, it is "*.csv", which picks all the .csv files in the source folder for processing.

    Figure 9: Configuring Directory details
  5. Click OK to save the Monitoring Directory configuration.


  1. Under Monitoring Settings section in the Interaction Configurations panel, click the Monitor Time Configuration Ellipsis button.

    Figure 10: Navigating to Monitor Time Configuration
  2. In the FtpMonitorTimeConfiguration dialog box, select Time-based


    file filtering type as 'HIGHEST_MODIFICATION_TIME' and then click OK.


    To understand the functionality of each Time filter type, refer

    <link to

    the FTPGet



    Image Modified
    Figure 11: Selecting HIGHEST_MODIFICATION_TIME filter type

  3. For HIGHEST_MODIFICATION_TIME filter type, two other options namely Base Time and Remote host time offset appear.

    Figure 12: Configuring Highest Modification Time filter type details

    1. Base Time: 23:11:2012 15:25 During monitoring, the Base Time value will be used only in the first poll for this filter type. Only the files with last modified time greater than the base time will be picked in the first poll from the source folder.
    2. Remote host time offset: -03:30This will be the time difference between the SFTP server time and client machine local time.

Selecting Use File not Found Exception in Monitoring checkbox under Monitor Settings section enables the FTPGet component to throw an exception when no files are found in the monitored folder matching the file pattern name and time-filter types selected.


Target Directory Configuration


  1. Source folder configured in FTP component contains the following files with the corresponding time of modification:
    1. CheckHead_01232014.csv: Tue 11 Mar 2014 11:00:20 PM IST
    2. CheckItems_01232014.csv: Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:52:55 PM IST
    3. Data.txt: Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:39:16 PM IST
    4. Hello.txt: Thu 23 Jan 2014 05:48:34 PM IST
    5. Number.txt: Wed 12 Mar 2014 07:38:57 PM IST

    Figure 18: Contents in the Source Folder
  2. In the first poll, after launching the event process (12 March 2014 08:02:15 PM in this example), while monitoring the folder, only the files 'CheckHead_01232014.csv' and 'CheckItems_01232014.csv' will be picked for processing, as they match both the pattern name condition (.csv file type) as well as the HIGHEST MODIFICATION TIME filter condition for first poll. Both the files have last modification time greater than the Base time provided in the Monitor Time Configuration.
  3. After the first poll gets completed and all the matching file transfers are finished, the component calculates the Highest Modification Time among all the processed files and save it for next poll. In this case, it will be '12 March 2014 07:52:55 PM'.
  4. In the Second poll (at 12 March 2014 08:07:15 PM as per Repeat Interval - 5 minutes), none of the files will be processed, as all the files have last modification time less than or equal to the Highest Modification Time calculated in the previous poll.
  5. After Second poll, add a file 'new.csv' with last modified time as '12 March 2014 08:09:25 PM' in the source folder after the second poll. (please do this manually)
  6. In the Third poll, the Highest Modification Time value will still be '12 March 2014 07:52:55 PM' as it did not process any new files in the previous poll. Now the file named Newfile.csv will be processed in the third poll (at 08:12:15 PM) as its last modification time is greater than the Highest Modification Time value and matches the file pattern name. The FTPGet Output response appears in Display window (as provided in "Running the Example" section) after the transfer gets completed.
  7. After the transfer of Newfile.csv file gets completed, the Highest Modification Time value will be set to the last modified time of the Newfile.csv file as it is the only file processed during the third poll and the component will continue its polling as per the Scheduler Configuration.


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