Versions Compared


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  • The only restriction on Map Messages is that this component does not support Objects in Map Messages.
  • When adding the Initial Context Factory class for non Fiorano MQ server, the jar file(s) should be added as resource(s) to the JMSAdapters system library.
  • For creating Durable Subscriber, use Topic Connection Factory in place of Unified Connection Factory.
  • If IsDurableSubscriber property is changed to No or Destination Type is changed from Topic to Queue or ClientID is changed - the durable subscriptions created earlier should be unsubscribed to avoid persisting messages for the durable subscriber in runtimedata. For more information on unsubscribing, please refer to FioranoMQ Handbook - Section 29.3: Connecting to Web Management Tool - DurableSubscribers view.
  • If a timeout is not specified (left as zero – infinite), and after starting the component, the JMS server (to which the component is connected) crashes, the receive call on the Queue or Topic waits endlessly. Therefore, it is advisable to give a definite timeout value.
  • If the component is being used in scheduling mode, the execution timeout for the component should be less than the scheduler interval if the message is being received from a Queue.
  • The property 'Cleanup resources (excluding connection) after each document' is set to 'No' by default. If this is set to 'Yes', then only one message is received by JMSOut and after that resources like message consumers are closed and the component will not receive further messages.


  • %JBOSS_HOME%\client\jnp-client.jar
  • %JBOSS_HOME%\client\jboss-common-client.jar
  • %JBOSS_HOME%\client\jbossmq-client.jar
  • %JBOSS_HOME%\client\jboss-client.jar

Along with the JBoss jars mentioned above, add the below jars as well:

  • hornetq-core-2.2.13.Final.jar
  • hornetq-jms-2.2.13.Final.jar
  • hornetq-ra-2.2.13.Final.jar
  • jboss-as-build-config.jar
  • jboss-ejb-api_3.1_spec.jar
  • jboss-ejb-client.jar
  • jboss-logging.jar
  • jboss-marshalling.jar
  • jboss-marshalling-river.jar
  • jboss-remote-naming.jar
  • jboss-remoting.jar
  • jboss-sasl.jar
  • jboss-transaction-api_1.1_spec.jar
  • jgroups.jar
  • netty.jar
  • xnio-api.jar
  • xnio-nio.jar
  • If these jars are added to resources of the System library JMSAdapters, the jars are available for JMSIn, JMSOut and JMSRequestor all JMS components.
  • In case of BEA Weblogic, InitialContext can be created by specifying empty values for JNDI Username and JNDI password as well.
  • When configuring JMSOut 4.0 for BEA Weblogic in scheduling mode,the colour of the component does not change to green on startup. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to add following security permission in java.policy file under {JRE_HOME}/lib/security >.The permission to be added is "grant { permission "register";} "


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