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public void testHierarchicalTopics ()
// create the initial context and connect to FioranoMQ 9
Hashtable env = new Hashtable ();
env.put (Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "anonymous");
env.put (Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "anonymous");
env.put (Context.PROVIDER_URL, "http://localhost:1856");
env.put Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"fiorano.jms.runtime.naming.FioranoInitialContextFactory");
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext (env); 
System.out.println ("Created InitialContext:: " + ic);
MQAdminConnectionFactory acf =
(MQAdminConnectionFactory) ic.lookup ("primaryACF");
MQAdminConnection ac = acf.createMQAdminConnection ("admin", "passwd");
System.out.println ("Created Admin Connection...");
MQAdminService adminService = ac.getMQAdminService ();
System.out.println ("Received handle to Admin services:: " + adminService); 
// Create a topic named primaryTopic.subTopic1
String topicName = "primarytopic.subtopic1";
TopicMetaData tMetaData = new TopicMetaData();
tMetaData.setName (topicName);
adminService.createTopic (tMetaData);
Topic topic = (Topic) ic.lookup (topicName);
System.out.println ("Looked up the Hierarchical Topic ", topic.getName()); 
//create a topic named primarytopic.subtopic2
String topicName = "primarytopic.subtopic2";
TopicMetaData tMetaData = new TopicMetaData ();
tMetaData.setName (topicName);
adminService.createTopic (tMetaData);
topic = (Topic) ic.lookup (topicName);
System.out.println ("Looked up the Hierarchical Topic ", topic.getName());



The User can create Hierarchical Topics with admin StudioeStudio. To create hierarchical topics with studioeStudio, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch Fiorano StudioeStudio and connect Studio eStudio to the FioranoMQ Server.
  2. To create a topic, navigate to the Topics sub-node under the Destinations node of the tree
  3. Right-click the Topics node and select Add Topic


Deletion of a topic/subtopic from the hierarchical namespace depends on the value of the parameter AllowDeletionOfSubTopics, which can be configured through Fiorano StudioeStudio. If this value is set to 'true', then deletion of a topic/subtopic deletes all the children of this topic/subtopic. However, if it is set to 'False', the following exception is raised, indicating that the user needs to first delete the children of the topic/subtopic before deleting the topic itself.


By default, this variable is set to 'False'. Follow the steps given below to delete a hierarchical topic\subtopic.

  1. Start Fiorano eeStudio/eStudio/Studio and login to FMQ-JMX
  2. Select the Topic config from JMX Connection > Fiorano > mq > PubSub > Topic > $(TopicName) > config
  3. Enable the value of the parameter named AllowDeletionOfSubtopics (GeneralPropeties) by setting it up to 'True' from the drop-down list.


  1. A Hierarchical Topic is not supported by the following flags:
    • UseOptimizedTCPReceive = true
    • This implies that the Hierarchical Topic is not supported by the 7.2 runtime Layer.
  2. Un-subscription for Hierarchical topics does not work. The User has to unsubscribe the subscribers created on behalf of hierarchical support manually, through StudioeStudio
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