Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



CSV output is required when all the queries in the instance are either 'Select' queries or 'Stored Procedure' queries which returns single ResultSet.

After enabling this property, the below parameters becomes editable and hence , which act as punctuation in the CSV output. These separators can be customized by providing the respective values:

  • Field Separator
    The value of Column Separator to be used in CSV output.
  • Line Separator
    The value of Row Separator to be used in CSV output.
  • Wrap Character
    The specified character is used to wrap each field that is returned when a query is processed. This field is not mandatory.For example, if the wrap character is " and the field separator is ;,


When separators used are:,

  • Field separator →;
  • Line separator ,
  • Start Wrap Character "
  • End Wrap Character  "

then the output will be like:




Using Named Configurations


Adaptavist ThemeBuilder EngineAtlassian Confluence