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Table of Contents

The Fiorano eMapper tool consists of the following interface elements:

  • eMapper Projects Explorer
  • eMapper Editor
  • Map View
  • MetaData
  • Funclet View
  • MetaData Messages View
  • eMapper Console
  • Node Info View

The interface of the Fiorano eMapper tool is displayed in figure below.

Figure 1: eMapper Perspective

eMapper Projects

This view serves as an explorer for the eMapper Projects created by the User.

To create a new eMapper project, perform the following steps:

  • Right-click on the Mapper Projects node in eMapper Projects view and select New. The New eMapper Project Wizard is opened.
  • Provide a valid name for the project and click Finish. A new eMapper project is created.

Figure 2: eMapper Projects

The eMapper Projects view also provides options to Import, Export, Rename, and Delete mapper projects.

eMapper Editor

The eMapper Editor is a tabbed editor containing two tabs:

  1. Map View
  2. MetaData tab

Map View

The Map View shows the Input and Output Structures and the mappings defined in the pane. This view allows users to load the input and output structures and create mappings between them. This view consists of the following panels:

  • Input Structure Panel
  • Graph Panel
  • Output Structure Panel

Input Structure Panel

This panel shows the input specification structure in a tree format.

Graph Panel

The middle panel in Map View is the Graph panel. It shows the mappings defined by lines (called Mapping lines). A Mapping can be selected by selecting one of the mapping lines in the line panel.

A Function icon at the end of a mapping line indicates that mapping uses that particular function(s).

Figure 3: Map View

Output Structure Panel

This panel shows the output document structure in a tree format.

MetaData tab

The MetaData tab shows the transformation XSL generated from the mappings defined in the Map View for the selected output structure.

Funclet View

The Funclet view contains the Visual Expression Builder that provides a graphical view for the mappings defined in the Map View, as shown in Figure 10.2.4. It also shows the functions and their links with the input and target nodes/elements.


The Funclet view is explained in detail in the Working with Funclets section.

Figure 4: Funclet VIew

eMapper Console

The eMapper Console is used to display the various error and warning messages generated by the tool while parsing the input and output structures and while testing the generated XSL.

MetaData Messages View

Error or Warning Messages (if any) thrown while generating the transformation XSL are displayed in the MetaData Messages View.

Figure 5: Meta Data and MetaData Messages view

Node Info View

The Node Info View shows the information about nodes in the Input and Output Structures. It has two panels that provide the data type and cardinality information about the selected input and output structure node/element.

Figure 6: Node Info View

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