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Table of Contents

This section of the document contains important information about Fiorano 10.3.0 release. These notes are the most recent information for the product and take precedence over all other documentation.


To upgrade your current Fiorano environment to Fiorano 10.3.0, please refer Migration Across Releases section.

Refer the below sections to know more about this latest version:

Children Display

What's New

Fiorano API Management

Launching Fiorano API Management

Fiorano API Management enables exposure of useful data to multiple parties including partners, developers and/or internal teams. It provides a platform to build web interfaces on top of existing HTTP or JMS services in a secure and reliable manner. Other features include Quota Management, prioritized throttling and analytics.
Fiorano API Management is built on the following components:

  • API Management Server: The central server which acts as a repository and Policy Administration Point and deploys Policies to API Gateway Servers.
  • API Gateway Servers: Act as Policy Enforcement Points by proxying for the backend REST/SOAP-based web services.
  • API Analytics: Provides valuable insights about the usage of backend services based on various criteria. Acts as an engine for generation of reports and notifications.
  • Developer Portal: Support for Self Signup for developers allowing automatic subscription to Public APIs with interactive documentation and testing features.

New Components

  • MQSeriesRequestor and MQSeriesReplier: Components to implement the Request-Reply message pattern in IBM Websphere MQ server.
  • MongoDB: Component to connect to and perform Insert, Select, Delete and Update operations on the MongoDB server using JSON and XML messages.


  • JMS components: Support to connect to the JBoss MQ server has been added to all JMS components.
  • JSONConverter: Support to format JSON messages.
  • FTP: Support for File Patterns in input messages.
  • Encryption and Decryption: New features to read/write data from/to a file.
  • Stub components and ExceptionListener: Support to fetch Enterprise Server configuration from Peer Server on which the component is running.
  • Sleep: Support to fetch sleep interval from input message header 'SleepTime', which enables each message to sleep for a different time period.
  • Text2XML and XML2Text: Support to provide Named Configuration for Flat Format Schema content.
  • Decryption: Support to decrypt content encrypted using PGP - RFC 4880 specification.
  • DuplicateContentCheck: Support for checking duplicate content in plain text messages along with XML messages.
  • Option to avoid processing of a particular message based on a configurable message property. An output message that is same as the input message is sent to the output port of the component without processing.
  • SalesForce: Support to fetch WSDL Service Configuration and Login Configuration from named configurations specified in input message headers 'WSDLServiceNamedConfig' and 'LoginNamedConfig' respectively.
  • JMS 5.0: Provided Oracle AQ JMS Provider support.


  • SBW Callouts: Support to clear the SBW Callout event Cache using the ClearDB Script.
  • Alerts: Support to get alerts if the components are not launched within a specified timeout.
  • Logs: Support to log Fiorano server logs to Windows Event Logs.
  • Added a Property in the message to identify the route through which a message is passed.


  • Doc Tracking: 'Workflow_ID' is included in SBW Docs Search display.
  • SBW: Added user-defined Doc ID column in SBW Doctracking page.


  • Support to avoid deletion of destinations corresponding to ports when an event process is stopped.
  • Support to set durability of routes at event process and Enterprise Server level.

What's Changed


  • CLI tool automatically replaces user-provided '@' with '%40'.


  • SBW: Displays End Time of the workflow on the SBW Doctracking page.
  • BAM: Moved 'Monitor Messages' tab in Dashboard to 'Monitoring' menu.
  • SBW Callout: Parameters' order is considered instead of matching the names in callout.cfg and stored procedure.
  • Doc Tracking: System Properties are not editable while re-injecting the document.


  • Support for Mac OSX (Cocoa) is made seamless.


  • 'Retry Connection' in Error Handling Configuration is enabled by default with 5 retries in 20 minutes of retry interval.

Rsolved Issues


  • DB: Message Properties and Application Context of input message are not carried forward to output message when the 'Cleanup resources (excluding connection) after each document' property is set to 'false' in the Interaction Spec configuration of the component.
  • Unable to launch Event Process due to empty Service Descriptor file.
  • DBQueryOnInput: Component does not use Connection Configuration from input message even when the 'Use Connection Details From Input' property is enabled.
  • JSONConverter: Values containing more than two decimal digits are rounded off automatically when converting JSON to XML.


  • Running clearDB script will not delete logs of the server.


  • Doctracking: Re-injection of multiple docs fails when any one of the doc re-injections fails.
  • Rising 'Event Process modified' event instead of 'created' event, if Event Process already exists in the repository.
  • Alert mails are received for Information category though it is configured for Error Category in a specific case.
  • Peer server logs are not displayed when the number of records change.
  • Getting mails continuously though alert is deactivated when the 'Is Continuous alert' property is enabled.


  • Users not displayed when LDAP Principal Manager is used.

Known Issues and Limitations

Known Issues

  • If multiple eStudio clients are connected to the same Enterprise Server and working on the same Event Process, the changes made by one client will not be reflected to the other clients.
  • There is a race condition which under rare circumstances leads to corruption of the Peer Server's PUBSUB database on multiple start/stops of an Event Process accompanied by multiple failovers of a Shared HA Peer Server. The Peer Server refuses to start after this point. For exact sequence of steps that may lead to this issue, please refer to KB#3273 on the Fiorano Support Portal.
    • Workaround: Clear Peer Server's PUBSUB database manually. The PUBSUB database is present under: $FIORANO_HOME/runtimedata/PeerServers/<PeerProfileName>/FPS/run/PUBSUB.
  • While logging on to eStudio (server on Windows 2008) if the user is not logged in as admin, he/she could get exceptions while connecting to eStudio.The reason is that by default the NTFS file system does not provide necessary Write permissions to a Guest User. And if the default temp file location that java uses falls outside the permissible territory, it results in the aforementioned exceptions.
    • Resolution: The '' property should be set to some location within permissible limits (in server.conf/fes.conf) or the user should be given explicit Write permissions.
  • A Peer Server run as an NT Service under a Domain User account in Windows fails to deploy more components when about 75 components have already been deployed.
  • An exception results when the Studio is run from a directory other than Studio\bin.
  • JMSIn/JMSOut/JMSRequestor adapters running on a Linux machine cannot connect to a Weblogic server running on a remote Linux machine using the T3 (default) protocol; HTTP protocol should be used instead.
  • SBW search does not work properly with the MSSQL database when an Event Process name has Japanese characters.
  • SimpleHttp: Component fails when the length of IP and subnet are different in the system property "http.nonProxyHosts".


  • eStudio

    • Layouts will not be completely preserved when an Event Process is opened in eStudio and nStudio.
    • Customization of Error Logs and Problems View to show only eStudio-related logs is not supported.
    • Event Processes created prior to SOA 2007 SP4 cannot be imported.
  • eMapper

    • Option to import an extension is not present.
    • Validation of Types is not present while compiling funclets.
    • EDI and CSV formats are not supported.
  • Feature not supported—Cannot use overloaded java functions for scripts imported from a TMF file.
  • Applications created prior to SOA 2007 SP3 using WS Stub and HttpStub components are not compatible with the latest versions.
    • Work around: After importing, reconfigure WS Stub and HttpStub instances.
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