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Table of Contents

Sender component is used to publish JMS messages (on its output port) to measure the performance. The rate at which the messages are published depends upon the message size, number of connections, sessions, producers, and so on. This component can be configured using the Runtime Argument parameters  and logs can be checked to monitor performance.


The Sender component does not have a Configuration Property Sheet; it accepts certain parameters as Runtime Arguments.

Runtime Arguments

From eStudio, select the component and go to Runtime Arguments tab in Properties panel to configure Runtime Arguments.

Figure 1: Screenshot showing the Sender properties

Argument NameDescription
totalMessageCountNumber of messages to be published on the output port.
isTransactedWhether the session is transacted or not (true/false).
transactionSizeNumber of messages to be transacted at a time.
msgSizeSize of the message (in Bytes) to be published. Default message is sent in case XML file path is not provided.
xmlFilePathLocation of the XML file to be sent as the message content. If the path is not provided, then the component sends the default XML message to its output port.
numConnectionsNumber of connections to be created.
numSessionsNumber of sessions to be created.
numProducersNumber of producers to be created.

Functional Demonstration

Scenario 1

Scenario demonstration of Sender which is configured to send 1000 messages. Sender by default sends an XML message if we do not provide the xmlFilePath runtime argument.

Configure the Sender following the Configuration section to send 1000 messages and use a Display component to check the response.

Figure 2: Scenario demonstration showing sample output and performance numbers

Useful Tips

  • NumProducers should be >= NumSessions and NumSessions should be >= NumConnections, otherwise it is waste of resources. Producers are uniformly distributed over Sessions and Sessions over Connections.
  • The component automatically stops once all the messages are sent.
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