Versions Compared


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The following sections list new/changed features, resolved issues, and known issues and limitations pertaining to the Fiorano 11 version:

Table of Contents


What's New


New Microservices

  • File Poller: Polls for files or directories with the specified name or specified file pattern. It provides a set of actions to move/archive files between two directories, or it polls for a specified directory, and checks for creation/modification/deletion of files.
  • Lambda Connector: Helps to invoke functions synchronously/asynchronously deployed in an Amazon Lambda service.
  • Sales Force 5.0: Helps to query, insert, update, upsert, or delete many records using SalesForce's Bulk API. Records can be submitted in XML, JSON or CSV formats.
  • Splunk Event Collector: Sends application events to a Splunk deployment using HTTP or HTTPS (Secure HTTP) protocols.
  • Text Splitter: Groups messages based on the Sort keys provided. This microservice is used specifically to handle a huge volume of files. It supports both Plain Text and XML output formats.



  • Cache: Cache entries can be removed based on timeout.
  • Decompression: Added support for file patterns in input and handle post processing actions.
  • Error Handling: Option to discard connection in case of a Request Execution error.
  • HTTP Receive: Support to send generic HTTP status codes.
  • JMS Microservices: Supports Rabbit MQ JMS provider.
  • JSON Converter: Option to remove root element while converting XML to JSON.
  • Mongo DB:
    • Added an 'EQUAL' option in the Query Configuration.
    • Added support for Bulk operations.
  • Socket Adapter:
    • Added support to block/allow certain IP addresses for clients, when the microservice is acting as a server.
    • Provided option to close idle connections, when the microservice is acting as a Server.
  • S3 Upload:
    • Capability to read files directly from the file system and upload.
    • Support to upload empty files.
  • Text 2 XML: Support to read/write data from/to a file.
  • Web Service Consumer 5.0: Support to configure multiple operations.
  • WS Stub: Option to remove host name from the SOAP Fault message.
  • WS Stub and Web Service Consumer 5.0: Added support to provide custom cipher suites for the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).



  • REST APIs to manage and monitor the platform.
  • Option to group multiple microservices together to run as a Separate Process in a single JVM.
  • Option to configure periodic email alerts.
  • Option to set default JVM properties globally for all microservices at the peer level.
  • CLI:
    • New target to export all named configurations used in microservices present in event processes in the CSV format.
    • New target to list all event processes in ascending order.
    • Support to synchronize multiple event processes from CLI.
  • Default configuration created for the 'MessageEncryptionConfiguration' named configuration.
  • Option to purge documents tracked (documents with Document Tracking enabled) on an Event Process level.
  • Tool to configure/create a new peer server.
  • JMX API to clear all breakpoints in an Event process.
  • Option to import event process from the Dashboard.
  • If a message has a byte content, this byte content will also be stored in the Document Tracking Database along with the message.
  • Audit policies are enabled by default for certain important events.
  • Option to configure a custom script execution during HA failover.


API Management

  • Trace view: Useful to troubleshoot projects at runtime. Trace View enables a user to monitor details of a message at the execution of each policy.
  • Developer Portal: Developer Portal based on Drupal with new features such as Swagger UI for developers to test APIs, and Forums for discussions.
  • Option to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) globally for all API Projects.
  • Analytics:
    • Option to aggregate the Analytics data based on time.
    • Option to configure separate Analytics Database for each environment.
    • Option to delete analytics data separately for an API Project.
  • Option to set different Policy/Target configurations for each environment in an API Project.
  • Option to configure Cassandra keyspace.
  • Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) support in OAuth.
  • A central Policy Repository to store API policies. Users can pick from this repository while configuring policies in an API Project.
  • Option to stop/restart servers from the API Dashboard.
  • IP Filter policy: Option to configure an IP Address range.
  • API Gateway servers support 2-way SSL.


ESB Dashboard

  • Option to choose multiple microservices while creating a Low Memory policy.
  • Displaying message count for a flow in Document Tracking.
  • Option to configure Document Tracking database connection details from the dashboard.



  • Support to add documents to an event process to store information specific to the event process.
  • Enhanced User Interface improving the look and feel:
    • New Look for the Micro Service Palette view.
    • Search feature in the Micro Service Palette view.
    • Ability to set water mark background for the Orchestrator editor.
    • Ability to change routing style.
    • Decrease in service instance icon size in the Orchestrator editor.
    • Linking event process editor with event process nodes in the Server Explorer view and the Event Process Repository view.
  • Preferences: Option to specify the default expand level of tree (Tree Depth) on component port's View Schema Structure.
  • Profile Management: Option to configure profiles of Fiorano servers present in a remote system.
  • Queue Manager: Option to purge messages in a queue in the Queue table of an event process without fetching messages from the queue.



  • User-defined Funclets: Global repository for user-defined funclets, which can be used across multiple event processes. Changes to funclets in this repository will be reflected across all event processes where they are used.
  • Option to use schemas present in the Schema Repository while adding a new structure.


What's Changed



  • Audit logs are now rollable. User can configure the size and maximum number of audit log files.
  • Upgraded Yawl to the latest version.
  • Indexed for a few more columns to speed up Fetch queries from the Dashboard.
  • Logging more information such as IP Address, username, and tool name (eStudio, Dashboard, CLI etc.) in the logs when an action is initiated by the user.



  • REST Consumer: Responses received with response codes which are not configured under Status will be considered as exceptions and hence an exception message will be sent to the Exception port.


API Management

  • Debugger: Content-Type header of any request can be modified as necessary (previously, default value of text/plain was used).
  • Default Gateway Jetty port numbers are set for all API Gateway Server profiles.
  • Analytics:
    • Metrics in graphs are rounded off to two decimal points.
    • Added Indexes to Analytics tables to improve performance.
  • Developer Portal: Option to configure Backup Server IP Address, in case of HA Servers, in the Developer Portal.
  • Cassandra Port is now configurable.


ESB Dashboard

  • Document Tracking:
    • User Interface changed to show more information on the Application documents page.
    • In the Search tab, clicking the column header sorts all rows in all pages instead of sorting the rows of the active page alone.
  • Higher level category (eg: error) alerts will also be sent if a low level category (eg: info) alert is configured.
  • Single scroll bar for all pages instead of each panel having separate scroll bars.



  • Service Instance: View Referring Applications option of a service instance will show a tree of referring applications as well as remote service instance names. Previously, it showed just application names.



  • For Input and Output schema structures, Expand All/Collapse All options expands/collapses children of the selected node alone. Previously, it used to expand/collapse the entire structure.


Resolved Issues



  • Breakpoints are getting disconnected when there is a network fluctuation.
  • The PeerServerUtility tool is not working with AMS and AGS profiles.
  • Migration: Shared HA Component resources are not getting migrated.
  • Document Tracking:
    • Incorrect order is shown when paging is used.
    • Messages are dropped when there is any issue while inserting into the database.
  • Exception in Enterprise Server error logs when a new microservice is added to a process that is running with its peer servers down.
  • HA:
    • Error in synchronizing Schema Repository when the network is down.
    • Wrong FES URL is shown on peer console after an enterprise server failover.
  • To throw appropriate error when Peer Server is not available during an event process synchronization.
  • The "Route already exists" exception is thrown when an Event Process is stopped and re-launched.
  • API-HA:
    • Projects' status is shown incorrectly in a particular cable-pull-out scenario.
    • Peer server port is shown incorrectly in Aliases configuration after a server failover.
    • Stub microservices are not getting launched when the 'Use connection details from FPS' property is enabled and the secondary FES is active.
  • Error when Backlog policy is activated for custom destinations.
  • CLI: Improper Exceptions are thrown when a wrong connection URL is provided in the properties file.
  • Enterprise server requests are not being handled concurrently by the peer server.
  • Error while activating the microservice low memory policy after suspending it.
  • Thread dump is not displayed for API Gateway Servers.
  • Unable to log onto FES when the password consists of space.
  • Document re-injection fails when documents are re-injected based on the XML/JSON message search.



  • Exception Listener: The microservice should not depend on Document Tracking.
  • HTTP microservices: HTTP microservices reporting Connection Timeout as a request execution error instead of Connection Error.
  • FTPPut: Files are moved to the Error directory before retries are completed.
  • REST Consumer: Hangs after sending a few messages.
  • REST Stub, WS Stub, and Http Stub: Failed request has to be sent to the EXCEPTION port.
  • FTP: Binary files (PDF files, images etc.) are getting corrupted while uploading to an FTP server using the SFTP protocol along with ASCII files.
  • Rest Consumer: Parameters are ignored when the content type is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
  • Web Service Consumer 4.0, WS Stub: UsernameToken security policy is not validating the password.
  • S3 Upload: S3Upload does not carry forward the properties that it has received from the prior microservices.
  • Json Converter: Float values are representing with E-notation while converting.
  • FTP Put: FTPPut stops processing the subsequent messages when a mount location is not accessible.
  • Rest Stub:Unable to process XML data correctly if it has XML declaration.
  • JSON Converter: Unable to convert JSON Array to XML.
  • WS Stub: WSStub should support empty or no SOAPAction header if it has single operation defined.
  • Schema Repository: Relative paths under XML catalog folder are ignored.
  • MQ Series Out: Microservice fails for the UTF-8 CCSID.
  • FTP: In some cases, Connection errors are treated as Request Processing errors.


API Management

  • Debugger: Unable to debug projects when SSL is enabled in the API Gateway Server.
  • Analytics:
    • StoredProcedures failing for less precision values.
    • Scrollbars in Analytics graphs show up too quickly before actual scrolling.
    • Dashboard hangs when a huge amount of analytics data has to be fetched.
    • Deviation in Analytics Data when requests with different base paths are sent to a single project.
    • Failed to show Analytics once the database stops and starts.
    • Analytics stops showing new data if the request has any invalid byte sequences.
    • Display the analytics data only if the user has the viewing permissions on the corresponding Projects.
    • Taking more time to group records from 'temp' tables to 'analytics' tables.
  • Not working as expected when the request has duplicate query parameters.
  • API Projects are not working properly when URL contains special characters.
  • Service CallOut: Should consider "Prefix for Variables" property for template parameters.
  • Policies: 'Generate Token' policy is not working with Oracle, MySql and MSSQL databases.
  • Exception when Add/Remove Element in rules is executed in project resources.


ESB Dashboard

  • Document Tracking: Option to Re-inject Original message from Document Tracking Search window.
  • User is being allowed to navigate beyond the last page size in a specific case.
  • Application version filter is not working in the 'Set Event Filters' window.
  • Thread dump is shown only for the active servers.



  • Unable to launch the CPS (Configuration Property Sheet) of a custom microservice when the package name is changed.



  • Transformation created on port application context is not shown correctly when saved as named configuration and opened in Configuration Repository view.
  • ClassCastException occurs when closing the eMapper editor while multiple editors are open.


Known Issues and Limitations


Known Issues

  • If multiple eStudio clients are connected to the same Enterprise Server and working on the same Event Process, the changes made by one client will not be reflected to the other clients.
  • There is a race condition which under rare circumstances leads to corruption of the Peer Server's PUBSUB database on multiple start/stop events of an Event Process accompanied by multiple failovers of a Shared HA Peer Server. The Peer Server refuses to start after this point. For exact sequence of steps that may lead to this issue, please refer to KB#3273 on the Fiorano Support Portal following the URL
    • Workaround: Clear Peer Server's PUBSUB database manually. The PUBSUB database is present under: $FIORANO_HOME/runtimedata/PeerServers/<PeerProfileName>/FPS/run/PUBSUB.
  • While logging on to eStudio (server on Windows 2012), if the user is not logged in as admin, he/she could get exceptions while connecting to eStudio.The reason is that by default the NTFS file system does not provide necessary Write permissions to a Guest User. And if the default temp file location that java uses falls outside the permissible territory, it results in the aforementioned exceptions.
    • Resolution: The '' property should be set to some location within permissible limits (in server.conf/fes.conf) or the user should be given explicit Write permissions.
  • A Peer Server run as an NT Service under a Domain User account in Windows fails to deploy more microservices after about 75 microservices have already been deployed.
  • JMSIn/JMSOut/JMSRequestor microservices running on a Linux machine cannot connect to a Weblogic server running on a remote Linux machine using the T3 (default) protocol; the HTTP protocol should be used instead.
  • SBW search does not work properly with the MSSQL database when an Event Process name has Japanese characters.
  • SimpleHttp Microservice fails when the length of IP and subnet are different in the system property "http.nonProxyHosts".



  • eStudio:
    • Layouts will not be completely preserved when an Event Process is opened in eStudio and nStudio.
    • Customization of Error Logs and Problems View to show only eStudio-related logs is not supported.
    • Event Processes created prior to SOA 2007 SP4 cannot be imported.
  • eMapper:
    • Option to import an extension is not present.
    • Validation of Types is not present while compiling funclets.
    • EDI and CSV formats are not supported.
  • Feature not supported—Cannot use overloaded java functions for scripts imported from a TMF file.
  • Applications created prior to SOA 2007 SP3 using WS Stub and Http Stub microservices are not compatible with the latest versions.
    • Work around: After importing, reconfigure WS Stub and Http Stub instances.
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