
Versions Compared


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All data present in the 'Monitor' views are refreshed automatically. The 'Configure' views, on the other hand, need to be refreshed manually. For refreshing the 'Configure' view, click on any Configure view and click again on the old configure view. Only the ConfigureFMQServer view present in JMX will be refreshed automatically.


This view helps to modify users. In the Select Action drop-down menu, there are actions such as Add User, Delete Selected Users, Changing Change Password for User, set Maximum Connections per user, Import Users, and Export Users. To use any one of the actions, select the action from the Select Action drop-down menu and click the Go button.


Upon clicking the Go button, a dialog box pops up with certain options. If options if the selected action is Edit Members in Group, select . Click the Add Members option to see the existing members that could be added to the group. Select the users to be removed and click the Remove Members option to remove the selected users from the group.

Figure 10: Editing Group Members


Figure 11: MonitorTopics View


This view allows all actions to be performed on topics such as CreateTopic and DeleteSelectedTopics Create Topic and Delete Selected Topics. The Restart Topics operation restarts a specific Topic destination to apply the changes made to its parameter values. The Shutdown Topics operation shuts down the unwanted Topic destinations.

The Edit Topic Subsystem Properties operation can be used to edit all properties related to a topic destination, whereas, the Edit Topic Subsystem Properties operation can be used to modify similar properties at the global level for all Topics.


By selecting the EditTopicProperties options from the Select Action drop-down menu and clicking the Go button, it is possible to view all properties and their corresponding values. Values with a different background color need to be saved. Once saved, the server needs to be restarted to make them take effect, but if . If the changes are done at the destination level by using the Edit Topic Properties operation, Topic restart alone will get of that particular topic alone is enough to apply the changes effectedA description of the property that is selected is provided at the bottom of the browseroverlay panel. Hover the mouse over the property text box to view the description of the property as a tool-tip. Export Topics and Import Topics can be used to save topics to a standard file as well as to create all of them in a FioranoMQ server that is running. Import Topics and Export Topics can be used only by the 'admin' User.


This view contains the information about existing queues with a summary displayed on the top of the table. The 'Active Queues' mentioned in the summary refers to the queues which contain either a sender or receiver. DeliverableMessages and UndeletedMessages are not updated at regular intervals. To update these values, select all the required queues or invoke and invoke 'Update Selected Queues or ' or 'invoke Update All Queues present ' operation present in the the Select Action drop drop-down menu. Deliverable Messages count is the number of messages yet to be delivered from the Queue, and Undeleted Messages count denotes the number of messages yet to be acknowledged by the Consumer and deleted from the data base. 


The Browse Messages operation can be handy in browsing messages on a selected Queue and view viewing its properties. When 'Browse Messages' operation is invoked, a new dialogue box is popped up to view the Messages and its properties. 


This view allows all operations to be performed on queues such as CreateQueue and DeleteSelectedQueues. One can restart Create Queue and Delete Selected Queues. The Restart Queues operation restarts a specific Queue destination to get apply the parameter changes done on it to get effected using  'Restart Queues' operation. Also, available the 'Shutdown Queues' operation to shut made to its parameter values. The Shutdown Queues operation shuts down the unwanted Queue destinations

'The Edit Queue Properties' can  operation can be used to edit all properties related to a queue destination, whereas, 'the Edit Queue Subsystem Properties'  operation can be used to modify similar properties at the global level for all Queues. 


More information on Destination Level Configurations is available in the Support for Destination Level Configuration section.

By using EditQueueProperties Edit Queue Properties option present under the Select Action drop-down menu it is possible to view all properties and their corresponding values. Values with different background colour need to be saved. Once saved the Server needs to be restarted to make them take effect or if . If the changes are done at the destination level by using the Edit Queue Properties operation, restart alone will get of that particular queue alone is enough to apply the changes effected. Description of each property that is selected is provided at the bottom of the browseroverlay panel. The mouse may be moved over the textbox to view the description of the property. You are notified if any property requires save configuration and server restart was modified. Export Queues and Import Queues can be used to save queues to a standard file as well as to create all of them in a FioranoMQ Server that is running. Import Queues and Export Queues can be used only by the 'admin' User.


By default, the view will show No restrictions on Policies if user had not modified any permission. To modify any particular permission, use the Add Permissions option Permission option present in the Select Action drop-down menu. A pop-up window will appear with properties such as UserName, Destination Name, Positive Permissions, Negative Permissions, and Type of Permission. After all the required values are selected, click the OK button. The modified permissions will be shown in the table.


This view contains information about the properties of the route manager. These are the properties of the individual routes present on the server.

The table displays various properties of the route manager such as MaxTopicBuffer, NumberOfRoutesExistingInServer, MaxCreateSessionTries.

If there are any routes present on the Server, they will be displayed in the Route GUID box. If no routes are present, the message "No routes available in the Server" is displayed on the page.


This view contains all existing durable subscribers listed along with its other relevant information such as Subscription state, the Topic destination it is subscribing to, the deliverable number of messages for each durable Subscriber, the ClientId of the connection, and if it is a Shared Subscriber or not and the number of active consumers under each Shared Subscriber.
A summary is present at the top of this windowtable, denoting the total number of Durable Subscriptions for this instance of FioranoMQ Server. The 'Active Topics' counter is updated based on the number of Topics having Active Durable Subscribers running. The 'Passive Topics' counter is updated for Topics having Passive Durable Subscriptions.

Figure 27: MonitorDurableSubscription view

The Select Action drop down has a single operation, 'Browse Messages' on a Durable Subscriber. 

Figure 28: ConfigureDurableSubscription view


This view contains all durable subscriber names in the form of subscriberID::clientID. Messages can be unsubscribed or purged messages for passive durable subscribers from this view. Any operations involving active durable subscribers throw a warning message.


This view lists all types of connections along with their relevant properties, such as the 'ClientID' of the connection, the 'ClientAddress' which indicates the IP address from which this connection is created, 'Type' of connection, if whether it belongs to PTP or PUBSUB model or an MQTT Connection type, the 'Destinations' column gives the list of destinations that this connection is using in the form of either creating Producers or Consumers, the 'CreationTime', the 'User' credentials used for creating this connection, and the 'Protocol' used, the 'Total PSQSize' and the 'Max PSQSize'. It has two tabs, namely "Connections" and "LPC".

A summary is present at the top of this window table denoting the total number of connections and the under each category, PTP/PUBSUB/Admin connections.

Figure 29: MonitorConnections view

When clicked on each Connection, it displays the following additional Connection Information:

  • Build Number: The build number of the client connection
  • CSPBaseDir: The CSP base directory used for this connection
  • Client ID: The ClientID used by this connection
  • ConnectionStarted: Boolean which indicates whether or not this connection has been started
  • Destinations: The list of destinations that this connection is using
  • Number of Browsers: The number of Browsers created under this connection
  • Number of Consumers: The number of Consumers created under this connection
  • Number of Producers: The number of Producers created under this Connection
  • Runtime Connection Type: The type of client runtime used to create this connection
  • Server Port: The server port to which this Connection is created.
  • Session Count: The number of Sessions created under this Connection
  • Version Number: The FioranoMQ Version number used by the Client Connection.
  • SocketInfoList: The list of sockets used by this connection

Figure 30: ConfigureConnections view


This tab lists all connections which use the LPC protocol.


This view allows the disconnection of a connection based on the clientID.


This view contains information about all the sockets currently open within the Server. The sockets are created for each of the connections made to the server by the clients. The table gives information on Server ports, information about the client, the transport type, IP address of the Server and whether SSL is enabled.



This view lists all those logged into the the loggers used in the FioranoMQ Server. You can ; select any particular log and logger to change its level.

Figure 33: Changing log level of a particular logger


When a particular Mbean is selected, a table overlay panel containing two tabs is displayed with an option to invoke these attributes. The Attributes tab lists all the attributes of the Mbeans along with their values, parameter types and whether a restart of the Server is required for changes to take effect.

Figure 34: Attribute View of JMX

The Operations tab lists all the operations present in that Mbean enabling the User to the Mbean along with their details such as OperationName, Impact, ReturnType, and isRestartRequired (whether a restart of the Server is required for changes to take effect) and an option to invoke these operations.

Figure 35: Operations View of JMX



This The ConfigureAdvancedProperties view contains frequently used properties and their values. For example, the first category, Port Properties contain tab contains the properties RMIBasedJMXServerPort and JettyServer portJettyServerPort. These are the two ports and the JMS Server listening port (which is represented by the property "SocketAcceptorPort" listed in the ConnectionManager__1 tab under the ConectionManager Properties category) need to be unique for running a multiple instances of the server on the same IPAddress. These All of these values can be modified. By default, from FioranoMQ10.2.0 onwards 'ConnectionManager Properties' will have two tabs for MQTT and JMS connection managers, both accepting connections at different ports.

Figure 36: AdvancedProperties View

16. Licenses


This The MonitorLicense view displays information of about all the licenses available. Click the license file name to display the Selecting a license lists its corresponding license information below it.

Figure 37: Licenses

17. SystemProperties


This view lists the all the relevant properties and the corresponding values of the system on which the FioranoMQ Server is hosted. These values cannot be modified through the WMT.


This view contains information about the properties of the Dispatcher Manager and the properties of the Servers to which it dispatches messages. The Server URL drop-down contains the list of server URLs to which the Dispatcher can dispatch messages. On selecting a URL, its properties are displayed on the table as shown in the figure 32.17.

Figure 39: Dispatcher

To Add or Delete a Dispatcher Serveror set a preferred dispatcher server, the appropriate action must be chosen from the Select Action drop-down menu.


This view contains properties related to the HA Servers. When using the StandAlone Server this view shows a message with: The Server you logged in is not running in HA Mode.

If the HA server is running this view displays all relevant properties for HA. Please note that the word 'remote server' means backup server, it can be either of HAPrimary or HASecondary Servers. 


  • View Bridge Attributes
  • Add Link
  • Delete LinkLinks
  • View Link Configuration
  • Edit Link Configuration
  • Add Channel
  • Delete Channels
  • View Channel Configuration


To add a channel to a link, select a link and then click the Select Action drop-down, choose the AddChannel Add Channel action and click the Go button. Following are the parameters present in AddChannel windowoverlay panel:


Specify the source queue parameters.
Default Value:undefined


Specify the target queue parameters.
Default Value:undefined


The name of the channel which is to be added.
Default Value:


The message selector of the source queue. Allows the user to set message selectors for the
source queues which have been linked using bridges.
Default Value:
null - No message selector is used


The name of the queue present in source server which is to be linked by the bridge.
Default Value:
primaryQueue - The name of the queue which the bridge links.


The message selector of the target queue. Allows the user to set message selectors for the
target queues which have been linked using bridges.
Default Value:
null - No message selector is used


The name of the queue present in target server which is to be linked by the bridge.
Default Value:
secondaryQueue - The name of the queue which the bridge links.


  • View Repeater Attributes
  • Show Repeater Info
  • Add Link
  • Delete LinkLinks
  • View Link Configuration
  • Edit Link Configuration
  • Add Link Topic
  • Show Link Topic ConfigurationsConfiguration
  • Remove Link Topic
  • Add Reply Topic
  • Show Reply Topic ConfigurationsConfiguration
  • Remove Reply Topic

Figure 44: StandAloneRepeater


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