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The FPS can be launched from the Windows Start Startup menu or by directly executing a script file.

When the peer server is launched, the enterprise server must be running on the configured a preconfigured machine for successful peer server startup. Please refer to the section Configuring Enterprise and Peer Servers in different Networks for instructions on how to configure the Enterprise Server URL for as a Peer Server. If the Enterprise Server is not reachable by the Peer Server or if it is not running, the Peer Server keeps waiting waits until it can reach the Enterprise Server on a specific connection URL. The Enterprise Server starts successfully when the Peer Server is able to establish a connection with the Enterprise Server.


To start the FPS server with the default profile (profile1), browse go to the location <fiorano_installation_dir>\esb\server\bin and execute the following script below:

Code Block
server.bat/.sh –mode fps

By default, the server starts in FPS mode if the 'mode' argument is not provided, that is, you can use the following scriptspecified. Use the script below to start the fps server:

Code Block


To start the FES server with a specific profile other than the default profile, browse go to the location: <fiorano_installation_dir>\esb\server\bin and execute the following script with the profile option as shown below:


titleUNIX systems

In UNIX systems, servers will by default start in the background mode. Pass the runtime argument –nobackground to the server startup script to run the server in the console mode. If the servers are not to be run in the background mode, modify the file %FIORANO_HOME%/launcher/ so that nobackground=“” is changed to nobackground=“true”.



NT services will have to be re-installed if changes are made to any configuration files. This includes fiorano_vars.bat as well as server.conf files.

To remove FPS as a Windows NT service, run the command:


The FPS can be stopped from the Fiorano eStudio or by directly executing a script file. Shutting down the Peer Server automatically invokes a shutdown hook in the peer server’s JVM which cleans up any clears previous resources and connections used by the server’s JVM.


To shut down the peer server, perform the following actions below:

  1. Open the Server Explorer panel by navigating through to Window > Show View > Other > Fiorano > Server Explorer.
  2. Expand the Peer Repository, right-click the fps node and click Shutdown.

    Figure 1: Shutting down the FPS Server
  • The Peer Server can be shut down only when you are already logged into it.
  • We recommend shutting down using Shut down the peer server using the command line (script files) than from instead of via eStudio (Please refer the section below).


  • Shutdown scripts cannot be used to shutdown both primary and secondary servers running in the shared HA mode simultaneously using a an RMI connection.
  • If HA profiles from previous versions are migrated to current the latest version of the product, these profiles will need to be re-configured to specify BackupRMIServerPort properties to make use of this functionality.

This script can be used to:


  • -user: Name of the User trying to shutdown shutdown the Fiorano server.
  • -passwd: Password of the User trying to shutdown shutdown the Fiorano server.
  • -restart or –r: Restarts the Fiorano Server.
  • -ha: Used to shutdown both active and passive servers running in the HA mode.
  • -mode: mode Mode of the server , that is, (fes or fps). Defaults to The default value is "fps".
  • -url: URL of the active Fiorano Enterprise Server to which the Peer Server has is connected.
  • -fpsname: Fiorano ESB Peer name.
  • -? or –help: Prints help message.


Code Block
titleTo shut down a standalone Peer Server
Code Block
shutdown-server -url tsp_tcp://localhost:1947 -user <UserName> -passwd <Password> -fpsname fps
Code Block
titleTo shut down both active/passive Peer Servers running in the HA mode
Code Block
shutdown-server -url tsp_tcp://localhost:1947 -user <UserName> -passwd <Password>  -fpsname hafps -ha


  • -connectorType: Connection type to server. Pass RMI for shutting down servers using RMI connection.
  • -address: IP Address of server
  • -rmiPort: RMI port of server

If the -ha option is given used to shutdown both the servers of an ha pair, the address and rmiPort options can be specified as either the Primary or the Secondary server. This can be used if not certain of Use this option when it is uncertain which server in the HA pair is the active one.


Code Block
titleTo shut down the Standalone Server
Code Block
shutdown-server -connectorType RMI -user admin-user <UserName> -passwd <Password> -address localhost -rmiPort 2067
Code Block
titleTo shut down both active/passive servers in the HA mode
Code Block
shutdown-server -connectorType RMI -user <UserName> -passwd <Password> -address localhost -rmiPort 2077 -ha


To clear the Peer Server database of the default profile (that is profile1), run the clearDBServer.bat executable file present in the <fiorano_installation_dir>\esb\server\bin folder or browse go to this location and execute the following script below:

Code Block
clearDBServer.bat/.sh –mode fps

The script by default clears the database of the Peer Server if an the "mode" argument mode is not provided.

To clear the Peer Server database of a specific profile (other than the default profile), double-click the clearDBServer.bat file present in the <fiorano_installation_dir>\esb\server\bin folder or browse go to this location and execute the following script with below specifying the profile option as shown belowname:

Code Block
clearDBServer.bat/.sh –mode fps –profile <profilename>

The following operations listed below are available when this script is executed from which you may choose the option of your preference:.

1. File BasedDatastoreClears the local cache of the Peer server.
2. Security DatastoreClears the Peer server 's ACLs (Access Control Lists) and they will be recreated next time . ACLs are recreated when the peer startsserver restarts.
3. Admin Datastore Clears the admin objects , that is, which includes the JMS connection factories queues and topic destinations.
4. Cached Component Store Clears all the cached components stored in the Peer Server‘s runtime storage.
5. AllClears all five of the above.



Ensure that the Peer Server is shut down. If not you will get , a message prompting to do the same shut down of the peer server is generated (as shown in the figure above—"Please shutdown the Fiorano FPS Server")

This script can be executed in Quiet Mode as follows (sample)shown below:

Code Block
clearDBServer.bat -mode fes -profile profile1 -dbPath <DB Directory path> -q 1,2
  • -mode - to clear clears fps or fes runtimedata.
  • -dbPath - runtime data directory for of the profile.
  • -profile - profile name for which runtimedata is to be cleared.
  • -q - to run runs the script in quiet mode.

You can provide comma separated option values Values to the argument can be separated by commas (as shown in the script above sample script). Absence In the absence of an argument leads to , the assuming the default option—option 5 , ALL’. is assigned.

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